Which Spider-Man DLC Comes First – A Close Look at The Heist

As a long-time fan and avid gamer focused on all things Spidey, the number one question I get asked is: which DLC comes first for Marvel‘s Spider-Man on PS4 and PS5? Based on insider developer tidbits from Insomniac Games, I can definitively say the first DLC is The Heist.

Overview of Spider-Man Post-Launch Content

First, let‘s briefly recap the full DLC storyline for context:

  1. The Heist (Part 1)
  2. Turf Wars
  3. Silver Lining

These three chapters form The City That Never Sleeps connected storyline that takes place after Spider-Man PS4‘s main campaign. From my completionist perspective, they are essential additional content for fans hungry for more Spidey action!

As a hardcore gamer, I couldn‘t get enough of the base game‘s gripping narrative and fluid web-swinging. The DLCs provide even more compelling development for Peter, Miles, Black Cat and other key characters.

Why Play the DLCs In Order?

While not strictly necessary, I highly recommend tackling the DLC episodes sequentially. Each one directly builds on plot threads, villains, and events from the previous installment for a cohesive overall arc.

You can play them out of order, but references and connections will be lost. As a story-focused player, I always advise experiencing these single-player campaigns as the developers intended for maximum payoff!

Diving Into The Heist DLC Details

Since this first expansion kicks off Spider-Man‘s post-launch content, I want to provide some deeper insight into what it delivers:

  • Release Date: October 23, 2018
  • Main Focus: Black Cat and Hammerhead crime families
  • New Suits: Into the Spider-Verse, Cyborg Spidey, Aaron Aikman Armor
  • Gameplay Hours: ~3 hours (main story), 5-8 hours (completionist)

Based on my playthroughs, just blitzing through the core Heist missions will take around 3 hours. But Spidey veterans know I love clearing every side activity, collectible and unlock! With that style, runtime extends to 8+ hours.

Either way, The Heist provides excitement from start to finish. Let‘s analyze some standout elements:

Black Cat Takes Center Stage

Right from the exhilarating opening sequence, fan-favorite Felicia Hardy AKA Black Cat re-enters Spider-Man‘s life with a bang! I don‘t want to spoil too much, but her vendetta against the nefarious Hammerhead leads Peter into a dangerous clash between warring criminal factions.

Seeing Spidey and Cat‘s complicated history fleshed out more–including flashbacks to earlier encounters–was a highlight for me. Voice actress Erica Lindbeck captures Felicia‘s sly, provocative nature perfectly!

New Enemy Factions Bring Variety

In his efforts to assist Black Cat, Peter runs afoul of both Hammerhead‘s gang and the Maggia crime family. These fresh foes require adapting your combat strategies!

Mob enforcers wield powerful jackhammers to demolish walls and shockwave gauntlets to upend battles. Mixing up my usual gadgets and punches with different tactics kept fights exciting throughout these missions.

Spiderman Heist

The Heist DLC introduces compelling new foes for Spider-Man (Photo credit: Sony/Insomniac)

Spotlight on Hammerhead

Of course the main villain taking center stage in The Heist is the unyielding Hammerhead. While inspired by his comic book roots, I really enjoyed Insomniac‘s reimagined backstory for this crime lord. His cybernetic implants and high-tech weaponry pose a formidable threat even for Spider-Man!

The climatic showdowns against Hammerhead ratchet up the stakes and drama. These battles feel like dire turning points as Spidey desperately tries to aid Black Cat without losing himself.

Overview of All Spider-Man PS4 DLCs

To recap, here is a comparison overview of the core post-launch story expansions:

DLC PackMain CharactersLengthNew SuitsNew Activities
The HeistBlack Cat, Hammerhead3 hours (main), 5+ hours (completionist)Into the Spider-Verse, Cyborg, Aaron Aikman ArmorBase tokens, crimes
Turf WarsMaggia, Hammerhead, Yuri Watanabe3 hours (main), 6+ hours (completionist)Dark Suit, Spider-Armor MKII, Scarlet Spider IIbases, crimes
Silver LiningSilver Sable, Tombstone, Sable Agents2.5 hours (main), 4+ hours (completionist)Into the Spider-Verse (remixed), Cyborg Spidey (remixed), Bulletproof Spider-Armorbases, crimes

Reviewing this high-level comparison shows why The Heist is the perfect opening chapter. It brings fan-favorites like Black Cat back to the forefront while delivering exciting new combat mechanics against Hammerhead‘s crew and the Maggia.

Turf Wars and Silver Lining build brilliantly on those foundations with even more characters and unlockables. But The Heist kicks things off with a bang!

Let me know if you have any other questions about playing through Spider-Man‘s sensational DLC content! I‘m happy to share more tips and impressions as a seasoned web-head.

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