Humans‘ Jealousy and Greed Drove Betrayal of the Peaceful Elves

It was the humans who ultimately betrayed the elves in Black Clover. Driven by envy of magical power they could never possess and a hunger for control, corrupt nobles masterminded an elaborate ruse. They ruthlessly killed even friendly elves who had considered them allies. Fan theories suggest the legendary First Wizard King may have plotted this deception as well, making the humans‘ betrayal utterly devastating for the magical race.

Humans Feared the Elves‘ God-Like Magic

Elves possessed natural magical abilities far beyond human limitations. Respected as demigods within the Clover Kingdom for their healing spells, plant magic, and brute magical strength, most elves lived in harmony with humans and nobles.

However, rumors suggest several human mages obsessed over harnessing the source of the elves‘ immense magic for themselves. They deeply resented their natural magical inferiority compared to the elegant, mystical race blessed with effortless control of forces humanity could barely grasp.

An Elaborate Ruse Hid Coming Betrayal

After years of collaboration, a group of corrupt human nobles initiated an elaborate plot to hijack the elves‘ magic for themselves. They constructed an intricate magic tool designed specifically to absorb all nearby magical energy.

Then they betrayed their allies brutally. As elves gathered unsuspectingly for a celebration, the humans activated the magic device. In mere moments, it managed to rob hundreds of elves of all their magical energy, utterly helpless without access to their mana.

Defenseless elves could only watch in disbelief and despair as the humans – who they had once considered friends and allies – viciously massacred them and claimed the stolen magic power for themselves.

First Wizard King May Have Orchestrated the Deception

While the human nobles clearly initiated the horrific attack on the elves, speculation persists around the potential involvement or approval of the legendary First Wizard King.

As the powerful first ruler of the entire Clover Kingdom, many fans theorize he possessed knowledge of the planned betrayal. Some even believe he masterminded the scheme himself in secret and intentionally positioned the nobles to orchestrate the massacre.

The First Wizard King was said to be obsessed with producing a hybrid elf-human heir. Some accounts suggest he may have supported the slaughter solely to eliminate the elves after this child – forbidden baby of his sister Tetia and the elf leader Licht – was finally conceived. Once his goal was achieved, the lives of the elves mattered little anymore.

If true, this demonstrates an utterly merciless mindset from the original Wizard King. Willing to brutally sacrifice hundreds of lives solely as disposable pawns in service of his mysterious ends with no regard for former allegiances.

Aftermath: Licht‘s Transformation and Erased Bloodline

The humans grossly underestimated the devastation their treachery would unleash. As the elf leader Licht witnessed the desecration of his slaughtered kin, he transformed fully into a colossal demon. Only the first Wizard King stood any chance of opposing this terrifying being.

Though Lemiel eventually defeated the rampaging demon, victory mattered little to the elves. Their villages were decimated, people erased in genocide, and whole lineage destroyed overnight save for the forbidden infant miscarried in the chaos.

That single child borne of both human and elf could have united the species. Instead, Licht and Tetia‘s hopes died along with hundreds of innocents thanks to human greed. But perhaps that child somehow survived after all…

A Descendant Emerges: Hope for Reconciliation

While officially no elves remained after the massacre, protagonist Asta challenges this history. Possessing no magic in a world defined by magical ability, the scrappy orphan uses a mysterious five-leaf clover grimoire to channel destructive anti-magic.

To wield this arcane weapon resonating with echoes of betrayal and vengeance, Asta‘s own origins likely tie back to that first act of deception itself. His experimentation at the hands of his captors even suggests a non-human lineage adapted in places to resist magic altogether.

Though unconfirmed, Asta remains the most likely descendant of Tetia and Licht‘s lost child. If his ancestral origins hold true, the next Magic Emperor could one day redeem humanity by bridging understanding between the races and restoring the elves lost so long ago due to envious human treachery.

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