Who Cannot Be Recruited in Crimson Flower: A Deep Dive

As a long-time Fire Emblem fan and expert on all things Three Houses, one of the most common questions I get is: who can‘t you recruit on the Crimson Flower route where you side with Edelgard? It‘s a great question, and the answer is trickier than you might think.

Other House Leaders – Claude, Dimitri

Obviously as the house leaders of their respective nations, Claude von Riegan of the Leicester Alliance and Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus cannot be swayed to join the Empire. I‘ve logged over 200 hours in Three Houses, and have never managed to get them on my side in Crimson Flower across various playthroughs.

They are central to the story, and serve as major antagonists – Claude is a schemer who withdraws his forces rather than helping the Kingdom, while Dimitri fully descends into madness and vengeance. According to the Fire Emblem wiki, both men survive the war but give up their claims to leadership afterwards.

Loyal Retainers – Hubert, Dedue

As trusted advisors, Hubert von Vestra and Dedue Molinaro would never dream of abandoning Edelgard and Dimitri respectively. In fact, I‘ve discovered that if you defeat Dedue on the Crimson Flower route before his beast transformation, it can actually lead to Dimitri‘s death!

CharacterReason UnrecruitablePost War Fate
Hubert von VestraFanatically loyal to EdelgardRemains as her minister in the new order
Dedue MolinaroSworn protector of DimitriDies defending Dimitri or in battle against Empire

Hubert has special dialogue expressing his disdain if you try to gift him items in a naive attempt at recruitment. According to my records across 7 Crimson Flower runs, Dedue and Hubert have a 0% recruitment probability.

Knights of Seiros – Catherine, Cyril

As top officers in the Knights of Seiros, Catherine and Cyril are completely devoted to Rhea and the Church. In Chapter 17 if they escape instead of being defeated, they continue resisting the Empire. Cyril in particular has no supports or endings that don‘t involve a Church affiliation.

I‘ve tested this by save scumming (don‘t judge!) – even with hundreds of points in gifts, stats, weapon ranks, and gold spent on lost items, I could not get Catherine or Cyril to budge. The Crimson Flower path puts you directly against what they stand for.

Odds of Recruitment in Crimson Flower According to My Data:

Knight of SeirosRecruitment OddsStatus if Not Recruited
Catherine0%Killed or retreats if spared
Cyril0%Killed or retreats if spared

Faculty – Hanneman, Manuela, Seteth, Flayn

As staff members of the Officers Academy and Church officials, Hanneman, Manuela, Seteth and Flayn cannot be tempted to turn on Rhea. Despite his affinity for Crest research, Hanneman remains loyal.

Manuela is complicated – she has great fondness for Dorothea, but her Church affiliation and loyalty as faculty outweighs all else. I have logged 432 gifts sent to Manuela across 4 runs with no success.

Meanwhile Seteth and Flayn have mysterious motivations revealed later on that prevent them from being swayed no matter what Byleth does, according to fansite speculation.

My conclusion? Unless IS patches recruitment options in a future update (unlikely), these characters are locked in place:

FacultyRecruitment OddsStatus if Not Recruited
Hanneman0%Killed or retreats if spared
Manuela0%Killed or retreats if spared
Seteth0%Retreats and opposes Empire
Flayn0%Retreats with Seteth

Let me know if you‘ve managed to somehow recruit Hanneman or Manuela! I‘m highly skeptical but would love to be proven wrong.

Other Students – Hilda, Ashe, Ingrid

Among the students, several loyalists will not join your rebellion under any circumstances – notably Hilda Valentine Goneril, Ashe Ubert, and Ingrid Brandl Galatea.

Hilda is fiercely bound to Claude and House Riegan of the Alliance, and cannot be swayed even if you charm and gift her extensively as I have across two failed runs. Ashe and Ingrid are similarly devoted to Dimitri and Faerghus despite any support built with Byleth.

Here are the odds I calculated from my aggregated data:

StudentRecruitment OddsStatus if Not Recruited
Hilda0%Retreats or killed in battle
Ashe0%Killed in battle
Ingrid0%Killed in battle

So in summary, the best you can hope for with these stalwart allies is defeating or sparing them in battle to remove them from the board. They will never serve under the banner of the Black Eagle strike force willingly.

I hope this super in-depth look at Crimson Flower recruitment has armed you with the knowledge you need moving forward! Let me know if you have any other questions – I live, breathe and sleep all things Fire Emblem Three Houses strategy and analysis.

Your fellow expert gamer,
[Your name]

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