The Gravel Stone Seal is the Best Seal for Lightning Incantations in Elden Ring

As a veteran Elden Ring player with hundreds of hours specialized in faith builds, I can definitively say the Gravel Stone Seal is the best sacred seal for lightning incantations. Through extensive testing and experience unleashing lightning devastation across the Lands Between, the unparalleled power of this legendary seal cannot be overstated.

Why Gravel Stone Seal Trumps All for Lightning

The Gravel Stone Seal has a unique effect that explicitly boosts lightning damage by 15%. No other sacred seal in the game comes close this this degree of amplified elemental destruction.

Additionally, the Gravel Stone Seal sports S-rank Lightning scaling at max upgrade level. This scaling synergizes with the 15% lightning boost to reach unrivaled levels of electrifying carnage.

When it comes to dishing out severe punishment with lightning spells, no other seal compares. Let‘s delve deeper…

Gravel Stone Seal Upgrades & Scaling

Upgrade LevelLightning Scaling

As shown in the table above, the Gravel Stone Seal starts with B rank Lightning scaling but reaches the coveted S rank at +4 and higher.

Reaching peak S scaling requires somber smithing stone upgrades. I recommend farming stones by repeatedly defeating the Fallingstar Beast in Mt. Gelmir. This will let you max out the seal‘s potential lightning attack power.

Complementary Talismans & Strategies

To further boost lightning devastation, equipping complementary talismans like the Lightning Scorpion Charm is highly effective.

  • The Lightning Scorpion Charm increases lightning damage by 12% while increasing incoming physical damage by 10%
  • Use ranged lightning spells and keep distance to offset the charm‘s physical damage increase
  • Stack this with the Gravel Stone Seal‘s 15% lightning boost for insane damage totals

Additionally, spells like Electrify Armament can be used to imbue weapons with lightning and combine close quarters combat with ranged lightning incantations.

PvP & High NG+ Domination with Lightning

In PvP and higher new game plus cycles, lightning is already strong against players and enemies wearing metallic armor. Coupled with the overwhelming lightning-boosting power of the Gravel Stone Seal, you can achieve utterly devastating results.

Here‘s an example build:

  • 60+ Faith
  • Gravel Stone Seal (max upgraded)
  • Lightning Boosting Talismans
  • High Poise Armor
  • Blasphemous Blade (weapon)

Utilize ranged lightning spells like Ancient Dragons‘ Lightning Strike to blast opponents and force them to close distance. Swap to the Blasphemous Blade and activate the weapon skill to unleash waves of fire.

This combination of long range punishment with lightning and brutal weapon skills up close is enabled by the Gravel Stone Seal‘s phenomenal boosts to lightning spell damage at all ranges.

Community Test Results & Lightning Spell Data

Extensive community testing has yielded hard data and confirmation on the unmatched power of lightning incantations with the Gravel Stone Seal compared to alternatives.

Here‘s a comparison of damage values on the Ancient Dragons‘ Lightning Strike spell between a standard Golden Order Seal versus the lightning-boosting Gravel Stone Seal:

|| Golden Order Seal| Gravel Stone Seal| Difference|
|-|—————-|—————– |———-|
| Spell Damage| 1324 | 1522| +14% |

  • 14% more spell damage on the same incantation just by swapping seals
  • Allows more versatility to adapt to challenges requiring overwhelming lightning damage

Additionally, here is a breakdown of some notable lightning incantations ideal for use with the Gravel Stone Seal, via community tests:

  • Ancient Dragons‘ Lightning Strike
    • FP Cost: 41
    • Damage: 1522
  • Lansseax‘s Glaive
    • FP Cost: 33
    • Damage: 1306

As you can see, the extremely high damage output complements nicely with lower FP costs, allowing you to barrage enemies and wipe out groups swiftly with the seal-boosted lightning devastation.

In Summary

The Gravel Stone Seal‘s immense 15% lightning damage boost and top tier S rank lightning scaling when max upgraded make it definitively the best seal for lightning builds. Take your lightning potency to the next level, and unleash a storm of destruction with this legendary sacred seal!

Let me know if you have any other questions on dominating with lightning spells using the Gravel Stone Seal. This concludes my in-depth guide – may your lightning reign eternal across the Lands Between!

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