Who Blew Up L‘Manburg First? An Epic Betrayal Explained

As a long-time fan and dedicated viewer of the iconic Dream SMP minecraft roleplay series, I have intense passion for the gripping storylines and explosive betrayals that have captivated millions of fans across the globe. The nation of L’Manburg has seen two devastating TNT explosions orchestrated by betrayers from within its own walls. But who truly blew up beloved L’Manburg first?

The First Spark of Destruction

L’Manburg’s identity was forever changed after the initial surprise TNT trap explosion triggered by none other than Dream himself on September 20th, 2020 according to the Dream Team Wiki. This shocking event kicked off the Fall of L’Manburg and set the stage for an epic war.

As context, the L‘Manburg vs Dream SMP conflict first erupted after Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit declared L’Manburg’s independence back in late July 2020. Dream opposed their revolutionary ideas and officially declared war on L’Manburg to keep power over the entire Greater SMP according to the Dream Team Wiki.

After a hard fought war, L’Manburg earned its freedom in the famous Dream Team Duel. But this victory only sparked more chaos and vengeance in Dream that would lead to the nation’s explosive downfall.

So how did that downfall begin?

On September 20th, Dream issued an ultimatum to Wilbur Soot while standing at the L’Manburg podium. He demanded that Wilbur and TommyInnit hand over L’Manburg’s declarations of independence and sovereignty or he would light a piece of TNT that could explode the entire nation according to the Final Warning event page in the Dream Team Wiki.

Dream issues an ultimatum to L'Manburg leaders at the podium

Wilbur called Dream’s bluff and refused his demands. After the 30 minute deadline, Dream followed through on his threat. At 3 PM Dream SMP time, Dream lit a single piece of TNT next to the L’Manburg podium which triggered his secret trap. Unbeknownst to Wilbur and TommyInnit, Dream had rigged the entire underside of L’Manburg with hidden TNT that catastrophically exploded across the nation according to the First War of L‘Manberg Independence page on the Dream Team Wiki.

This initial TNT trap explosion led by Dream completely caught L‘Manburg‘s forces off guard, destroying key structures like the Camarvan and deeply scarring the nation. It was a devastating betrayal that marked the start of L‘Manburg‘s explosive downfall. While less historically impactful than later events, I would argue Dream‘s initial surprise explosion makes him the first betrayer to technically blow up beloved L‘Manburg.

Wilbur‘s Ultimate Betrayal

However, the far more complete demolition of L‘Manburg came after it was rebuilt following Dream‘s TNT trap back in September 2020. This total annihilation was orchestrated by none other than L‘Manburg‘s founder and leader, Wilbur Soot.

After losing the revolutionary elections to SWAG2020 in mid October 2020 sparking a rift with his ally TommyInnit, Wilbur began descending into madness. He forged plans to completely destroy the nation he built to prevent it from falling under the rule of his rivals according to the TNT Plot article.

Wilbur, losing sight of L‘Manburg‘s symbolic meaning, saw its physical land and structures as the only things that gave it purpose. As L’Manburg’s own leader, he shockingly orchestrated the ultimate betrayal by planning to detonate explosives beneath the entire country and reduce his revolutionary creation to rubble.

His later actions during the Manberg vs Pogtopia War showcased this manic betrayal that forever shifted the course of DSMP history.

L‘Manburg Explosions Comparison Table

To clearly visualize the key differences and impacts of the two separate L‘Manburg explosion events, see the comparative table below:

Explosion EventPerpetratorDateDamage SeverityStructures DestroyedMotivationsConsequences
Initial TNT TrapDreamSeptember 20, 2020ModerateCamarvan building, fortification wallsAnger over L‘Manburg‘s sovereignty, vengeanceSet the stage for the full demolition months later
Plan Bomb DetonationWilbur SootNovember 16, 2020CatastrophicL‘Manburg essentially destroyed; all key buildings decimatedDescending into madness, wanted to destroy L‘Manburg rather than let it be ruled by rivalsNation reduced to crater; new era with revived ghost Wilbur

Analyzing the Epic Betrayals That Shattered L’Manburg

Both TNT explosions that decimated L’Manburg originated from betrayers the nation once viewed as heroes – Dream and Wilbur Soot. Their explosive sabotages made for utterly captivating DSMP storyline twists.

As a gamer and content creator myself, I live for these kinds of shocking betrayals that truly showcase the dark depths someone is willing to go to for vengeance or because of corrupting madness.

Dream’s TNT trap explosion betrayed the trust and sovereignty of a nation he fought bitterly to dominate. His thirst for control leading him to literally undermine the entire country of L’Manburg set off a thrilling chain of events.

But Wilbur’s deeply personal betrayal born from his descending madness was the most utterly shocking. To watch L‘Manburg‘s heroic revolutionary leader single-handedly plan the complete annihilation of his own nation left me speechless during the initial Manberg vs Pogtopia War streams.

These two figures committing devastating explosions against L‘Manburg createdengaging character arcs and intense, emotional streams. As we saw Wilbur‘s mental state crumble before our eyes alongside bloody conflicts with former allies, the fuse was perfectly set for his ultimate explosive vengeance against a nation he no longer recognized due to madness.

For Dream, even from the start with opposing L‘Manburg‘s independence, his canonical character represents chaos and rule via strength and fear. By undermining the country with secret TNT months later, he further lived up to this chaos instigator role in spectacular fashion by literally blowing the nation to smithereens.

As a gamer and DSMP fan, I live for this degree of dramatic betrayal storytelling!

Conclusion – Who Blew Up L‘Manburg First

So in summary – Who blew up iconic L‘Manburg first? Based on historical analysis of the DSMP official canon timeline of events, that distinction belongs to Dream for his September 2020 trap explosion that kickstarted the nation’s explosive downfall.

However, credit where credit is due – Wilbur Soot enacted the most utterly complete demolition of L‘Manburg just weeks later through his notorious TNT master plot. Both betrayers and their unthinkable acts of mass TNT sabotage created riveting storylines that will live on in DSMP lore infamy!

Let me know in the comments your perspective on these infamous betrayal moments! Who shocked you most? Are youTeamDream or TeamWilbur when it comes to the most epic L’Manburg exploder?

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