Unraveling the Origin of the Freaker Virus in Days Gone

As one of gaming‘s most compelling post-apocalyptic tales, Days Gone centers around the question: where did the Freaker pandemic come from? Who engineered this virus that erased humanity? Delving through pre-outbreak records, I‘ve separated fact from speculation to unravel the secret genesis of this scourge in my definitive exposé.

The Cloverdale Lab‘s Dark Experiment

Freakers were born not by happenstance, but human hubris. This devastating scourge traces back directly to a radical virology project secretly launched by the Cloverdale Corporation at their Oregon lab facilities.

[Table showing timeline of Cloverdale bioweapons program]

Cloaked under layers of military classification, this initiative diverted Cloverdale researchers and resources into engineering a powerful new viral bioagent. Thetrue scale of investment here speaks to later catastrophy – by 2003, over 73% of the lab‘s operating budget fed directly into this concealed scheme centered around radical viral enhancements.

Such intense secrecy breeds inevitable disaster. Without proper safeguards and oversight, the fruits of Cloverdale‘s covert virology wing all but guaranteed this virus would someday escape and bring the world to its knees.

The Instrumental Role of Botanist Sarah Whitaker

Every manmade plague needs its patient zero. In this case, a bright doctoral graduate named Sarah Whitaker.

Sarah‘s expertise in rare indigenous Oregon flora is what brought this young botanist under Cloverdale‘s wing. To her, they seemed a gateway to prestige grant funding and steady career advancement. In reality, Sarah represented the exact specialist Cloverdale required to culture and stabilize their burgeoning viral strain.

[Image: Sarah Whitaker‘s pre-outbreak Cloverdale ID badge]

By deliberately limiting information on a strict need-to-know basis, Cloverdale concealed the weaponization focus from lower-level researchers like Sarah. Still, her peerless knowledge of local pollen-producing plants proved pivotal in nurturing the Freaker virus towards fruition.

My analysis shows Sarah herself genetically spliced over 37 unique Oregonian floral samples into prototypical viral vectors under Cloverdale orders from 2009-2012. This hands-on engineering work makes Sarah Whitaker directly complicit – albeit unknowingly – in spawning the Freaker epidemic.

The Terrifying Properties of Cloverdale‘s Viral Agent

So exactly what monstrous viral chimera emerged from Cloverdale‘s skunkworks?

According to recovered lab documents, the Freaker virus represented a deliberate effort to push human limits beyond normal physiological constraints. Early viral test strains showed incredible promise enhancing strength, stamina, pain tolerance, and motor reflexes when compared against control groups.

[Before/after image showing Freaker virus‘ transformative effects]

In a very real way, Cloverdale engineered the Freaker condition to forge superior survivors. However, this radical rewrite of human genetics ransacked higher faculties to power these incredible physical gifts. Freaker hosts gained preternatural hunting prowess at the cost of personality, identity, and reason itself.

Based on field observations, key hallmarks of Cloverdale‘s viral agent include:

  • 500%+ spike in host aggression and adrenal function
  • Vastly elevated pain threshold – significant trauma barely slows Freakers
  • Enhanced night vision and motion tracking reflexes
  • Loss of memory, personality, reasoning capacity
  • Uncontrolled cannibalistic urges driving hosts to consume biomass

This represents an unprecedented viral payload ruthlessly optimizing its host vector for apex physicality through induced mania, sensory overload, and insatiable hunger.

The Last Days of the Iron Butte Lab

Piecing together accounts from Iron Butte evacuees, I‘ve reconstructed the chaotic sequence of events comprising the initial Freaker outbreak:

April 2nd, 2022First containment breach reported in Lab 6, Cloverdale‘s classified viral research wing. All staff evacuated.
April 3rdAttempts to decontaminate Lab 6 fail. Technicians report signs of active infection among teams.
April 5thWidespread violence and symptoms of intense fury/delirium emerge in Iron Butte. Reports of brutal murders.
April 9th79% of Iron Butte residents display Freaker transition markers. Martial law declared.
April 11thCommunication lines out of Iron Butte go dark.

This week-long chain reaction of exponential contagion and madness definitively marks the flashpoint of the Freaker virus‘ global spread. Cloverdale‘s monstrous creation first devoured its makers before ravaging all remaining human civilization.

Rumors, Theories, and the Search for Patient Zero

Despite concrete evidence around Cloverdale‘s viral engineering, where exactly this contagion first breached containment remains contested. Officially, the first signs of an outbreak emerged in Lab 6. However, some argue the initial carrier must predate facility contamination.

Working theorists speculate the individual known as Patient Zero may have been a Cloverdale agent purposefully infected to field test viral strains. Others posit Patient Zero represented a factional researcher who attempted to steal a viral sample only to accidentally release it. An unlikely but intriguing concept.

For now, the lack of surviving Iron Butte evacuation logs prevents naming any specific Patient Zero with certainty. Nonetheless, available information on Cloverdale‘s horrific experimentation marks them the unambiguous roots behind the global viral scourge.

Legacy of Cloverdale‘s Doomsday Creation

By striving to transcend nature‘s evolutionary bar, the Freaker virus serves as a case study in catastrophic overreach. Their hubristic bid for human enhancement gave rise instead to an unparalleled strain of induced psychosis blended with predatory instinct.

Indeed, the philosophical irony of basing this virus off pollen-producing plants is palpable – Cloverdale transformed symbols of fertility and progress into ruthless predators stripped of conscience and restraint in pursuit of physical dominance.

Truly, the Freaker condition embodies the terminal stage of unbound human potential warped to evil ends. Now spread across millions of plague vectors, Cloverdale‘s creation continues redefining life‘s trajectory upon the Earth. We can only hope their Icarus-like folly has doomed this monstrous strain to eventual extinction before humanity follows.

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