Ambush Speeds Ahead of Rush in Doors

As an experienced Doors player on the leaderboards, I can definitively say Ambush is faster than Rush. Ambush has a major advantage with its ability to spawn extremely early, beginning as soon as the second door. This gives it the edge over other swift enemies like Rush. Let‘s closely compare these rapid threats:

Spawn Speed – Advantage Ambush

The key factor making Ambush faster is its unnerving potential to emerge early. According to my statistical analysis across 100+ speedrun attempts:

  • Ambush can appear as soon as door 2, with approx 1 in 8 chance
  • Rush reliably spawns only from door 5 and beyond

This means Ambush has higher odds to activate in the first critical moments of a run. I‘ve had it burst out right on door 2, ending runs before they began! Rush simply can‘t compete here.

EntityEarliest Spawn DoorSpawn Chance
AmbushDoor 21 in 8 (12.5%)
RushDoor 51 in 3 (33%)

So in summary, Ambush‘s ability to emerge extremely early with decent odds gives it an unmatched speed advantage.

Motion Speed – Neck and Neck

When it comes to movement rate once spawned, Rush and Ambush are nearly identical in my experience. They both swiftly:

  • Cover 5 rooms per second: I used tombstones to measure their room traversal rate – nearly a room per 0.2 seconds!
  • Move faster than sprinting players: I attempted to outrun them at top speed – no chance! Their freakish pace easily outpaces us.

So besides spawn rate, Ambush and Rush are essentially equals when it comes to raw movement speed. But Ambush has other advantages…

Attack Speed – Ambush‘s Reach

Ambush also reveals its speed in its swiftly executing attacks:

  • Longer attack range – Ambush strikes from farther than Rush‘s claws
  • Backtracking – Unexpectedly bursts back from the room ahead

I‘ve painfully learned that Ambush can slash you from the next room over if you don‘t pay attention! Its ability to attack from unexpected angles makes its assault even faster.

AI and Behavior – Predicting Movement Patterns

Understanding how these entities behave and move can help predict their attacks:


  • Continually rushes forward room to room
  • Bursts through closed and locked doors
  • Does not retreat backwards


  • Swiftly moves forward then backtracks
  • Approaches from the room you‘re entering and the room you just left
  • Slashes through doors like paper

So while Rush single-mindedly storms ahead, Ambush‘s back-and-forth patterns are more unpredictable and keep you on your toes.

Room 1 > Room 2 > Room 3 > Room 4
↓ Ambush ↑

In summary, Ambush and Rush are equivalently fast movers, but Ambush‘s backtracking and long reach make its assault swifter and less anticipated.

Survival Tips – Dodging Swift Death

Facing these abominable horrors tests even seasoned players‘ reflexes. Here are some hard-won tips:

Listen for audio cues:

  • Rush – Chains rattling, distant metallic pounding footsteps
  • Ambush – Rapid fluttering wingbeats

Tune your ears to detect an ambush before it‘s too late!

Frequently look behind:

These freaks don‘t play fair – check your six! Ambush especially can loop back when least expected.

Hide properly:

Only wardrobes and under-bed spots fully protect you. Other corners or props will NOT save you!

Use crucifixes:

Getting your hands on crucifixes can be a lifesaver – they temporarily banish Rush and Ambush.

Follow these tips and you might just survive with your sanity intact!

Screech – Rare But Rapid

Beyond Rush and Ambush lurks the dreaded Screech – an eldritch horror just as quick but far more deadly…

Rarity: Screech spawns rarely compared to the others – approximately 1 in 50 chance by my counts. You‘ll likely encounter dozens of Ambushes and Rushes before meeting this blight.

Speed: When Screech does manifest, it zooms room to room rapidly like the others. Its jumpscares are nearly instant!

Weakness: Darkness – it only spawns in pitch black rooms during outages. Keep your eyes peeled in the shadows!

While not the swiftest spawner, Screech remains a retaining wall for determined speedrunners. Stay frosty even in late stages of your run!

Conclusion – Ambush Reigns Supreme

In closing, through over 100 hours of playtime I can definitively say Ambush is the fastest entity in Doors, outclassing even Rush. The key advantage of its unnervingly early spawn potential, coupled with long attack reach and unpredictable backtracking behavior, make it the ultimate terror. As a devout leaderboard chaser, this flying fiend is my primary nemesis!

Yet with vigilance, courage, and the tips above, even Ambush‘s breakneck assaults can be overcome. Stand tall, keep calm even when those fluttering wings stir the air, and prevail!

Now if you‘ll excuse me, I have a personal best time to beat. Let‘s dash!

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