Who Can Take Down the Legendary Doom Slayer?

As an unstoppable force tearing through hordes of nightmarish creatures, the Doom Slayer appears invincible having laid waste to titans, demons and monsters across dimensions. But with the right cosmic powers, is there anyone capable of finally stopping this hell-fueled machine of destruction?

After poring through extensive gaming lore and conducting complex versus calculations, I believe there are three combatants with the skills to take down this nigh-unkillable legend: Goku, Dr. Manhattan, and possibly Kirby. While an exceedingly difficult task, their reality-warping abilities give them a chance where so many others would fail miserably.

Goku‘s Ridiculous Power Gives Him the Best Shot

As the strongest Super Saiyan and protector of the Dragon Ball universe, Goku has the best opportunity to overcome the Doom Slayer‘s insane strength, speed and firepower. After transforming into higher levels of Super Saiyan, Goku‘s power eclipses most beings in fiction, let alone someone comparatively human-sized.

To quantify the massive gap between these two juggernauts, take a look at this stat comparison:

CharacterPower LevelSpeedStrengthDurability
Doom Slayer9,265*57 mph+IncredibleExtreme
Goku (Super Saiyan Blue)10.5 quadrillion*Faster than lightUniversal+Star level+

*Power level estimates from DeathBattle and SeththeProgrammer

As the table illustrates, Goku utterly outclasses the Doomguy physically after going Super Saiyan Blue. Goku‘s strength and speeds breach ridiculous new thresholds that would let him bombard the Slayer with impossible-to-withstand attacks. The Slayer has endurance for sustaining building-leveling strikes, but has no answer for universe-wrecking punches.

Popular YouTuber expert SethTheProgrammer calculated that just one of Goku‘s casual ki blasts in this form would unleash over 43 million megatons of TNT energy – dwarfing even the BFG-10000‘s output! And Goku can launch these faster than the Doom Slayer could dodge or counterattack. He could quickly overwhelm the Slayer, even with his Praetor Suit‘s insane durability considered.

Could the Slayer‘s heaping arsenal of guns, blades and tech give him a fighting chance? While extremely powerful against mortal beings, these weapons mean little against someone like Goku who eats planet-shattering kamehameha waves for breakfast! The Slayer might be able to land temporary stunning strikes with his Crucible blade. However, Goku has recovered from far worse, and his skill in martial arts gives him superb close-quarters prowess too.

While the Doom Slayer‘s rage burns eternally (perhaps his greatest asset), I have to give this matchup decisively to Goku. His strength and speed simply operate on a higher plane of reality that the Slayer has no means to match. Only Goku losing focus or getting careless could allow the Slayer an opportunity for a comeback. But head-to-head, my money is strongly on the Super Saiyan.

Verdict: Goku wins decisively more often than not. The Slayer puts up an epic fight but the odds are stacked too heavily against him.

Dr. Manhattan‘s Matter Manipulation Spells Game Over

Beyond his mere physical qualities, Dr. Manhattan has extra abilities that counteract the Doom Slayer‘s impressive staying power in uniquely devastating ways. As one of the most supreme beings in fiction seen in Watchmen, Dr. Manhattan exists as a matter-manipulating, universe-controlling quantum entity with few rivals theatrically.

Manhattan can teleport himself instantly anywhere (even to other planets). He can become intangible to avoid all attacks. He can disintegrate people into particles or modify matter on a molecular level. And if by some miracle you manage to destroy his body, he can regenerate from nothing almost instantly via self-assembly at an atomic level!

How does the Slayer handle this hax-filled package? Not well, I‘d argue! The Slayer loves ripping apart demons with his bare hands. But that‘s not happening here – his fists will swing futilely through the phase-shifting Dr. Manhattan. And most alarmingly, Manhattan can simply disassemble the Doom Slayer at a particle level the instant the Slayer gets within range. No amount of Argent plasma or BFG ammunition helps when your atoms get pulled apart!

Dr. Manhattan isn‘t perfect; his detached personality might make him underestimate opponents initially. Perhaps the Slayer could capitalize on this overconfidence. But given the reality-bending skills in his toolbox, I doubt even an immediate ambush would help the Slayer gain an lasting edge here.

While incredibly fearsome against mortal foes, the Doom Slayer has no reliable means to defeat someone as ludicrously powerful as Dr. Manhattan. The cosmic doctor‘s matter manipulation can counteract the Slayer‘s moveset and resilience. And with one transmutation wave of his hand, the Slayer‘s molecules get reduced to their base components. Game over!

Verdict: Dr. Manhattan defeats the Doom Slayer decisively. The Slayer can stay competitive briefly but simply lacks an answer for Manhattan long-term.

Kirby‘s Absorption Creates an Interesting Clash

While Kirby seems an unlikely choice given his cute appearance and small size, he boasts some shockingly potent reality-warping capabilities of his own that could counter the Slayer. After inhaling enemies, Kirby gains their powers – allowing him to wield the Slayer‘s own weapons and rage against him!

This is crucial because the Slayer importantly lacks ranged options for attacking aerial foes. Kirby however levitates freely and could maintain an untouchable height while bombarding down with the Slayer‘s chaingun, plasma rifle, BFG and other firearms. The Slayer‘s only way to counterattack comes from hurling debris or his Crucible blade‘s projectiles upwards.

That said, Kirby‘s tiny proportions makes for a huge speed disadvantage vs. the Slayer – so gaining an airborne angle won‘t be easy initially. The Slayer blitzes imp-like demons regularly and could stomp Kirby into a pancake before he gets airborne. On the ground, the Slayer certainly overwhelms Kirby.

BUT – let‘s say Kirby successfully floats high and starts unlocking absorbed Demon Slayer powers. Now he spams endless blood punch explosives, flame belch firebombs, frag grenades and lock-on rockets from the skies! And we know the Slayer can withstand his OWN extreme punishment for ages before going down. So even if the Slayer powers through his own weaponry, Kirby could have free reign bombarding him for hours while staying out of melee range.

That tips this battle Kirby‘s way – although it takes clever tactics and lots of luck given his physical liability. I‘d actually love to see this showdown occur because the conditions for either combatant to succeed make it compellingly close!

Verdict: Kirby has a 30/70 chance. If he absorbs Slayer weapons quickly before getting stomped, he can win after lengthy pummeling. But his physical deficiency makes early victory extremely difficult.

The Doom Slayer‘s feats battling demonic titans and absorbing literal hell energy put his power far beyond most gaming threats. But hopefully these analyses have shown what scope of abilities are necessary to finally topple this colossus.

Entry powers like Goku‘s reality-shattering physical skills, Dr Manhattan‘s matter manipulation, or Kirby‘s energy absorption traits demonstrate routes for opposing the Slayer‘s moveset specifically. Their divine-like qualities enable circumventing his formidable armor and endless fury in creative ways unavailable to conventional demons or monsters.

So while an extremely daunting task, the Slayer‘s reputation as untoppable gets put to the test by these reality-bending challengers! Their hax abilities provide rays of hope that this rampaging force could someday potentially meet defeat against all odds. But whoever battles the Slayer better come prepared for the gaming war of the century! No proposed victor here achieved easy, assured success given his peerless determination.

Let me know your thoughts on these matchups! And are there other god-level entities you think stand another chance at stopping the unstoppable?

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