PS4 Jailbreak in 2024 – Which Firmwares Can Be Hacked?

As an avid gamer and industry insider, I get asked this question a lot – exactly which PS4 models and firmware versions can hacked in 2024? With over 120 million consoles sold, there‘s huge interest in jailbreaking!

Let‘s cut to the chase:

PS4 Jailbreak Summary

Console VariantsHackable Firmware
Original PS4 (CUH-XXXX)9.00 or lower
PS4 Slim (CUH-XXXX)9.00 or lower
PS4 Pro (CUH-XXXX)9.00 or lower

As you can see, the sweet spot spans all PlayStation 4 generations – as long as your firmware falls at version 9.00 or earlier, jailbreaking is within reach in 2024!

Why Jailbreak Your PS4?

Now I expect some of you may be wondering…why bother jailbreaking my PS4 at all?

Fair question! While hacking your console does carry some risks, the rewards can be downright exhilarating for us gamers. Just look at what you gain:

  • Play your entire game library for FREE
  • Access sweet cheats and trainers in single-player
  • Install fan-made mods and custom content
  • Emulate retro titles like GameCube and Wii games
  • Expand abilities beyond what Sony permits

For tech-savvy PlayStation fans, it opens up a world of possibilities! Based on forum chatter I‘ve seen, the community enthusiasm for jailbreaking remains incredibly high entering 2023.

In fact DigiTimes estimates up to 15% of active PS4 consoles may be jailbroken within the next two years. From a business lens, this poses an interesting quandary for Sony. But for us gamers? Pure fun!

Risks to Consider

Of course with great power comes great responsibility. So before you rush off to mod your console, please understand the core jailbreak dangers:

  • Permanent PlayStation Network bans – Running jailbroken consoles online results in near instant loss of your PSN account
  • Voiding your PS4 warranty – Hardware/software defects after hacking won‘t be covered by Sony
  • Console bricking – If done improperly, jailbreaking can "brick" and destroy your PS4
  • Lack of access to newer games – Most mods only work properly on firmware 9.00 or earlier

Based on reports, an estimated 4-7% of jailbreak attempts still result in bricked consoles. So it‘s smart to backup your data beforehand!

However bugs in the jailbreaking process are steadily declining thanks to the incredible work done by homebrew developers. The tools and ease-of-use have improved markedly since the PlayStation 4‘s launch.

In fact, someEstimate up to 70% of modders face no major technical issues whatsoever when handling the software side correctly. Still, nothing is guaranteed, so caution remains advised.

How Does PS4 Jailbreaking Actually Work?

But just how do hackers manage to bypass Sony‘s security layers and restrictions at a technical level? Fantastic question young padawan!

The process leverages something called "firmware exploits" – holes or bugs that exist in the PS4 operating system code. Similar to jailbreaking an iPhone, these low-level software vulnerabilities provide a gateway to customization.

Exploits allow modders to run outside code and make radical changes to how the console functions. It‘s quite technical, but let me try explaining at a high-level based on my software engineering background:

  1. Find exploitable bugs that let you escalate system privileges
  2. Trigger execution of jailbreak "payload" hacks via the exploit
  3. Payload hacks do the actual modification work under the hood
  4. Console restrictions lifted – enjoy your jailbroken PS4!

Of course finding fresh exploits is extremely challenging with Sony regularly patching things up. Only the PlayStation 4 firmware versions in that earlier table can still be jailbroken in 2024.

In many cases hackers spend months probing systems just to find potential weaknesses. It‘s a game of cat and mouse with Sony upping security every firmware release.

But based on the talented homebrew community‘s track record so far, I remain hopeful new jailbreak bypasses emerge! Fingers crossed guys.

Alright, let‘s get into actually jailbreaking your console. I realize there‘s a ton of misinformation and confusion out there on the process. So I want to definitively clear that up by outlining what‘s involved across 4 simple steps:

How to Jailbreak Your PS4 in 4 Steps

  1. Check your PS4 firmware version – On your home screen, go to Settings > System to view firmware. Must show 9.00 or earlier.
  2. Download jailbreak files – Sites like provide the latest jailbreak kits for all PS4 models. Grab the right one.
  3. Enter Safe Mode – Fully shutdown PS4. Hold power button down again until second beep ~7 seconds. Connect USB install device.
  4. Run exploit and install firmware hacks – Follow jailbreak instructions to trigger system bugs and flash custom firmware. Enjoy!

Assuming you nail each step correctly and use reputable jailbreak sources, things are quite smooth. Just be ultra careful during initial firmware installation. This is where most issues or bricking tends to happen if you disconnect at the wrong time.

Oh and however tempting it may be, please don‘t connect your hacked PS4 online or años from now your grandkids will still be cursed by decade-long PSN bans. I‘m mostly kidding here, but seriously don‘t do it!

Alright, we‘ve covered a ton so far. Let‘s get into the meaty stuff…

Comparing PlayStation 4 Jailbreaks

Now as we discussed up top, all modern PlayStation 4 variats – whether original, Slim or PlayStation 4 Pro – can be jailbroken the same if firmware 9.00 or lower.

But I want to touch on the hardware and software differences between PS4 generations, assess the latest state of jailbreaking for each, and drill into the pros and cons you should weigh.

PlayStation 4 (Original)

Kicking things off with the OG PlayStation 4 first released in 2013.


  • 500GB Base Storage
  • 1.6 TFLOP GPU
  • x86-64 AMD Processor

Jailbreak Summary

  • Earliest console so most exploits exist
  • 9.00 firmware hack very stable
  • Low bricking risk ~3%

Original models are quite straightforward to hack thanks to longer standing tools, mods and seasoned console jailbreaking expertise. Just stay cautious during initial flashing steps and you‘ll likely be golden!

PlayStation 4 Slim

Next up, the 2015 PS4 Slim redesign. Sony shrunk things down into a tidy little box!


  • 16nm FinFET SoC
  • 1 TB Storage Options Added
  • 40% Lighter and Thinner

Jailbreak Summary

  • Hacks equally feasible as launch models
  • Same exploits apply
  • Slightly higher 5% bricking risk

Despite the hardware refresh, hackers confirm jailbreak fundamentals are unchanged on PS4 Slim. Just stick to reputable mod sources for rock-solid stability.

PlayStation 4 Pro

Lastly the 2016 souped up PlayStation 4 Pro with 4K support. Sony went all-in on performance!


  • 4.2 TFLOP Polaris GPU
  • Added 1TB Storage Configs
  • Native 4K Gaming Resolution

Jailbreak Summary

  • Identical hacking approach as other variants
  • Can enable further performance boosting mods
  • Average 5-7% bricking risk

Given the shared x86 console architecture, standard jailbreaking procedures apply equally on PS4 Pro. Though with extra horsepower, advanced options like game texture and graphics mods become possible for those seeking optimal visual fidelity!

And that wraps up our complete analysis on PlayStation 4 jailbreaking! Let‘s recap key learnings:

  • All PS4 variants can be jailbroken on firmware 9.00 or lower
  • Gives awesome new abilities, but risks bans and stability issues
  • Requires technical expertise – missteps can brick consoles
  • Entering Safe Mode critical first step to install hacks

I hope this guide helps set proper expectations for those considering PS4 mods and custom firmware. Please jailbreak responsibly my friends 🙂 And drop any outstanding questions below!

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