Which Zora Name Ends in "Son" in Breath of the Wild? An In-Depth Look

As an avid Zelda gamer and content creator, I can definitively state that the Zora character in Breath of the Wild whose name ends in "son" is Kapson. But rather than just leave it at that, I wanted to provide some more in-depth commentary and analysis around Kapson, his purpose in the game, and how he fits in with the other notable "-son" NPCs that can be found across Hyrule.

Kapson – The Priestly Zora

Kapson is a Zora priest that can be found in Zora‘s Domain, just behind the stairs leading up to King Dorephan. Based on his priestly robes and location near the statue of Mipha, it seems Kapson serves some important religious functions for the Zora people.

When you speak with him, Kapson will tell you:

"My name is Kapson. I pray that I am able to fulfill my purpose."

This bit of dialogue gives us a few hints about Kapson:

  • He is highly devoted to his duties as a priest
  • Fulfilling his purpose and spiritual duties are of utmost importance to him
  • His name confirms he meets the criteria for Hudson‘s side quest

Looking at his other characteristics, Kapson has the typical Zora traits – smooth amphibian-like skin, long tail, dangling head fins, etc. His robes seem to signify his status as a priest or shaman of sorts. And his jewelry bears some symbols that likely relate to the Zora culture and worship of the goddess Hylia.

So in summary, Kapson meets Hudson‘s criteria by having a name ending in "son." But he is also obviously a figure of some significance in Zora culture and religion. Discovering him is key to advancing the Tarrey Town side quest, but Take a few extra moments to appreciate that you‘ve found one of the spiritual leaders of the elegant Zora people as well!

So Who Are the Other "-Son" Characters?

While I‘ve gone over Kapson in depth already to spotlight the key Zora priest, Breath of the Wild also features a handful of other characters across Hyrule whose names end in the crucial suffix "-son." They are:


  • A skilled Gerudo artisan/tailor
  • Found selling armor at the Kara Kara Bazaar in the Gerudo Desert region
  • Renowned for her skills at dyeing and designing clothing
  • Rumored to be engaged to Hudson in Tarrey Town by the end of the game


LocationSouthern Mine, Eldin Region
JobMine worker
  • Sits around a fire in the southern mine keeping other Gorons company
  • According to the Zelda Wiki, his purpose there is to prevent monsters from spawning
  • A bit like Kapson, his name fits the criteria but he doesn‘t serve a hugely major purpose


  • A Rito managing the town‘s general store in Rito Village
  • Sells arrows and other goods that traveling adventurers may need
  • Dreams of one day opening his own specialty shop at the store

So in addition to Kapson, those are the other major figures in Breath of the Wild I‘ve encountered whose names end in "-son." Based on their character details and roles, it‘s evident that Kapson is the one Hudson wants us to find in order to advance the Tarrey Town side quest. But it‘s still fascinating to see how thedevelopers wove that naming motif across multiple races and regions.

What Does Kapson‘s Purpose Signify for the Zora?

In closing, I keep coming back to Kapson‘s key line:

"I pray that I am able to fulfill my purpose."

This gives us intriguing hints about the Zora people and their culture. It shows how purpose and spirituality are core defining traits for their race. And unlike the other "-son" characters highlighted, Kapson seems dedicated to something bigger than himself or his day-to-day life.

Perhaps his religiosity and servitude signify the Zoras‘ connection to Hylia in ancient times? Or how the old aristocratic order venerated tradition and ritual above all else? Finding Kapson made me consider how the Zora race values spirituality, heritage, and defining one‘s place in the world.

So in summary, while Kapson simply provides a name to satisfy Hudson‘s request, take time to appreciate discovering one of the key spiritual figures of Zora‘s Domain. Understanding characters like Kapson gives us a window into better grasping the diverse races, cultures, and beliefs across the captivating world of Hyrule.

Let me know in the comments if you have any other theories, insights, or questions about Kapson, the Zora people, or finding all the "-son" figures in Breath of the Wild!

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