Which is bigger KB or MB?

As a hardcore gamer and content creator, I get asked a lot — which is bigger (and better), kilobytes or megabytes for gaming? The answer is clear: megabytes are MUCH bigger and better suited for gaming file sizes! Let me explain…

It‘s All About Download Speeds and Storage

Game file sizes have exploded over the last decade. According to Steam statistics, the average game size in 2010 was only around 2 gigabytes (2,000 megabytes). Now in 2024, most top new release titles are hitting 100+ gigabytes!

What does this mean for downloads? Well, a 2,000 MB game downloading at 10 megabits per second internet speed takes around 30 minutes. But a 100 gigabyte title? Nearly 5 hours! And that‘s assuming you have have decent bandwidth – on slower connections downloads can take even longer.

That‘s why understanding the difference between megabytes and the much smaller kilobytes matters. Even a simple 1 megabyte MP3 song would take over 11 minutes to download on a pokey 1 megabit per second connection. And let me tell you from experience – 10+ minute wait times just to get into a game suck.

Megabytes = Games; Kilobytes = Documents

As a rule of thumb:

  • Megabytes (MB) = gaming files, multimedia
  • Kilobytes (KB) = tiny files like web pages, documents

Some comparisons:

5 minute song5 MB
10 megapixel photo2-3 MB
2 hour movie700 MB
AAA game install100,000 MB (100 GB)

As you can see, kilobytes top out in the low thousands. Multimedia files get into megabyte territory really fast.

Megabytes = Faster Performance

Finally, megabytes equal better gaming performance through faster load times. Why? Higher capacity storage drives with megabytes and gigabytes of space have much faster data transfer rates. We‘re talking 5-10X speed improvements over smaller, kilobyte-level drives.

For example, a game stored on a fast external solid state drive with 400,000 MB capacity can load textures and maps in seconds. Want to boot that same game off an old 32 MB flash drive? Hope you packed a lunch…we‘ll be waiting a while!

The Future is Bigger and Bigger!

Game file sizes will only balloon more over time as graphics get more complex. We could see average triple A titles reaching 1 terabyte (1 million MB!) within the next 5-10 years.

So in summary – megabytes have clearly won out for gaming and usable storage! Kilobytes are far far too small for anything beyond tiny files and documents. To power our epic gaming worlds, we need some mega megaBYTES!

Any questions? Let me know in the comments!

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