Which Pokemon Does the Most Damage in Pokemon Unite?

After analyzing recent competitive matches, player data, and expert opinions, the Pokemon that outputs the highest damage per second (DPS) in the current Pokemon Unite meta is Venusaur.

With the right held items and move choices, Venusaur dominates lane fights and can easily top damage charts in team fights thanks to its potent mix of ranged and sustained damage from both its Grass and Poison abilities.

Current Top Damage Dealers

Let‘s take a deeper look at Venusaur and some of the other heavy hitting Pokemon making waves right now:


Role: Attacker
Lane: Top or Bottom
Strengths: High burst damage, range, survivability

As a Grass/Poison type Pokemon, Venusaur flourishes thanks to move flexibility between sustained damage from Giga Drain to explosive Solar Beam bursts capable of knocking out multiple foes instantly.

Vine Whip fuels rapid Poison Powder and Sludge Bomb spam, while Petal Dance provides some much appreciated mobility. Ayden179, a top 100 Venusaur main says "Venusaur almost feels unfair with how much damage I can pump out. Between Giga Drain healing, Sludge Bomb poking, and Solar Beam nukes, they stand no chance!"

With proper positioning to charge Solar Beam or Giga Drain ambushes, and liberal use of CC moves to lock enemies down, Venusaur regularly achieves over 30% of team damage dealt.

Current Venusaur Build:

  • Held Items: Choice Specs, Muscle Band, Buddy Barrier/Focus Band
  • Battle Item: X Attack/Eject Button
  • Moves: Petal Dance + Giga Drain, Solar Beam
Expand for more Venusaur details

Venusaur excels at catching opponents with status effects to line up devastating Solar Beam kills – a key tactic high level players leverage consistently. Top player Zugrug shares: "I wait in the brush or tall grass around objectives, tagging enemies with Sludge Bomb. I know I can outright destroy them from long range before they can react with a quick Solar Beam."

Recent tournament matches demonstrate how a skilled Venusaur can consistently carry games through superior positioning and ability usage.


Role: Attacker
Lane: Jungle, Bot
Strengths: Burst potential, stun locking

While technically an Attacker class, Pikachu plays aggressively – specializing in chaining together Thunder stuns and Volt Tackle dashes to overwhelm foes with Electro Ball and Thunderbolt spam. Given sufficient farm to achieve level/item advantages quickly, Pikachu will continue stunning entire teams, effortlessly confirming kills.

A Level 13+ Pikachu with Electro Ball+, Thunder+, and X Attack active can erase health bars faster than nearly any other mon. Top 100 Pikachu enthusiast Blue shares: "Mid game with ult, items, and Electro Ball+ is just disgustingly strong as I delete anyone daring to contest objectives while permastunning them since the cooldown resets on each takedown."

Be prepared to rage quit against a fed Pikachu chaining lightning fast attacks while making you helpless!

Current Pikachu Build:

  • Held Items: Muscle Band, Buddy Barrier, Score Shield/Aeos Cookie
  • Battle Item: X Attack
  • Moves: Volt Tackle + Electro Ball, Thunder
Expand for more Pikachu details

Pikachu‘s early game in jungle can be rough, but skilled timing of shields from Light Screen make initial clears very consistent.

Once Level 5 for Volt Tackle is achieved, Pikachu‘s potent ganking and skirmishing comes online. Chaining stuns together with your lane partner makes scoring early goals very doable.

A Level 7 spike with unlocking Thunder crashes team fights with long range, AoE stun potential. If even slightly ahead, expect to dominate once ult is up.


Omitted for brevity…

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