Who are the Definitive Couples in Mortal Kombat Lore?

Unlike many other fighting games filled with romantic subplots and shipping, Mortal Kombat has surprisingly sparse canonical couples among its vast cast of ninja assassins, sorcerers, monsters, and more. However, a few enduring bonds have captivated fans over the years. Let‘s analyze Mortal Kombat‘s major pairs and most intriguing relationship possibilities!

The Main Romances:
Liu Kang & Kitana
Jax Briggs & Sonya Blade (Platonic Life Partners)
Johnny Cage Unrequited Love Pursuits

Non-Traditional Pairs:
Mileena & Tanya
Kotal Kahn & Jade

Liu Kang and Kitana – Mortal Kombat‘s Signature Couple

Without a doubt, the romantic couple of the Mortal Kombat universe is Liu Kang, the champion of Earthrealm, and Kitana, princess of the parallel dimension Outworld. Though glimpses of affection between the two are subtle and often overlooked in favor of the series‘ spectacle, Liu Kang and Kitana share a bond that persists even beyond death itself.

A Subtle Yet Enduring Love

During his early appearances, Liu Kang dutifully focused on defending Earthrealm from Outworld‘s attempts at conquest. However, upon meeting Kitana, herself disenfranchised from the emperor Shao Kahn‘s brutal rule, Liu Kang found sympathy and kinship with the alluring assassin.

Hints of possible love begin to surface in MKII, and their rapport grew stronger through subsequent titles. By Mortal Kombat 4, Kitana clearly demonstrates sincere concern after Liu Kang is murdered by the Deadly Alliance. The two were never overtly romantic in the prime timeline, but their connection ran deeply enough for Kitana to stay loyal after both she and Liu Kang become undead creatures.

Together In (Un)Death

That‘s right, even the afterlife and supernatural transformations cannot fully sever Liu Kang and Kitana‘s ties. As the undead creatures known as Revenants in Mortal Kombat X and 11, former heroes sealed to serve evil emperor Shinnok in the Netherrealm, Liu Kang and Kitana rule together as unwilling antagonists.

Though twistedinto malevolent shells of their human forms, faint embers of their passion remain, as they are depicted ruling the Netherrealm side-by-side. In MK11, their non-canon wedding scene portrays perhaps the first fully conspicuous affirmation of love between the two! Clearly, not even death itself proves enough to completely smother the spark between MK‘s quintessential star-crossed lovers.

Relationship Status of Liu Kang & Kitana Across Timelines:

MK1 - MK4 (Prime Timeline): Subtle Attraction 
MKX & MK11 (Dark Future): Rule the Netherrealm as Corrupted Revenants  
MK11 Reverted Timeline: Unknown affection restored?

Fans have endlessly shipped Liu Kang and Kitana as the foremost romantic couple of the series. While never outright stated in-universe until the very end, clues scattered throughout the convoluted storyline illustrate an enduring emotional bond between these warriors with undeniable chemistry.

Jax and Sonya – Platonic Militant Partnership

Colonel Sonya Blade and her massive cohort Major Jackson "Jax" Briggs represent one of Mortal Kombat‘s longest-standing duos. While some fans have ‘shipped a potential romantic angle between the two, their bond seems more akin to an exceptionally close friendship and comrades-in-arms dynamic. As Earthrealm‘s mightiest mortal warriors defending our very existence, however, their dedication and loyalty is second-to-none.

We first meet hard-headed officer Sonya hot on the trail of interdimensional crimelord Kano, leading her to stumble upon the Mortal Kombat tournament. After some early skirmishes, she encounters Jax, her commanding officer and friend. Jax provides backup against inhuman threats like Ermac and Goro, forging their early militant partnership.

Over successive titles, we see Jax and Sonya repeatedly fight together against Shao Kahn‘s forces, eventually repelling the invasion of Earthrealm. In MK4, when Jax suffers near-fatal injuries after falling for one of Reiko‘s traps, Sonya refuses to abandon her friend and rescues Jax from death and capture by the Deadly Alliance.

Come Mortal Kombat X, both veterans now high-ranking Special Forces leaders, Jax and Sonya spearhead Earthrealm‘s defenses once more against renewed aggression from Outworld and Netherrealm alike. Their unbreakable bond persists, with neither one wavering with the other in danger despite the increasingly preternatural threats they face in their violent world. They may not have romantic chemistry, but their companionship stands unmatched.

Jax & Sonya‘s Relationship Timeline:

MK1 - Allies meeting for the first time  
MK2 - Foiling Outworld invasion as partners
MK4 - Sonya rescues Jax from death/capture
MKX - High-ranking generals defending Earthrealm   

In summary, Jax and Sonya maintain one of gaming‘s strongest non-romantic bonds built upon absolute faith as combat-hardened allies. As two of MK‘s earliest heroes facing down gods, sorcerers and monsters side-by-side, their fortitude and loyalty in the face of literal hell itself proves truly remarkable!

