Who are the No Gender League Characters?

To directly answer the question – the four currently known non-gendered champions in League of Legends are Cho‘Gath, Kindred, Nocturne, and Nunu & Willump. But I want to analyze the state of gender diversity in League more broadly.

The State of Gender Diversity in League

As of 2023, League of Legends has over 150 unique playable champions. The vast majority of humanoid champs confirm to the male-female gender binary:

Humanoid Male Champs9864%
Humanoid Female Champs6236%
Total Humanoid Champs160100%

When including non-humanoid and monstrous champions, the data shows:

Confirmed Male Champs9855%
Confirmed Female Champs6235%
Non-Gendered Champs42%
Ungendered Non-Humans1810%
Total Champs182100%

So while most human champs are either male or female, only 4 out of 182 total champs are explicitly non-gendered – highlighting room for better representation.

The Current Non-Gendered Champs

Let‘s overview the existing genderless champs:

Cho‘Gath – The Terror of the Void

As a terrifying void creature, Cho‘Gath‘s disturbing mutations make gender meaningless. Referred to as "he" by most players.

Kindred – Duality of Death

Kindred represents death through Lamb and Wolf – two spirits embodying feminine grace and masculine wildness respectively. Their duality transcends gender.

Nocturne – The Eternal Nightmare

Nocturne is a raw manifestation of nightmares, lacking any gender as a shadowy demonic beast. Often labeled "he" by players.

Nunu & Willump – The Boy and His Yeti

While Nunu is a young boy, his yeti companion Willump has never had a defined gender in any lore. Willump is an agender champion.

Positive Trends for Representation

The most recent non-gendered champs like Kindred represent incremental but positive steps for gender diversity in League‘s overwhelmingly male-centric roster. Kindred in particular shows that non-gendered characters need not lack complexity in their design, lore, and thematic intrigue. Their agender persona connects deeply with death‘s intrinsic mystery.

As Riot introduces more non-humanoid champions, especially celestial beings, demons, and void creatures, we can expect to see less adherence to binary gender norms. The ability to transcend male-female constructs allows for richer conceptual exploration. Based on leaks and hints from the League team, upcoming champs fitting this description likely have agender lore as well.

While progress has been gradual, the small injection of genderless champs gives me hope that League‘s world and character roster continues expanding in diversity and inclusivity. The complex personas of champs like Kindred prove that less gender conformity allows more creativity – benefitting gameplay and story alike. We can look forward to more champions released every year, bringing nuanced and novel forms of representation among League‘s cast of over 150 heroes.

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