Watch Dogs 2 – The Crown Jewel of the Series

Ask any Watch Dogs fan which is the best game in Ubisoft‘s hacking franchise, and the overwhelming response will be Watch Dogs 2. The vibrant, colorful and innovative sequel leaves its predecessor and follow-up in the dust on almost all fronts.

Dissecting Why Fans and Critics Love Watch Dogs 2

Let‘s dig deeper into the key factors that make Watch Dogs 2 a benchmark for the entire franchise:

Hacktivist Heroes Who Feel Like Family

Unlike the first game‘s brooding vigiliante Aiden Pearce, WD2 lets you step into the shoes of the affable and brilliant hacker Marcus Holloway. Marcus brings both personality and principles to the table as he exposes sinister secrets about the fictional Blume corporation.

But what really hooks fans emotionally is Marcus‘ companions – the tight-knit hacker group Dedsec. This diverse crew comprising Wrench, Sitara, Josh and Horatio feel like family, exchanging both lighthearted jokes and touching moments. Critics widely praised WD2‘s shift to these likeable underdog heroes fighting corporate monopoly through non-violent hacking.

A Vibrant, Stimulating Representation of Bay Area

The drab, gloomy cityscape of the first Watch Dogs made way for a far more inviting environment in WD2. Ubisoft did a magnificent job in capturing the essence of San Francisco and the Bay Area, right down to iconic landmarks like the Golden Gate bridge.

The urban canvas explodes with color, street culture and stylistic architecture. Traversing the city whether on foot or in quirky vehicles like the clown-themed rickshaw van feels genuinely fun. From Oakland‘s hacker-spaces to Silicon Valley‘s corporate offices, every locale adds distinct character and vibrance rarely seen in open world games.

Hacking Reaches Its Peak Creative Potential

Being a master hacker has never felt as fulfilling as it does in Watch Dogs 2. Ubisoft doubled down on the core infiltration and hacking gameplay loops, introducing ingenious gadgets like the aerial drone and cute remote-controlled car. Unlocking security systems with these felt like solving intricate, satisfying puzzles. New mechanics like manipulating infrastructure, controlling vehicles or hacking robots showcase how creative hacking systems can feel.

Couple this hacking creativity with a potpourri of fun missions, and it becomes abundantly clear why critics loved WD2‘s gameplay innovations. PC Gamer [1] rated it an impressive 90/100 and called it "a sandbox of elaboration and depth".

Delightful Side Content Adds Replay Value

Beyond the main operations, Marcus and Dedsec can indulge in loads of stimulating side activities peppered across the Bay Area map. These provide delightful breaks between story missions – whether it‘s partaking death-defying motocross races, hunting down dangerous bounty targets or engaging in wacky fight clubs.

WD2 doubles down on these optional missions, ensuring something surprising round every corner. Few games can match the quantity and quality of such stimulating side content that can easily stretch playtimes beyond 50+ hours.

Statistical Comparison Between Watch Dogs Games

Let‘s crunch some numbers to reinforce WD2‘s dominance over others in the franchise:

GameOpencritic ScoreHow Long to Beat (Main Story)How Long to Beat (Completionist)
Watch Dogs 17617 hours 43 hours
Watch Dogs 2 8315 hours57 hours
Watch Dogs Legion76 16 hours 50 hours

As evident, Watch Dogs 2 stands several notches above its prequel and sequel interms of critical reception, length of main questline, and hours of optional content for completionists.

What About Other Watch Dogs Games?

I‘ve sung plenty of praises for Watch Dogs 2. But let‘s be fair – the other two games have their moments of brilliance too.

The First Game Still Stands Out in Some Aspects

The first entry lays the foundation for the rest of the series, leveraging the unique premise of hacking in an open world city rife with crime and corruption. Some areas where Watch Dogs 1 thrives:

  • A gritty, gloomy ambience that feels mysteriously enigmatic
  • A classic tale of seeking vigilante vengeance
  • Densely packed urban environment brimming with activity
  • Introduction of iconic hacking gameplay elements

So for fans who prefer a dark, serious tone and troubled loner hero, the first game delivers in spades despite feeling dated today.

Watch Dogs Legion Lets You Build a Resistance

The third part of the franchise brings with it a few creative touches, such as the unique play-as-anyone mechanic of building a motely crue of resistance fighters against the authoritarian regime controlling London. Other strengths of Legion include:

  • Stunning next-gen visuals and life-like environment
  • Innovative system to recruit and control any NPC
  • Intriguing dystopian storyline
  • Plethora of non-lethal weaponry and hacking tools

So while Legion doesn‘t quite eclipse Watch Dogs 2, it deserves merit for bringing ambitious new mechanics into the formula within beautifully-rendered cityscapes.

When the credits rolled on Watch Dogs 2, I knew this was a special game that reached greater heights than what came before or after. Ubisoft learned from criticisms of the first, doubling down on the sequel‘s strengths – relatable heros, stellar open world, creative hacking and oodles of fun side activities.

Marcus Holloway and his Dedsec squad represent the franchise‘s finest hours with their infectious charm and humor. The Bay Area vibrantly pulses with technological marvels, subversive culture and eye-catching style in one of gaming‘s most unforgettable recent open worlds.

And WD2 perfects the hacking formula Ubisoft pioneered by introducing brilliant new mechanics with drones, robots and experimental gadgets. All combine into a potent cocktail that sets a lofty bar few franchises ever reach.

So if you had to introduce a friend to Watch Dogs, there‘s no better entry point than Watch Dogs 2, the crown jewel of Ubisoft‘s beloved techno-thriller franchise.

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