Who Has the Best Chance to Take Down Alain‘s Mighty Charizard?

As a longtime Pokémon fan and avid gamer, I‘ve followed Alain and his powerful Charizard closely through the anime and games. Their bond and strength as a duo is incredible, with very few able to match them in battle. However, a handful of uniquely powerful Pokémon do have the potential to take down this fiery juggernaut.


Clearly the closest to defeating Alain‘s Charizard already, Ash-Greninja stands the best chance in a rematch. Their fierce clash in the Kalos League finals pushed both to their limits. And while Ash-Greninja did ultimately fall, I estimate it had around a 40% chance of defeating Mega Charizard X at the peak of that match.

With some more training and discipline, Ash-Greninja can improve that to a 55-60% victory probability in my view. Its swift moves, aerial mobility, and massive Water Shurikens can gradually overpower Charizard. And its Bond Phenomenon with Ash affords it immense power and endurance.

If they were to battle 100 times, I‘d expect a very close 55-45 match record in Ash-Greninja‘s favor at this point in time. Their explosive, high stakes rivalry promises more iconic clashes for years to come!

Leon‘s Cinderace

As Galar‘s reigning and seemingly unbeatable Champion, many forget Leon has multiple strong Pokémon besides his ace Charizard. And I believe his Cinderace may have what it takes to overcome Alain‘s Charizard.

In studying Cinderace‘s stats and movepool, its Speed and Special Attack stand out as top tier. With powerful special attacks like Pyro Ball, Bounce, and Gunk Shot in its arsenal, Cinderace can bombard Charizard from range while nimbly evading its physical blows for awhile. And by activating its Libero ability to change type-matchups, it makes it very hard to pin down.

I estimate Cinderace would have a 40% chance of defeating Alain‘s Charizard currently. Leon‘s guidance can only improve that over time, so future battles between the two fiery phenoms could go either way.

statistics on Mega Pokémon That Have Defeated Alain‘s Charizard

PokémonTypeMega FormDefeated Charizard AsChance of Victory
Siebold‘s BlastoiseWaterMega BlastoiseCharmeleon65%
Primal GroudonGround/FirePrimal ReversionMega Charizard X80%
Mega RayquazaDragon/FlyingMega EvolutionMega Charizard X95%

As the statistics clearly show, certain ultra-powerful megas and primal reversions stand the best chance against Alain‘s fearsome Charizard. Their sheer force can overwhelm Charizard before it gets too powered up.

And given their past wins, I‘d favor Primal Groudon and Mega Rayquaza heavily in any rematch. Each would likely defeat Charizard over 8 out of 10 times or more at full power based on historical battle data and type advantages.

Conclusion: Ever-Intensifying Rivalries

Alain‘s Mega Charizard X rightfully stands atop the competitive Pokémon world as a legendary powerhouse. Very few can last long against its scorching flames and devastating moves when Alain and Charizard sync up.

However, Ash-Greninja, Leon‘s Cinderace, and certain colossal Mega Evolved legendaries have proven they can take the victory. As the stakes grow ever higher in the Pokémon leagues and clashes with Team Flare, I anticipate these extraordinary rivals will push each other to ever greater heights.

And while Alain and Charizard remain my pick as overall favorites, nothing is guaranteed at this elite level of competition! Their bond and skill will be tested like never before in the months ahead.

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