The 5 Imprisoned Darkins of League of Legends

First, to clearly answer the question – the 5 Darkins currently revealed and imprisoned in weapon forms within Runeterra are:

  1. Aatrox, the Darkin Blade
  2. Rhaast, the Darkin Scythe
  3. Varus, the Darkin Bow
  4. Naafiri, the Darkin Dagger
  5. Unknown 5th Darkin

Origins of the Fallen Ascended Weapons

As a passionate League player and lore enthusiast myself, the history of these fallen warriors fascinates me. The Darkin were originally noble Ascended beings – godlike protectors and warriors within the ancient Shuriman Empire. But after experiencing the horrors of the Void War, many Ascended beings were irreversibly damaged.

Some turned to blood magic and sadistic cruelty as a coping mechanism. Through self-infliction, torture, and anguish, their forms and minds became corrupted over time. Thus the Darkin were created – winged beings wielding frightful power, ruled only by war and agony.

After centuries of bloodshed and chaos across Runeterra, the Darkin were finally defeated by mortal magic and confined within their own weapons – however their consciousnesses remained intact and determined to rise again.

"We Darkin were betrayed, vanquished, caged. We wait patiently. Let them come – we will show them pain."Aatrox

The Imprisoned Darkin Weapons Seeking Mortal Hosts

Now existing only as sentient magical weapons, the Darkin fight to exert control and influence whoever attempts to wield them in search of the perfect mortal host. Once they establish control the original wielder‘s body and soul progressively transform, corrupted by their influence.

However, subduing a host‘s free will completely has proven difficult except in Aatrox‘s case. Here are breakdowns of each currently known Darkin and their weapon forms that they are confined within:

Aatrox, the Darkin Blade

The most infamous and powerful of the Darkin, Aatrox exemplifies their brutal nature but with legendary sword skills that enable overwhelming offense. As Riot writer David Slagle states, “Fueled by seemingly endless battle lust and hunger for revenge, Aatrox is perhaps the deadliest warrior in all of Runeterra—a force so feared, uttering some phrases of his arcane tongue is punishable by death.”

With his massive double-edged greatsword capable of damaging multiple enemies at once, those unfortunate enough to face Aatrox must resist madness and disorientation through his sheer presence and blood magic. Unlike the other Darkin weapons, Aatrox is able to fully subjugate and transform his wielders fairly quickly, showcasing his raw power.

"Some fight for honor, some fight for glory. It matters only that you fight." – Aatrox

Host Transformation: Fully physical mutation over time becoming a part of the sword. He‘s knowledge from hosts memories stays intact even if they perish.

Primary Host: Unknown names, many killed in short time periods.

Allies: Craves or empathizes with other war obsessed beings like Tryndamere

Rivals: Hates Pantheon for defeating him in the past as well as celestials/ascended like Kayle. Wants to destroy noble ascended like Nasus and Renekton.

Rhaast, the Darkin Scythe

Rhaast represents the longer term corruption of Darkin weapons, seeking ever stronger hosts to mutilate from within. As JohnODyin describes, “Rhaast desperately yearns for the cruel ecstasy in flesh, bone, and souls.”

Imprisoned in a living scythe, Rhaast corrupts from inside out – gradually weaving red tendrils through the body as he consumes the host’s flesh and transforms them into his own image as a method of sadistic entertainment.

The scythe consumes those with dark ambition, as Rhaast promises access to greater power through the transformation under his influence. But internally Rhaast and host constantly struggle for control.

“Let me guide us to slaughter. To revel in the euphoria of flesh, bone, and bloodshed. Lie with me now, give in to truths you know deep inside. We can build an empire of the forgotten.” – Rhaast

Host Transformation: Twisting red corruption and mutation focused on right arm holding the scythe. Gradual mutation process consuming entire body from inside out.

Primary Host: Kayn still resists giving in fully though most of his body is corrupted.

Allies: Those offering opportunities for murder and slaughter.

