Unraveling the Identity of the Four Great Bosses in Dark Souls 2

As a passionate Dark Souls fan, I wanted to dive deeper into the lore behind the four powerful bosses that guard the Great Souls in Dark Souls 2. Getting to battle these foreboding foes and snatch the Souls of legend is an absolute highlight of the game! Who exactly are they and what fateful souls do they possess? Let‘s find out!

1. Old Iron King – Gwyn or Four Kings Reborn

This fiery demonic statue, reminiscent of the Bed of Chaos, awaits within the imposing Iron Keep castle molded into a volcanic mountain. Gripping the Old King‘s Soul in his chest, the Iron King is either:

  • A descendant of Gwyn, drunk with power inherited from the Lord of Sunlight
  • One of the enigmatic Four Kings resurrected after the events of Dark Souls

This towering boss relentlessly pummels with crunching smash blows and rains flame upon the player. Surviving this battle of endurance tests a player‘s nerve and skill tremendously!

  • I adore the Lord of the Rings-esque spectacle of battling a flaming demon king in his towering stronghold!
  • Expert timing on rolls and aggression in return strikes is critical against his onslaught.

2. Lost Sinner – Witch of Izalith Reborn

The wretched, disfigured undead known as the Lost Sinner is a shell of the mighty Witch of Izalith. Having failed to relight the extinct First Flame, she now harbors the Old Witch Soul. The Lost Sinner awaits punishment within the walls of the Sinner‘s Rise fortress:

  • Impaled and immobilized by giant swords
  • Still possessing dangerous pyromancies and combo strikes
  • Surrounded by disturbing headless soldiers

Fighting her in a darkened room completely changes the direction of battle once you light the oil pits. Learning her moveset and dodging spikes of the flame are keys to victory.

  • I really enjoy how lighting up the arena reveals her impaled, immobilized form!
  • Dodging INTO many of her swift, fiery attacks is the best method here in my experience.

3. Duke‘s Dear Freja – Legacy of Seath the Scaleless

This towering, multi-headed crystalline beast awaits in her glowing crystal cavern – an intimidating homage to Seath the Scaleless! Wielding the Old Paledrake Soul, Freja utilizes Seath‘s signature Moonlight attacks and her seven deadly heads in a ferocious onslaught upon players. Approaching this laser-shooting colossus demands:

  • Constant repositioning to avoid surrounding heads and swiping legs
  • Nerves of steel to block magic bursts when up close and personal!
  • Patience in waiting for chances to strike her main head

Freja provides a gorgeous, heart-pounding showdown with the powers of an iconic dragon. Staying aggressive and dodging her Prism Stone blasts and lasers help crack this glowing beast!

  • The glowing crystal cave she dwells in provides a painterly backdrop for this fight.
  • Getting surrounded by her legs/heads teaches valuable lessons in positioning!

4. The Rotten – Nito‘s Legacy

This revolting amalgamation of festering corpses binds together the iconic power of Gravelord Nito – the dreadful Old Dead One Soul. Built from the endless dead trapped in the Black Gulch, the Rotten is an embodiment of death itself.

Wielding a massive cleaver, this toxic beast vomits disease and severs his own limbs to assault players. Surviving this onslaught of poison, axes, and vomiting takes extraordinary skill and resilience! Some tips:

  • Resist frantically dodging away – often right into his attacks!
  • Strike the glowing orbs on his body to divide him.
  • Use ranged attacks once he‘s divided to maximize damage.

While an uncompromisingly gross foe, it‘s satisfying to slowly decay the Rotten by severing his bloated limbs one by one!

I hope unraveling the mysteries around these Four Great Bosses compels you to take on their challenges yourself! Let me know if you have any other intriguing theories or battle tips to share about these epic encounters. Praise the Sun! \[T]/

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