Which Skyrim DLC to play first?

As a passionate Skyrim player and content creator myself, I cannot recommend Dawnguard enough as the best DLC to kick off your adventures in Skyrim. Dawnguard transports you into a vampire crisis plaguing Skyrim, pitting you in the war between the Dawnguard order and Volkihar vampire clan across 20+ new quests.

The Vampire Lord form offered is an absolute game-changer, transforming you into a blood magic wielding beast capable of overwhelming foes while expanding build variety. With perk upgrades, you can summon allies, become immune to sunlight, or gain night vision and stealth detection. It completely changes up your playstyle.

If you prefer playing the noble hero route protecting Skyrim‘s people, joining the Dawnguard instead provides access to powerful new weapons like dragonbone crossbows, Rune Hammers, and more to combat this undead menace.

No matter which faction you ally with, Dawnguard kicks off your Skyrim adventure with a thrilling and varied 20+ hour DLC campaign filled with meaningful choices that shouldn‘t be missed.

Solstheim and Dragon Riding Awaits in Dragonborn

For the second expansion, I recommend Dragonborn which transports the Dragonborn to the ash-covered island of Solstheim with around 15 major new quests to partake in.

You‘ll uncover long lost Shouts used by the original Dragonborn masters and defeat cultists led by the mysterious First Dragonborn named Miraak. The ability to tame and ride dragons, soaring across Skyrim mounted atop your lethal new companions, feels like a glorious bookend to your own Dragonborn‘s adventures and proven mastery over all Dovah.

Relax with Hearthfire – Design Your Dream Skyrim Home

For whenever you need a creative break wandering Skyrim‘s wilds, indulge in Hearthfire and its extensive home building tools. With over 100 decorations available, you have staggering customization at your fingertips to construct not just the ultimate player headquarters but also design a beloved family homestead by adopting up to two children.

It‘s incredibly heartwarming coming back from an intense quest to hear my kids eagerly greet me while my spouse fixes up dinner – this personal touch makes all that mining stone and chopping firewood for construction truly seem worthwhile.

So in summary for newer Dragonborn players asking the best way to experience Skyrim, I strongly endorse playing the major expansions in the order of Dawnguard → Dragonborn → Hearthfire. But don’t just take my word for it – journey forth and discover the incredible new adventures awaiting in Skyrim‘s DLCs! Just be wary of any sudden vampire attacks…

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