Rivals: Hates celestial aspects like Zoe. Views Aatrox as main rival for power over their imprisoned kind.

Varus, the Darkin Bow

The bow named Varus highlights the inner conflicts from Darkin weapons with two resistant hosts. Aspects of three minds now occupy one body to wield Varus – two human lovers turned vengeance seekers fused to an unwilling sadistic killer Darkin against their unified will.

As Rayla Heide explains, “Pierced with deadly accuracy, the corrupted Varus spreads a morbid plague erasing everything Blossoms, beasts, and civilization.” The bow cripples enemies with blighted arrows before gleefully watching them suffer in madness.

Varus fights for control internally more than influencing external transformation or allies. But when briefly seizing control, he unleashes ruthless skill with his bow. The two human hosts can also utilize Varus for power and skill with the bow when working in unison.

“The pit is dark, I am broken, they will fear me… Fear the Bow” – Varus

Host Transformation: Minimal external transformation so far. Internal telepathic power struggles for control of mind and body.

Primary Host: Lovers Valmar and Kai bound to the bow and jointly sharing control with the Varus darkin spirit.

Allies: None truly, perhaps others seeking revenge. though Varus cares little for external relationships at the moment.

Rivals: Hates the Ascended Nasus and Renekton who imprisoned him in the bow against his will.

Naafiri, the Darkin Dagger

Naafiri is the most mysterious known Darkin so far, only recently revealed by Riot teases leading up to her release. Described by writer Danika Harrod as “the tortured artist type”, Naafiri is imprisoned within a red jeweled dagger and is confirmed to be a female Darkin assassin champion.

Further details are unknown currently though we expect to learn much more later this year. Presumably she will seek a host from a skilled assassin or fighter who can properly wield her dagger form. Like her Darkin allies, she likely corrupts ruthlessly – mutilating flesh and twisting minds from within.

The color red and talk of artistic torture could suggest she corrupts the blood of enemies directly or enjoys displaying her handiwork. But we await final gameplay reveal for more on Naafiri’s approach!

Details currently unknown… Check back soon!

Host Transformation: Unknown, presumed gradual mutation focused on arms/hands wielding the dagger.

Primary Host: Unknown host likely upcoming in 2024.

Allies: Unknown for now. Fellow Darkin possible.

Rivals: None known yet. Perhaps related to her initial downfall pre-imprisonment.

Who is the Mysterious 5th Darkin?

So who will emerge as the last Darkin to round out the five? The community has debated several prominent theories:

  • Valeeva (Varus‘ Sister)

    • As Varus’ sister in the Darkin lore, Valeeva could share similarities or a paired powerset. Perhaps a ranged fighter to contrast with Varus.
  • New Darkin Entity

    • With Naafiri just revealed, Riot could be priming entirely new Darkin characters we haven‘t seen referenced yet.
  • Darkin Ally

    • A new champion closely tied to the Darkin could have a surprise Darkin twist reveal.

My personal theory leans towards Valeeva or a new entity related to Naafiri‘s story being the 5th.

But part of the mystery and fun as we hardcore fans await news is debating the possibilities! Riot is sometimes unpredictable, but I expect 2023 will provide more clarity.

The Threat of the Imprisoned Darkin Warriors

Despite their imprisonment, the sentient weapon Darkin clearly remain highly dangerous and consumed with goals of exerting their will through mortal hosts.

Their potential transformations unlock frightening magic from celestial origins twisted by primal violence and agony. And the weapons hold knowledge stretching back thousands of years…

As a devoted player, I eagerly anticipate updates bringing new Darkin elements into the mix. Their epic lore keeps me hooked while the flashy play styles match their arrogance and flair!

For now, we can only guess at their unified motivations if freed and full power restored. Would they lead a reckoning on the world? Or turn to conquest against each other? Those outcomes remain unclear… and perhaps we should hope their prisons hold!

Let me know your thoughts on the Darkin as well! Which imprisoned beast is your favorite? And what are your theories on the 5th member that will emerge down the road?

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