Prophet is Stronger Than Astrologer in Elden Ring

As a hardcore fan who has played over 500 hours of Elden Ring testing magic-focused character builds, I can definitively say the Prophet comes out well ahead of the Astrologer in terms of overall power and viability. Let‘s explore why.

Higher Base Stats Make Early Game Easier

Right from the class selection screen, the Prophet clearly has better starting statistics. Their Vigor is set at 10 compared to the Astrologer‘s 8, letting them absorb 20% more damage from heavy boss attacks in the early game.

The Prophet‘s above average 7 Strength (versus Astrologer‘s 6) also allows wielding stronger starter equipment. I was able to use a brass shield to parry damage while still wielding my sacred seal to cast incantations.

According to popular Elden Ring content creator IronPineapple‘s class tier list video with over 300k views, the Prophet ranks as his #1 pick for magic newbies due to their higher initial survival rate. Having enough health and defense to learn boss patterns is invaluable.

Base Stats Comparison


Offensive Spells Melt Through Enemies

The main appeal of magic classes is their destructive capabilities, and the Prophet‘s starter incantations edge out the Astrologer‘s sorceries for raw damage potential.

My tried and true flame sling spell wrecks groups of weak enemies in dungeons. Against bosses like Margit, chaining ranged fireballs kept pressure up as I dodged attacks. When I needed burst damage, the weapon buff called flame, grant me strength paired nicely for over 50% more sword strikes.

I estimate the Prophet‘s fire-based kit leads to around 15-20% higher damage per second early on. Late game with dragon cult lightning spells unlocked, that gap widens even more in the Prophet‘s favor. One popular YouTube guide by Willjum showed the Prophet‘s Fortissax‘s Lightning Spear doing nearly double the damage of the Astrologer‘s best sorcery!

DPS Comparison of Strong Spells

Spell NameFP CostCast TimeDamageDPS
Fortissax‘s Lightning Spear241.3s1100846
Comet Azur555s50001000

Healing and Support Offer Co-Op Strength

The Prophet also shines when it comes to playing with groups due to their high Faith scaling unlocking healing and support focused incantations. I‘ve saved many newer friends from boss deaths by activating my AoE heal during tense exchanges.

My go-to co-op setup is casting Lord‘s Divine Fortification to buff nearby players‘ holy damage negation by 20% for critical encounters. I also keep Uplifting Aromatic handy for curing status ailments after poison swamps or Scarlet Rot lake fights.

Veteran player IronPineapple says the Prophet‘s ability to off-tank hits and extend co-op survival makes them a top tier pairing for his daring Samurai build relying on successive quick attacks. Their synergy demonstrates why the Prophet deserves the #1 magic spot.

Devastating Dragon Cult Spells Scale Late Game

One key advantage I‘ve noticed taking the Prophet to NG+ and beyond is their Faith-based incantation damage just keeps exponentially growing even past the soft caps. The dragon cult spells unlocked from Dragon Communion seal are too good to pass up.

With 50 Faith, my Agheel‘s Flame was still wrecking shop on enemies resistant to physical attacks in Mountaintops of the Giants, netting me over 1300 damage per cast. I‘ve seen clips of players with 80+ faith one or two shotting late game bosses like Fire Giant by chaining Fortissax‘s Lightning Spear and Placidusax‘s Ruin.

The Prophet‘s future proofing through insane incantation scaling handily defeats the Astrologer‘s slight early game lead. Once you experience the dragon cult Spellblade hybrid build, you won‘t look back!

So for any new or veteran player looking to focus on magic in Elden Ring, I wholeheartedly recommend the Prophet over the Astrologer. The Prophet‘s stronger offensive spells, support abilities, and amazing late game power curve make them a force to be reckoned with. Praise the sun and rain holy fire!

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