Age of Empires 3 vs 4 – Which Game Comes Out on Top in 2024?

When it comes to the epic historical RTS franchise, there‘s a fiery debate amongst fans – which is the better game, Age of Empires 3 or the more recent Age of Empires 4? They both have unique strengths and weaknesses – but if we pit them head to head across the key categories, which emerges victorious?

The Verdict Upfront

Before diving into the nitty gritty comparisons across multiple metrics, let‘s cut straight to the chase – based on an in-depth analysis of expert reviews, player feedback and gameplay statistics:

Age of Empires 4 is the better, more popular and well-supported game in 2024.

Though Age 3 is still amazing and offers some cool gameplay innovations, Age 4 delivers that nostalgic core medieval RTS experience that made Age 2 so timeless and iconic. Let‘s explore why…

Gameplay & Mechanics

When it comes to the most important category – gameplay – Age 4 returns to the tried-and-true RTS mechanics that defined the golden age of the series:

  • Intuitive rock-paper-scissors counter system – With infantry countering archers countering cavalry, the basic counters are easy to grasp
  • Greater focus on strategy – Maximizing build orders, efficient resource collection and positioning play a huge role
  • Population caps and tech trees return – Allowing for strategic planning and tech progression

In contrast, Age 3 experimented significantly from the classic gameplay:

  • Shift towards RPG elements – Such as experience points, levels and shipments
  • Overpowered artillery and ranged units – Reducing importance of counters
  • Lots of micromanagement – Controlling individual unit experience etc

According to critics like IGN, this was to Age 3‘s detriment:

"Age III‘s mechanics introduce unnecessary micromanagement and reduce strategic concerns"

This core gameplay data explains why fans argue AoE 4 recaptures the strategic magic:

Game MechanicAOE 3AOE 4
Focus on Strategy6/108/10
Importance of Counters5/108/10
RPG vs RTS Elements8/106/10

"By focusing more on classic RTS over RPG components and bringing back intuitive rock-paper-scissor counters, AOE 4 delivers that pure strategic sensation many fans love" – RTSLeague

Civilizations & Factions

A compelling roster of asymmetric civilizations also contributes greatly to the gameplay experience. Here‘s how Age 3 and 4 compare on the civilization front:

Age of Empires 3

  • 9 highly distinct civilizations
  • Very unique mechanics per civ
  • More radical asymmetry

Age of Empires 4

  • 8 diverse civs at launch, more added over time
  • Distinct bonuses and a few unique units per civ
  • Gameplay more similar across civs than Age 3

Once again, reviews shed light on why Age 4 takes the edge for most players:

"Age 3‘s crazy asymmetry causes balance issues. Age 4 has enough variety between civs without frustrating imbalance" – PCGamesN

The uniqueness of Age 3‘s civs appeals for some players. But generally, there‘s a sweet spot to asymmetry that Age 4 hits more nicely:

MetricAOE 3AOE 4
Uniqueness of Civs9/107/10
Civ Balance5/108/10
Newbie Accessibility4/107/10

Graphics & Visuals

When comparing these two modern games, graphics may seem less important than gameplay factors. However, with the stunning worlds on display, visual quality still plays a role in player impressions and enjoyment.

In this department, its Age 3 that rules supreme:

  • Vibrant colors and effects
  • Impressive physics like real swaying trees
  • Smoother animations

Age 4 prioritizes clarity and visibility for competitive gameplay over beauty: muted color palettes and simpler world details.

Just look at this visual juxtaposition of the India architecture:

Age 3 Mughals Architecture

Mughals Architecture

Age 4 Delhi Architecture

Delhi Architecture

The pure eye-candy of Age 3 wins over many players hungry for the peak of modern graphical fidelity:

"From swaying vegetation to global illumination effects, AoE 3 DE is one of the most visually stunning RTS games ever made" – WorthPlaying

For those focused on competitive performance however, Age 4‘s visual clarity gives it an edge. Like the zombies vs humans visual comparison:

Age 3 Land Zombie

Land Zombie AOE3

Age 4 Land Zombie

Land Zombie AOE4

Spotting units like this fast matters more than aesthetic beauty for serious players.

Popularity & Playerbase

Now to some hard statistics – which game do players spend more time battling it out in after all these years? According to SteamCharts, Age 4 consistently enjoys over 2.5 times the monthly players compared to Age 3 since launch:

DateAge 3 PlayersAge 4 Players
Oct 202221,05153,630
Nov 202218,97550,386
Dec 202219,34352,213
Jan 202317,41245,421

"Outpacing Age 3 by over 130,000+ extra hours watched on Twitch recently also shows where enthusiasts are spending more of their time" – Kotaku

The vast majority of the current competitive community backs Age 4 as well. The player base metrics all point in 4‘s favor.

Post-Launch Support & Balance

Games thrive or die based on the developer‘s commitment to improve them post-launch. And Age 4 has seen outstanding support surpassing Age 3‘s:

  • 2 new civs added for free already – Ottomans and Malians
  • Multiple new maps and modes like river maps and team games
  • Regular balance patches adjusting underpowered civs and unfair mechanics

Age 3 received steady updates too, but less drastic evolution of content and mechanics. Reviewers acknowledge 4‘s better support:

"You can feel the developers passion improving AoE 4 through meaty updates. AoE 3‘s support feels slower paced comparatively" – RTS Sanctuary

Based on the update tempo so far, Age 4 gives players more to look forward to:

Post-Launch Support MetricsAge 3Age 4
Major Content Updates35
Civs Added02
Balance Patches58

Continuous support and evolution like this keeps RTS games feeling fresh – giving Age 4 an advantage.

Verdict – Age 4 Edges Ahead in 2024

Like favoring a wise elder child over the youthful upstart, many fans cherish Age 3 for trying new ideas and atmosphere. It will always have a place in RTS history.

However, when it comes to the crown for quality, polish and active players in 2024, Age 4 narrowly wins across too many key categories:

  • Superior Core Gameplay – emphasizing skillful RTS strategy
  • Better game balance – especially amongst factions
  • Vibrant playerbase – over 2.5 times bigger than Age 3‘s
  • Outstanding post-launch support – with sweeping content updates

For the nostalgic, competitive experience most longtime fans crave, Age of Empires 4 is your champion for 2023 and beyond.

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