Which PS3 Serial Numbers are Backwards Compatible in 2024?

As an avid retro gamer and content creator focused on all things PlayStation, one of the most common questions I receive is: "Which PS3 models can play my favorite PS2 games?"

It‘s a great question, because original PlayStation 3 consoles included full hardware-based backwards compatibility for PS2 discs. This enabled gamers to enjoy incredible PS2 exclusives like Shadow of the Colossus, God Hand, and many more on new HDMI-capable systems.

However, later PS3 revisions removed hardware elements like the "Emotion Engine" CPU and "Graphics Synthesizer" GPU required for compatibility. By 2009, support for PS2 discs was stripped entirely, leaving many gamers disappointed.

But fear not! Select original 60GB and 20GB "fat" PS3 consoles with 4 USB ports retain full PS2 backwards compatibility to this day.

In this deep dive, I‘ll cut through the confusion by examining PS3 hardware revisions, component changes, and exactly how to identify a backwards compatible model in 2024. Let‘s begin!

The Breakdown: PS3 Models and Backwards Compatibility

First, it helps to understand the different PS3 models and their compatibility capabilities:

ModelBackwards CompatibilityKey Details
Original 60GB:white_check_mark: Full hardware support4 USB ports, CECHAxx model no.
Original 20GB:white_check_mark: Full hardware support4 USB ports, CECHBxx model no. Early units only!
Later 60/80GB Revisions:x: Compatibility removedHardware changes stripped PS2 support
All Slim & Super Slim models:x: No compatibilityCost-reduced models never had support

As the table shows, only launch 60GB and 20GB PS3 consoles are guaranteed to play PS2 discs. Later hardware revisions began removing key components like the PS2 CPU and GPU in 2007 and 2008.

By 2009, all models lost support entirely as Sony focused on price reductions and reliability. We‘ll examine why the changes happened later on.

First, let‘s explore how to accurately identify an elusive, fully backwards compatible launch model!

Identifying a Backwards Compatible PS3 in 2024

With compatibility stripped completely by 2012, finding a PS3 that can play PS2 titles is no easy task in 2024. Out of over 87.4 million units sold, only ~11% of fat PS3s retain PS2 support.

Thankfully, there are a few quick physical checks to determine if your PS3 has the requisite components:

Check the USB Ports

All PS2 backwards compatible PS3 consoles contain 4 USB ports on the front. Later models reduced this number to 2 ports to cut costs. If you see 4 USBs, you‘re on the right track:

[Insert photo of 4 USB ports]

Four USB ports indicate potential backwards compatibility

However, not all 4 USB port models retained support:

ModelUSB PortsPS2 Compatible?
60GB Launch (CECHAxx)4:white_check_mark: Yes
60GB 2nd revision (CECHCxx)4:x: No
80GB Metal Gear Solid edition4:white_check_mark: Yes*

*80GB MGS models lost compatibility in early 2009

As the table shows, later hardware revisions removed compatibility while retaining 4 USB ports to cut costs. We‘ll examine these changes shortly.

Check for Black Disc Tray Inset

Fully backwards compatible systems contain dedicated hardware to insert and read PlayStation 2 discs.

This manifested as a black disc tray inset, versus the cost-reduced silver disc trays:

[Photo showing black inset]

Black disc tray inset on original 60GB PS3

See the difference? Black insets play PS2 discs, while flat silver trays do not.

Avoid CECHGxx, CECHHxx, CECHJxx Models

Finally, the model number prefix indicates PS2 support. Avoid models starting with:

  • CECHGxx – Partial software emulation removed in later updates
  • CECHHxx and CECHJxx – Emulation never included

Stick to early CECHAxx and CECHBxx models for guaranteed hardware compatibility.

Why Did Sony Remove Backwards Compatibility?

Given the passion gamers have for older titles, why did Sony rapidly remove compatibility from 2006 to 2009? Cost.

Including the Emotion Engine CPU and Graphics Synthesizer GPU ballooned manufacturing expenses. Sony reportedly lost $300+ per 60GB PS3 sold.

With the console struggling against the cheaper Xbox 360, Sony made sweeping changes:

  • Removed Emotion Engine CPU after 11/06 launches
  • Stripped Graphics Synthesizer in 2008 cost-reduced models
  • Shut down hardware backwards compatibility for all models by April 2009

This allowed cost-effective PS3 production while ending billion dollar yearly losses. Consumer ire was intense, but Sony deemed the financial factors too significant.

The result? Dwindling backwards compatible PS3 stock as models failed or were discarded. Let‘s examine what few remain.

Hunting for Backwards Compatible Models in 2024

Given the dwindling stock, where can you still find an elusive backwards compatible PS3 in 2024?

  • Check local classifieds and Facebook Marketplace listings in your area. Be prepared to move quickly if a coveted CECHAxx or CECHBxx model appears. Expect to pay a premium above standard used rates given scarcity.

  • Try independent retro gaming stores in your area. Brick and mortar shops may have original models in stock from bulk purchases or trade-ins. Call around and ask if compatible models are available.

  • Check seller refurbisher sites like Backwards Compatible. Larger operations like this often receive batches of PS2-compatible models from defunct arcade/game stores that closed.

  • Search eBay regularly. Sort by newly listed and be ready to buy if you spot a compatible model at a fair price. Stocks sell out fast!

I suggest bookmarking searches across platforms to be notified on potential backwards compatible system hits each day. While finding one locally is ideal given fragility, a carefully shipped unit can be a great option as well.

Identifying Authentic Backwards Compatible PS3 Listings

Unfortunately, the scarcity of working backwards compatible PS3 consoles has led to an uptick in scams. From fake listings to modified photos, buyers must be vigilant.

Follow these tips to avoid bunk listings:

  • Thoroughly examine all photos. Check for 4 USB ports, black disc tray inset, and model numbers starting with CECHAxx or CECHBxx. One deceptive trick is showing older-style controller ports. Ensure you see shots of the actual system front and back.

  • Ask for additional photos if needed. Don‘t be afraid to request shots of the serial number, USB ports, or disc tray to validate compatibility before buying or making an offer. Authentic sellers will gladly provide.

  • Test extensively on arrival. When your system arrives, thoroughly test PS2 game discs from different genres to verify stability and performance. Also check console temps and fan noise, as early PS3 reliability was mixed.

Following these guidelines will help you avoid disappointment and identify the best backwards compatible model available.

Enjoy Your PS2 Classics on PS3!

Hopefully this guide has answered the question of which PS3 serial numbers retain coveted PlayStation 2 backwards compatibility in 2024. I aimed to provide a comprehensive look at model differences, hardware changes, identification tips, where to shop, and avoiding pitfalls.

As a passionate gamer who relishes PS2 classics to this day, I‘m thrilled those with working CECHAxx and CECHBxx models can enjoy timeless titles for years to come. May your hunt for a compatible system prove fruitful!

Do you still play PS2 games on PS3 in 2024? Are there any must-play titles you‘d recommend? Let me know in the comments below!

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