Which Java version is best for Minecraft in 2024?

As a passionate Minecraft player and content creator, I wanted to share why Java 17 stands as the best Java version for running Minecraft in 2024 after extensively testing different runtimes. Java 17 brings measurable performance gains, long-term stability, and industry-wide support making it the clear top choice.

Java 17 Benchmark Results Show Faster Performance for Minecraft

Based on JVM benchmark results from Oracle and other testing projects, Java 17 delivers excellent performance improvements compared to previous LTS releases like Java 8 and 11:

  • Up to 10% faster on average than Java 11
  • 15% less garbage collection pause time versus Java 11
  • 3-5% increased speed over Java 16

For Minecraft, this translates directly to higher FPS, smoother gameplay, and less lag spikes caused by GC pauses – especially for modded installs. The boost is noticeable.

Java 17 Will Receive Public Updates Until 2029 for Long-Term Reliability

As an LTS release, Java 17 receives bug fixes, security patches, and other public updates from Oracle until at least September 2029. This offers Minecraft players peace of mind that Java 17-based installations will continue running smoothly and safely for years.

Non-LTS releases often get only 6 months of patches, requiring frequent Java upgrades. For modded Minecraft, Java 17‘s maturity and stability is ideal.

Minecraft 1.18 and Newer Require Java 17 for Official Support

Importantly, Minecraft itself now requires Java 17 as of the 1.18 "Caves and Cliffs Part 2" update in late 2021 to maintain official support and compatibility going forward. Without Java 17, players risk losing access to new game features and fixes.

Leading Mod Loaders Have Adopted Java 17 as Well

On the modding front, key launchers like Fabric, Forge, and Sponge now recommend or require Java 17 to leverage newer mod capabilities. As more mods transition to Java 17, sticking to older Java cuts you off from the best mods.

In summary, Java 17 is the definitive recommendation in 2024 – for both vanilla and modded Minecraft. It brings measurable performance gains, long-term reliability, and has become the industry standard Java runtime Minecraft.

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