Blood and Wine is the best Witcher 3 DLC

As a passionate gamer and content creator who has played over 500 hours of Witcher 3, I can confidently say Blood and Wine stands atop the DLC landscape. The vibrant Toussaint region, emotional conclusion to Geralt‘s journey, ample progression systems, gear diversity, and quantity/quality of content cement it as the Witcher series‘ crowning achievement.

Toussaint Dwarfs Other Areas in Scope and Density

Toussaint features over 100 new quests across a landmass equaling Velen and Novigrad combined. The county has vast countrysides, sprawling estates, hapless hamlets, and a storybook capital city. Despite the map size, CD Projekt Red packed Touissiant with more content per square inch than any previous area. My completitionist playthrough took over 80 hours!

Density Drives Engagement

Unlike many open worlds cough Ubisoft cough that feel bloated and repetitive, Toussaint bursts with handcrafted stories around every corner. The variance and quality seen previously in novigrad is amplified to new heights. Toussaint could viability be its own standalone game!

Blood and Wine Brings Finality to Geralt‘s Journey

Geralt‘s adventure spanning the base game and Hearts of Stone was missing a true sense of finality that brings closure. Enter Blood and Wine with an emotional 20 hour tale organically wrapping up our hero‘s legacy. It reminds us nobody escapes the weakened knees of age and the sense of fulfillment finishing an epic saga. Sensational stuff!

Higher Level Cap and Customization Galore

The level cap increase to 100 lets us sculpt Geralt exactly how we please with ample ability points. Combine that with the new mutation system and over 100 new armor/weapon sets, and near endless possibility awaits!


While Hearts of Stone delivered a 10/10 narrative, Blood and Wine perfects the balance between an emotional conclusion, gameplay enhancements, rewarding progression, and best-in-class open world content density/variety. Pour yourself a vintage Toussaint red and enjoy the definitive Witcher 3 expansion.

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