The Locus Sniper Rifle Has the Fastest ADS for Quick Scoping in COD Mobile

Hands down, the sniper rifle with the fastest aim down sight (ADS) speed in Call of Duty Mobile is the Locus, making it the undisputed king when it comes to quick scoping. Across extensive in-game testing from top CODM pros and analysts, the Locus consistently has the quickest time transitioning from hip fire to aiming down sights – crucial for the split-second reaction times needed to excel at quick scoping.

What Makes the Locus So Fast: Key Stats and Attachments

Let‘s break down why exactly the Locus blows away the ADS speeds of other CODM snipers:

Base Stats

StatLocusAverage Sniper
Base ADS Speed401ms520ms
Sprint-In ADS Speed491ms611ms

Right off the bat, the Locus‘ base aim down sight speed sits far below that of average sniper rifles in CODM. Making the Locus even more lethal is the top tier "Sprint-In" ADS time, which measures ADS speed directly from sprinting. At under 500ms, you can scope in and accurately fire the Locus almost instantly from full sprint.

Recommended Attachments to Maximize ADS Speed

To really crank Locus‘ ADS potential to the limit, top players recommend these attachments:

  • MIP Light Barrel (Short) – Boosts ADS speed significantly
  • Tac Laser – Further improve ADS time at the cost of visible laser
  • Granulated Grip Tape – Marginal improvement to ADS speed
  • YKM Light Stock – Increase movement and ADS speed

YouTube creator Bobby Plays tested this precise Locus build and achieved blazing 196ms ADS times in his gameplay – insanely fast!

Clearly the unique base stats paired with ADS-focused attachments makes the Locus peerless regarding quick scope reaction time.

Outlaw – A Close 2nd Place for ADS Speed

While the Locus sits alone atop the quickscoping world, one sniper rifle comes quite close regarding ADS speeds: the Outlaw.

Backed by its solid base stats and key ammo choice, a properly equipped Outlaw puts up ADS numbers near that of even the mighty Locus. Based on Bobby‘s testing, this Outlaw configuration hit 207ms aim down sight speed:

  • .300 Mag 5 Round Reload
  • OWC Laser – Tactical
  • Granulated Grip Tape

So while the Outlaw lags just ever so slightly behind the Locus in reaction time, it represents the next best option for hardcore quickscopers desiring blistering ADS.

Mastering ADS Speed For Better Quick Scopes

Now that you‘re locked and loaded with the Locus or Outlaw built for max ADS potential, let‘s get into key tips for fully utilizing that hair-trigger speed to get better at quick scoping:

Fine-tune Your Sensitivity

Having your scope sensitivity aligned with your reaction time is vital. Too slow, and you can’t swiftly track targets. Too fast, and micro adjustments become near impossible. Run offline drills while systematically bumping up sensitivity until hitting the optimal level that feels natural.

Predict Enemy Movements

Efficient quick scoping relies heavily on anticipation. Learn typical enemy paths on maps and pre-aim favored angles as you traverse. Mastering this predictive, cerebral element will have you scoping right on target more often.

Optimize Positioning

Certain terrain allows you to leverage your ADS speed more effectively. Find elevated overwatch positions with long sightlines across objectives. Close off angles on your flanks whenever possible. This shrinks required scan area and sets up prime quick scoping real estate.

Refine Your Flick Shots

Quick scoping well requires quickly flicking to targets after fast ADS. Use large hip fire motions on bigger adjustments, then subtly align with micro wrist movements. Drill this flick shooting process until muscly memory takes over.

Through relentless training with these tips, your new lightning-fast Locus or Outlaw will steadily rack up the highlight reel quick scopes!

There you have it – an in-depth profile on the clear-cut fastest ADS sniper rifle in CODM for quick scoping: the Locus. When equipped and mastered properly, no other gun allows for reaction shots quite as rapid. Now get out there, fine tune your build, and start blazing ADS speeds towards some sick quick scope clips!

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