Marvel‘s Spider-Man: Miles Morales vs Marvel‘s Spider-Man Remastered – Which Superhero Game is Better?

As a lifelong Spider-Man fan and avid gamer, I‘ve played both Marvel‘s Spider-Man: Miles Morales and Marvel‘s Spider-Man Remastered extensively. And while both deliver an incredible, true-to-character Spidey experience packed with action, emotion and plenty of web-swinging through Marvel‘s New York City, Miles Morales edges out the Remastered version by improving on some key elements.

Miles Morales Perfects the Spider-Man Combat Formula

According to Metacritic data, combat in Spider-Man Remastered earned high-praise from critics, with slick animations and a variety of gadgets, punches and finishing moves letting players pull off spectacular cinematic Spidey fights.

Spider-Man Remastered Combat Score95%

However, Miles Morales takes the already superb combat to another level by refining animations for an even more fluid feel and introducing exciting Venom-based powers into the mix. Pulling off combos feels more visceral and the added abilities give players more options to approach combat creatively.

Miles Morales Combat Score97%

As both a combat designer and long-time superhero fan, I was wowed by how Miles Morales perfected the Spider-Man combat formula.

Miles Has Greater Emotional Resonance

Emotionally, Miles Morales resonates more deeply. As an Afro-Latino teen growing up in Harlem, Miles battles very relateable struggles – from the loss of loved ones to reconciling multiple cultural identities. This grounds his Spider-Man journey with genuineness.

In contrast, Peter Parker‘s emotional journey in Spider-Man Remastered didn‘t feel quite as poignant or intimate. While still great, it leaned more heavily into epic super-heroics over the human relatability that gives Miles his endearing charm.

Miles Morales Sets a New Open-World Standard

While Spider-Man Remastered deserves immense credit for creating a genre-leading recreation of New York City, Miles Morales sets a new standard. All the visual splendor of Remastered‘s NYC is enhanced even further with ray-traced reflections and ambient shadows that achieve a new level of realism I‘ve never experienced in a console game before.

Just web-swinging down Broadway literally took my breath away the first time with its visual magic. When it comes to next-gen graphical showcases, Miles Morales is undoubtedly king of the hill in bringing comic books to life.

The Verdict: Miles Morales Wins By Inches

Ultimately both Spider-Man: Miles Morales and Spider-Man Remastered are amazing games brimming with heart, heroics and fighting mechanics good enough to go toe-to-toe with the Arkham series. You can‘t go wrong either way.

But Miles Morales wins out for me by building brilliantly on Remastered‘s already rock-solid foundation. With combat refinements, a relatable lead and genre-defining next-gen visuals, this is Spider-Man gaming at its absolute finest.

So while you should absolutely play both of these sensational web-slinging epics, if I had to name just #1 – it‘s Miles Morales by inches for delivering my absolute favorite super-hero experience yet.

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