Roadhog Boasts the Largest Health Pool in Overwatch at 700 HP

As a highly experienced Overwatch player and content creator, I can definitively say that Roadhog stands supreme with 700 base health – the absolute maximum in the game. Roadhog‘s staggering health total and self-sustain abilities enable him to play as an aggressive, threatening Tank unmatched by his peers.

Let‘s closely analyze Roadhog‘s health and why no other hero comes close:

Breaking Down Roadhog‘s Health & Abilities

  • 700 Base Health: As a Tank without any barriers, Roadhog‘s raw health pool is a massive 700 HP by default, the #1 health total in Overwatch
  • Take a Breather (300 HP): Roadhog‘s self-heal ability allows him to restore 300 missing health on a short 8 second cooldown
  • No Armor/Shields: Roadhog‘s health pool consists entirely of normal damageable health

When you combine Roadhog‘s abilities with his 700 base HP, he has an effective health pool of 1000 HP between normal health and self-healing.

Roadhog is reliant on this huge personal health total in order to play aggressively as a Tank.

Roadhog‘s Health vs. Other Tanks

How does Roadhog‘s health compare against other Tank heroes?

  • Reinhardt – 550 total health (300 normal, 250 armor)
  • Winston – 600 health (500 normal health, 100 armor)
  • D.Va – 600 total health (150 normal health, 450 armor)

As you can see, Roadhog‘s 700 HP base health pool massively outmatches his fellow Tanks by over 100 HP!

The next section covers why Roadhog needs such a large health total and how he utilizes it effectively.

How Roadhog Leverages His Massive Health Pool

As a hero reliant on his abilities and damage rather than barriers or shields, Roadhog depends on his colossal health bar in the following ways:

  • His huge health pool enables him to play aggressively and push into enemies using his damage and threats
  • Self-healing with Take a Breather allows Roadhog to sustain himself without external healing
  • 700 base HP feeds support ultimate charges by taking lots of damage
  • Forces enemies to focus fire Roadhog due to his disruption and kill threat potential

In many ways, Roadhog‘s entire bruiser playstyle rotates around his health as his main resource. Few other heroes can rival his sheer sustainability in a fight.

Countering Roadhog‘s Large Health Total

Of course, Roadhog‘s biggest strength can also be targeted as his critical weakness:

  • Sombra‘s EMP instantly removes 300 health from Take a Breather‘s healing ability
  • Ana‘s Biotic Grenade blocks all self-healing, cutting off Roadhog‘s sustain
  • Focus Fire Damage – Sustained damage from Reaper, Junkrat, Bastion, or Pharah melts Roadhog faster than he can heal
  • Crowd Control effects like McCree‘s Flashbang or Mei‘s Freeze prevent him from healing

So while Roadhog may boast Overwatch‘s largest health pool, he can still be countered with the right focus fire, crowd control, and anti-heal abilities.

Overall, Roadhog‘s 700 health stands unrivaled as #1 in Overwatch, enabling him to function as an aggressive, damage-dealing Tank. No other hero can compete with his raw health total and self-sustain capabilities. Pay attention to these health-based strengths and weaknesses when facing Roadhog in your next match!

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