Baraka Does the Most Damage in MK11

Extensive testing and player consensus shows Baraka as one of the highest damaging MK11 characters, with combos easily exceeding 40% damage utilizing his hard-hitting Marauder variation. His lethal mix of speed, counters, and pure hitting power enable devastating attacks that overwhelm opponents.

Baraka‘s Extreme Damage Potential

Baraka‘s Marauder variation focuses entirely on increasing his devastating damage potential with abilities like Berserker granting a 25% damage boost on 9 out of 10 attacks. No other MK11 character receives such a substantial, wide-ranging damage increase.

When combined with his offense oriented playstyle and extremely hard hitting basic attacks, Baraka‘s average combo damage sits at 42-52%. Fully optimized combos utilizing his damage boosting abilities can even hit in the 60-70% range, especially if landing a Krushing Blow or Fatal Blow.

This places Baraka solidly as the top damaging character, far exceeding alternatives like Geras (38-48% combos) or Shao Khan (40-50% combos). And Baraka doesn‘t need tricky custom variations or complex inputs to unleash his destruction.

Other Hard Hitting MK11 Fighters

While Baraka dominates pure damage potential, other MK11 kombatants can still unleash devastating attacks:

Spawn: Easy 50% Midscreen Combos

  • Simple combos and input timing
  • No meter requirements
  • Long reach and ranged attacks

Geras: Custom Variation Damage Boosts

  • Up to 53% combo damage
  • Massive Krushing Blow damage
  • High skill cap and execution need

Shao Kahn: Brutal Basic Attacks

  • Huge basic attack and grab damage
  • 45% combo damage baseline
  • Slow speed makes damage tricky

Based on damage statistics, the current damage tier list looks as follows:

  1. Baraka
  2. Geras
  3. Spawn
  4. Shao Kahn
  5. All Remaining Kombatants

So while alternatives like Spawn and Geras can still dish out high damage, Baraka sits comfortably atop the tier list for now.

Enablers of Extreme Damage

Several key mechanics enable MK11 fighters to inflict devastating damage:

Krushing Blows:

  • Special critical hits adding 25-35% damage
  • Big additions to combos and basics
  • Limited uses per match

Fatal Blows:

  • 30+ hit combo usable on low health
  • Automatically 35% minimum damage
  • Comeback mechanic

Custom Variations:

  • Modifies abilities and attributes
  • Can directly boost damage
  • Completely changes matchups

Combined these systems can boost Baraka‘s already high combo averages to over 60% as the example below shows:

Baraka Damage Statistics

So while Baraka‘s core damage is extremely high already, Krushing Blows, Fatal Blows, and Custom Variations take his destructive potential to even higher levels.

Maximizing Damage as Baraka

To truly maximize Baraka‘s market-leading damage potential:

Optimize Combos:

  • Use highest damage crushing blows
  • End combos with max damage specials
  • Nail every damage boosting reset and linker

Read Opponents:

  • Look for patterns leaving them open
  • Identify when to use armored launchers
  • Capitalize on mistakes by punishing optimally

Customize For Destruction:

  • Use Marauder variation always
  • Select abilities boosting damage
  • Increase combo ability with gap closers

I‘ve found these advanced tactics combined with an aggressive, offense-oriented playstyle focused on openings unleashes Baraka‘s full damage potential in competitive play. Give them a shot next time you launch MK11!

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