Johnny Cage‘s Unrequited Love Pursuits

In contrast to Jax and Sonya‘s more mature and pragmatic companionship, we have the wisecracking, egotistical movie star Johnny Cage constantly flirting with Sonya from the moment they meet! And that‘s despite Sonya clearly showing no reciprocation beyond exasperated tolerance of Johnny‘s antics…

As one of MK‘s original three heroes, Cage hits on Sonya and repeatedly drops cheesy action hero one-liners in an exaggerated caricature of masculine bravado. His endearing audacity to ask Sonya to marry him mid-invasion does little to impress the focused officer. While amusing at first, Cage‘s schtick may grow tiring over time.

That said, you have to admire Johnny‘s perseverance and self-confidence, as he shrugs off Sonya‘s constant rebuffs and disinterest to continue hitting on not just her but many female kombatants. Mr. Cage loves the ladies, even if the affection remains largely unrequited!

*Johnny Cage‘s Attempted Relationships*:  

Sonya Blade - Constantly rebuffed  
Kitana - Mild flirtations, seems uninterested    
Mileena - Flirts only to be met with outrage   
D‘Vorah - Tries using bug puns to no avail

Johnny Cage ultimately encapsulates a comedic casual Lothario archetype contrasting the grim fighters around him. While some fans have wished to see more substance to Cage‘s character, his unflappable swagger and flamboyance do lighten MK‘s perpetually dark tone. Gotta acclaim him for boldness, if nothing else!

Mileena & Tanya – Outworld‘s Villainous Pairing

Shifting from lighthearted failed flings, let‘s examine one of Mortal Kombat‘s most unusual romantic pairings – the half-Tarkatan, half-Edenian hybrid clone Mileena, and the treacherous Edenian traitor Tanya. Two conniving evildoers weaving ambitions of power and cruelty – quite the chaotic couple!

As mutant "daughter" to Emperor Shao Kahn created using genetics from Princess Kitana and Tarkatan physiology, unstable cannibal Mileena possesses an obsessive lust for power and envy of Kitana‘s status as heir. Similarly, Tanya betrayed and deceived her own Edenian people allying with invaders for her own gain.

Already a strange pairing given their history, Mortal Kombat X heavily implied a carnal relationship between the two! Exchanged dialogue includes Mileena commenting on Tanya‘s beauty and Tanya proclaiming, "As if there were any doubt…" Spicy stuff for a T-rated game!

MK11 goes even further; Mileena‘s non-canonical ending sees her utilizing time magic to rewrite history, becoming Outworld heir and having a daughter named Persia with her lover Tanya! While very non-traditional, you can‘t deny their…intense chemistry as two of MK‘s most screwy villains.

Mileena & Tanya Relationship Timeline:   

MK4-MKX - Increasingly suggestive dialogue 
MKX - Heavily implied carnal relations    
MK11 - Mileena has daughter with Tanya in non-canon ending

Yeah, it‘s pretty weird, but Mileena and Tanya shockingly work as a troublesome couple united by their chaotic egos, lust, and cruelty. As two of MK‘s most cunning femme fatales, they wreak havoc with unmatched passion!

Kotal Kahn & Jade – Barbara and the Beast

Proceeding the mad love of Mileena and Tanya, our next unlikely romantic pairing stems from an burly Aztec-inspired warlord finding affection with an emerald clad assassin – Kotal Kahn and Jade!

Kotal Kahn belongs to a powerful ancient race called the Osh-Tek people, gifted with stony skin able to absorb sunlight and channel its energy. Serving under brutal conqueror Shao Kahn in Outworld, Kotal rose to general, combining fierce physical might with tactical intellect.

By contrast, graceful Jade honed her talents under Kahn as an elite assassin (alongside her childhood friend Kitana). Wielding extendable metal staff and razor boomerangs as weapons, Jade moves with elegant precision – a striking contrast to bulky warlord Kotal Kahn!

According to MKX‘s official comic series, Kotal Kahn and Jade slowly developed a rapport and hint of romance while both serving Emperor Kahn over the years. By MK11, Jade explicitly refers to Kotal as her "love" and remains fiercely loyal protecting him from assassins even at risk of death! While seemingly mismatched, mutual admiration for each other‘s prowess brought the Osh-Tekk warrior and graceful assassin together as unexpected lovers.

Kotal Kahn & Jade‘s Romance Timeline:  

Pre-MKX Comic - Grow close over years serving Kahn   
MKX Comic - Express clear affection and loyalty    
MK11 Game - Jade: "I would die for you, my love!"

So while it seemed improbable, the burly, stone-bodied Kotal Kahn found beauty in Jade‘s fluid elegance and dangerous skill, while Jade sees nobility in Kotal‘s protective warrior instincts. Only in the fantastical lands of Mortal Kombat could such an unconventional romance bloom! Barbarian warrior and mystic assassin – what‘s not to love?

Well, those represent the major romantic couplings teased throughout Mortal Kombat‘s convoluted lore! As we‘ve seen, it‘s a mixed bag of subtle lifelong passion between Liu Kang and Kitana, militant unbreakable bonds for Jax/Sonya, humorous Casanova antics from Johnny Cage, and unexpected will-they-won‘t-they tension simmering for certain characters.

Do you agree with these picks for MK‘s primary couples? Or are there other pairings you‘ve envisioned? Let me know in the comments – with such a massive roster of fighters and personalities clashing for eons, I‘m sure fans can come up with all kinds of crazy alternative ships!

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