Who can beat Aeos?

As a hardcore Dragon Ball fan and power level analyst, I get asked this question a lot: Who can take down Aeos? After combing blogs, forums, and consulting leading experts – the disappointing answer is that as of now in DB Heroes, no fighter has definitively proven able to overpower this juggernaut cosmic being. With timeline destroying power rivaling even the Omni-King, Aeos represents a tier of strength seldom matched in all the multiverse. But that doesn‘t mean some elite fighters don‘t potentially stand a chance…

Aeos‘ Reality Warping Abilities

Before analyzing hypothetical matchups, we must grasp what a behemoth we‘re dealing with in Aeos. His ability to erase entire DB timelines goes beyond standard destructive capacity into reality manipulation on a terrifying scale. He also employs high-level time manipulation, teleportation, portal creation, soul attacks and more hax that let him control the battlefield.

The table below compares Aeos‘ reality warping powers against rivals:

FighterDestructive CapacityReality WarpingSpace-Time Control
AeosTimeline LevelExtremeExtreme
ZenoUniverse – Multiverse LevelExtremeModerate
JirenMulti-Universe LevelMinimalMinimal

As we can see, only Zeno approaches Aeos‘ scope of reality manipulation, but even he may not exceed it based on Aeos threatening entire DB timelines.

Analyzing Theoretical Matchups vs Aeos

Given Aeos‘ extraordinary power, only the mightiest DB fighters would have a prayer of opposing him. Let‘s break down some of the top contenders:

Zeno – The Omni-King

As king of DB‘s multiverse hierarchy, Zeno can erase nearly anything from existence and boasts raw power potentially rivaling Aeos. His reality warping gives him an outside chance to counter Aeos‘ various hax as well. While far from guaranteed, Zeno‘s mastery of erasure techniques and probability manipulation may enable him to finally eliminate even this timeline destroyer.

Gogeta/Vegito – Fusion Warriors

The fusion forms of Goku/Vegeta combine immense Saiyan battle power with advanced techniques like Ultra Instinct, making them perennial powerhouses. Current SSJ Blue fusions clock in comfortably at multi-universal energy output if not higher.

Gogeta‘s recent showing against Broly also demonstrated advanced reality manipulation resistance that could counter some of Aeos‘ hax. And by further building up fusion duration and tapping into Ultra Instinct‘s probability alteration, fusions perhaps have enough juice to temporarily overwhelm Aeos.

Anos Voldigoad – The Demon King

As an immortal Demon Lord, Anos has broken reality manipulation resistance feats, having tanked existence erasure from gods. He also wields his trademark Sword of Sin that can warp causality and destroy souls – hax that could counter Aeos. Given his unlimited endurance and strength growth as he receives damage, Anos has highly advanced win conditions.

The question is whether his arsenal could sustain against and surpass Aeos long enough to seal the win. His resistance to having his timeline altered may enable this victory avenue.

Angels & Grand Priest

As the ultra-elite guardians of existence led by the Grand Priest, these entities likely possess enough combined power to threaten Aeos. We‘re talking multiple fighters with abilities scalable from at least universal+ to multiversal, extreme reality warping, chronokinesis, and soul destruction resistance.

Their mastered ultra instinct forms allow probability hacking that may counter fate manipulation from Aeos as well. While individually they may struggle, together the angels and GP have the abilities to strategize towards victory.

Aeos Defeatability Levels

Based on analysis of fighters‘ combined skillsets and observable feats, I assign estimates of their current objective chances to defeat Aeos:

FighterOdds of Victory
ZenoExtreme Difficulty (~30% chance)
2x SSJB FusionExtremely High Difficulty (~20% chance)
AnosVery High Difficulty (~10% chance)
Angels & Grand PriestHigh Difficulty (~5% chance)

These "guestimates" illustrate the long odds even top-tiers face against Aeos – a testament to his vast energy stores and hacking abilities. Only Zeno has projected over even odds at this point.

The Verdict?

Despite not having seen Aeos‘ maximum power, what‘s clear based on my match analysis, calculations, and sourcing expert opinions is that DB will need to unlock an even higher ceiling to dethrone this juggernaut.

Leading theories point to new fusion forms, further God level mastery, and reality overwriting being key to toppling this foe. One thing is sure – when Aeos finally falls, his defeat will shake the Dragon Ball cosmos to its core!

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