Minecraft Bedrock Edition is Undoubtedly the Best Version for Nintendo Switch

As an avid Minecraft gamer and content creator, I receive many queries on which Minecraft edition Switch owners should get. And I confidently recommend Minecraft Bedrock Edition as the ideal version for Nintendo‘s hybrid console. Developed in C++ for better performance across devices, Bedrock just shines on the Switch portable and docked.

Prominence of the Bedrock Edition

While veteran PC gamers may still favor the original Java edition, Minecraft Bedrock has grown to become the definitive Minecraft experience for most players. According to latest gaming industry reports, over 75% of active Minecraft monthly users are on Bedrock. This widespread user base underscores why Mojang now focuses optimization efforts on improving Bedrock over legacy Java.

And Bedrock edition dominates the console space, available on Xbox, PlayStation, and of course Nintendo Switch. Even as worlds merge with the much-anticipated Minecraft 1.18 update, Mojang has indicated no plans to bring Java edition to consoles. "We have no intentions to port Java edition to consoles" remarked developer Agnes Larsson. So for Switch gaming, Bedrock remains the only definitive Minecraft edition now and for the foreseeable future.

Minecraft Java EditionMinecraft Bedrock Edition
Release Year20092011
Original PC gameCross-platform engine
Written inJava programming languageC++ programming language
PerformanceHigher overhead, relies on PC specsOptimized for mobile chips
Rendering EngineUses LWJGL frameworkCustom in-house engine
Mod SupportNearly unlimited with Java modsLimited to Marketplace add-ons
MultiplayerOnline servers only with other PC playersFull crossplay between all Bedrock platforms

Why Bedrock Edition is Ideal for Nintendo Switch

As an owner of both a gaming desktop PC and Nintendo Switch myself, I‘ve extensibly played Minecraft on Java and Bedrock engines across multiple platforms. And the Switch truly shines with Minecraft Bedrock edition.

Nintendo‘s custom Tegra system-on-chip in the Switch utilizes a weaker ARM-based CPU but more capable GPU. This makes it ideal for highly-threaded games that utilize the graphics subsystem more efficiently. And that aptly characterizes Minecraft Bedrock, custom built by Mojang Studios in C++ to leverage the OpenGL ES API preferred in mobile chipsets like Nvidia‘s Tegra X1.

Several tech journalists have examined Minecraft Switch performance in depth. Windows Central benchmarked render distance on a range of devices from iPhone to PS5, rating the Switch version highly. Reviewer Jez Corden summarized "I don‘t think I‘ve experienced slowdown; it feels surprisingly optimized…"

My own gameplay comparing Bedrock on PC and Switch mirrors these hands-on assessments. World generation is smooth, with none of the notorious ladder lag Java players suffer in busy maps. Frame pacing appears consistent in crowded mob scenes where even beastly PCs could see dips. And seeing the game retain responsiveness while undocked is a massive testament to Mojang‘s performance work. No wonder the Nintendo eShop page has gushing Switch player reviews!

"It feels like this edition was made for the Switch", writes reviewer LuckRequired. This perfectly matches my experience of Bedrock fitting like a glove for Nintendo‘s platform.

Cross-Platform Fun

A frequently overlooked perk of the Bedrock platform is its oonline multiplayer via Xbox Live. I‘ve enjoyed playing with friends who own Minecraft on Xbox One, iPhone and Windows 10 PCs. Since we‘re all on Bedrock, servers and mini-games welcome our cross-device party without hassle. Java purists miss out on this unified play.

Microsoft even allows Switch gamers to create free Xbox Live profiles to access Minecraft Marketplace content from other devices. And with Nintendo Switch Online, visiting massive servers like Hypixel (in supported country regions) offers limitless multiplayer excitement. Rating site Game DB awarded Minecraft on Switch 10/10 for its online features.

Caves & Cliffs Update Support

Mojang‘s powerful render dragon graphics engine powering Minecraft Bedrock also ensures the Switch can handle complex upcoming updates like Caves & Cliffs parts 1 and 2. New cave biomes with lush vegetation, atmospheric fog effects, and intricate cave formations push graphic demands further.

But optimized Bedrock handles these ambitious visuals without compromising responsive gameplay. Seeing the jaw-dropping new terrain generation running smoothly even on mob-filled maps again demonstrates why Bedrock edition is exemplary for Nintendo‘s platform. Early testing confirms Minecraft version 1.18 performs great on Switch backed by render dragon optimizations absent in rigid Java.

Tips for Getting Started

If you‘re booting up Minecraft on Nintendo Switch for the first time, do brush up on some Bedrock mechanics that may differ from what veteran Java fans expect on PC:

  • Redstone component behavior has subtle differences requiring re-learning circuits
  • The off-hand slot allows for dual item/weapon wielding
  • Crouching on edges no longer protects from falling damage
  • No F3 debug screen or coordinates display available

Besides these adjustments from Java habits, playing Minecraft on Switch is intuitive. The native home button backing out suspends gameplay nicely like other Switch titles. Joy-Con controllers map weapon attacks, mining and crafting conveniently to buttons. And the portability alongside full-fat features rivals the most addictive action RPGs on Nintendo‘s store.


For Nintendo Switch gamers keen to craft, build and thrive in the versatile world of Minecraft, Minecraft Bedrock Edition is absolutely worth your dollars. As the lone version officially supporting Nintendo‘s popular platform into the future, Bedrock offers multiplayer cross-play absent in isolated PC Java worlds. And the optimized game engine singificantly outperforms expectation for buttery smooth gameplay even on such a portable device.

I confidently crown Minecraft Bedrock Edition as the definitive edition for Nintendo Switch owners. Install it from the eShop and enjoy one of the most polished, content-packed third party experiences that feels tailor-made for the hardware. You won‘t regret bringing Minecraft flavor on-the-go thanks to superb Mojang development for Switch.

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