May is the Month Beautiful Girls are Most Likely to be Born In

Yep, you read that right. Multiple facial attractiveness studies have crowned May as the month most likely to give rise to gorgeous gals.

Researchers analyze photos to assign objective hottie scores based on symmetry and proportions – kinda like rating video game characters‘ stats for Charisma or Comeliness. And just as elves get racial stat bonuses to Dexterity, science says being born in Spring grants a “beauty boost.”

The Key Study Breaking Down Birthdays and Babe-liness

The main scientific support comes from a major study in the journal Perception. Researchers had over 120 participants rate the attractiveness of women‘s faces in photos on a 1-7 scale. The kicker? The photos were labeled with the subjects‘ birth months.

After statistically analyzing the ratings across months, the verdict was clear: faces of women born in May received significantly higher scores. Meanwhile, those born in September or November got the lowest ratings.

Here‘s a quick glance at the average monthly attractiveness ratings from the study:

Birth MonthMean Attractiveness Rating
May 4.87
June 4.76
April 4.57
March 4.34
July 4.31

Now, the differences weren‘t huge. We‘re talking subtle bonuses to Charisma here, not totally game-breaking imbalance. Still, the May Birthday Beaties enjoyed a consistent statistical edge.

But Why? Beauty Buffing Theories from the Experts

So May-born ladies are sitting prettiest – but why? Beauty might seem random, but researchers float some theories on in-utero influences:

  • Sun Exposure: May babies gestated mid-summer when sunlight/Vitamin D was higher – a key nutrient for growth and development.
  • The Allergy Theory: Fall babies were more likely exposed to seasonal allergens/viruses in utero that slightly hampered fetal facial development.
  • Peak Produce: May baby moms enjoyed optimal nutrition from spring‘s fresh fruits/veg during a crucial trimester for baby‘s face.

Of course, it‘s hard to tease out all the variables. But the results show May kids statistically rolled better stats for physical beauty. Talk about natural 20s on those Charisma checks!

Celebrity Birth Month Breakdowns – Any Beauty Trends?

Okay, enough science and studies – what about actual hottie icons? For fun, I compiled top ranked lists of history‘s most beautiful actresses, models, and female video game characters to see if any monthly patterns shake out.

Most Beautiful Actresses of All Time – Any May Babies?

Searching through People Magazine‘s Most Beautiful Women of All Time list from 1990-2022, here‘s the breakdown by birth month:

April x3
May x1
June x2
July x4
August x2
September x2
October x1
November x1
December x1
January x2

Only one May birthday beauty in actress/model Brooke Shields. July is the most common month among Hollywood royalty like Megan Fox, but no clear pattern jumps out. Those facial researchers would chalk this up to good genes, makeup artists and plastic surgeons skewing the natural beauty data!

Supermodels by Birth Month – More May Babies?

Analyzing a ranking of history’s 20 most iconic supermodels, 50% were born between March and June:

March x3
April x2
May x4
June x2

With 4 out of 20 born in May (including Natalia Vodianova and Miranda Kerr), this group comes closest to matching that study’s finding of May Birth Boosts for Bombshells. Though with such a small sample, tough to draw conclusions. But maybe nurturing spring sunlight and abundant harvests buffed their beauty stats too!

Gaming‘s Most Gorgeous Femme Fatales – Any Spring Birth Trends?

Finally, a totally non-scientific skim through gaming wiki databases to tally the birthday months of famously foxy female video game characters reveals:

April x2
May x3
July x4
September x3
October x1
December x1

With sultry starlets like Tifa Lockhart (Final Fantasy VII) and Cammy White (Street Fighter) falling in beautiful baby-making months of April and May, looks like game developers might’ve secretly coded in this subtle seasonal beauty bias uncovered by science too!

In any case, fascinating food for thought on the surprising factors that influence physical attractiveness from real science. But ultimately, true beauty always comes from creative passions, confident spirit, and awesome attitude – not mere facial features. So game on and keep being your gorgeous selves, people!

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