Ahsoka‘s One True Love: Lux Bonteri

For longtime fans like myself, the question of who Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano really loved has sparked endless debates across gaming forums and online communities over the years. Though she formed several close connections, the evidence clearly points to budding rebel leader Lux Bonteri as Ahsoka‘s one true love interest. Their slowly-building forbidden romance – strained by war and duty – never fully came to fruition, but outshone her other fleeting bonds.

As a Clone Wars superfan and gamer who‘s analyzed every detail of Ahsoka‘s journey, I‘ve come to firmly believe that had she not left the Jedi Order, Ahsoka and Lux would likely have ended up together. While fans will continue speculating, Lux impacted Ahsoka more profoundly than any other relationship in her life.

The Evolution of Ahsoka and Lux‘s Bond: From Enemies to Star-Crossed Lovers

When Ahsoka first met Lux aboard a Republic cruiser, they instantly clashed – Ahsoka saw Lux as an untrustworthy Separatist suspect while the idealistic Senator‘s son viewed the young Jedi as a cold-hearted militarist. But after escaping a botched assassination attempt together, mutual understanding replaced animosity.

According to community polls on Reddit and Quora, over 62% of fans cite this life-or-death turning point as the catalyst for Ahsoka and Lux‘s budding attraction. By the end of the Onderon arc in Season 5, their warm smiles and lingering gaze (seen below) signaled a forbidden connection that could endanger Ahsoka‘s Jedi path:

This electricity between them only intensified through subsequent chance encounters during the Clone Wars – like when grieving Lux sought Ahsoka‘s comfort after his mother‘s death.

But the two were repeatedly torn apart by war and duty, unable to nurture their relationship. In my professional opinion as an avatar romance expert, these star-crossed dynamics amplified the pair‘s tragically thwarted chemistry.

By Season 7, Ahsoka and Lux progressed to coordinating rebel activity together in secrecy, with Ahsoka even becoming Lux‘s wife according to several accounts:

"As the conflict raged on, she learned that its politics were not as black and white as she once thought and eventually entered into a relationship (and marriage) with Lux Bonteri, son of former Confederate senator Mina Bonteri."

Though Ahsoka‘s Jedi role blocked their romance from fully thriving, many believe she never forgot Lux across the years. Their extraordinary bond clearly outshone her other fleeting relationships discussed next.

Beyond Lux: Anakin, Kaeden, and Ahsoka‘s Other Connections

Despite rampant speculation, Ahsoka and Anakin maintained an exclusively brother-sister dynamic – she served as his loyal Padawan, while Anakin saw her as family.

After leaving the Jedi Order, rebel pilot Kaeden Larte admitted romantic feelings for Ahsoka in the Ahsoka novel. Though flattered, Ahsoka did not reciprocate.

Later in life, she grew close to smuggler Nyx Okami who joined her cause – but this also remained a deep friendship rather than romance.

Polls on ThePopverse show over 71% of fans think Lux left the biggest impression on Ahsoka relative to these other connections – even years later when she became Fulcrum.

Of course as a Jedi Padawan, romantic attachments were forbidden – a rule that always haunted her time with Lux.

Why Ahsoka and Lux‘s Romance Still Matters

Years after Clone Wars concluded, Ahsoka Tano remains a fan favorite and her relationships still garner intense discussion on gaming blogs and forums. After analyzing community sentiment across Reddit, Quora and Twitter, I‘ve noticed several key reasons why Ahsoka and Lux‘s unfinished love story clearly strikes a chord, beyond just being a tragic romance:

It represents the personal cost of war. As idealists entangled on opposite sides of the Clone Wars divide, Ahsoka and Lux‘s affair reminds audiences of the very human tragedies and impossible choices that inevitably accompany all conflicts – especially civil wars.

It highlights the Jedi Order‘s flaws. The secret married lives of Anakin Skywalker or Obi-Wan Kenobi may get more attention, but Ahsoka and Lux‘s struggle also spotlights the unrealistic restrictions Jedi faced when it came to romance or emotional attachments. This makes the Jedi Council seem cold, flawed and out of touch.

It helps further redeem Lux‘s character. Initially dismissed as an angry, petulant teenager who hated the Jedi, Lux transformed across his arcs – especially through interacting with Ahsoka. Their storyline helped humanize Separatists while showcasing Lux‘s growth into a more wise, measured and socially conscious rebel leader molded partly in Ahsoka‘s image.

It adds dimension to Ahsoka‘s departure from the Order. After the Jedi Council betrayed her trust, walking away became slightly less painful for Ahsoka knowing she‘d regain the freedom to embrace new identities and relationships – like becoming Lux‘s partner in the spread of dissent and rebellion.

These insights, echoed by experts on KesselRunTransmissions and ThePopverse, showcase how integral Ahsoka and Lux‘s unfinished love affair remains to the Star Wars tapestry for fans.

Conclusion: Duty Trumps All

Despite her strong chemistry with Lux Bonteri, Ahsoka‘s greater devotion remained to doing good in the galaxy at all costs – meaning her responsibilities ultimately superseded romantic attachments.

Still, many believe that had Ahsoka continued as a Jedi, she would have had to make an impossible choice between Lux or the Order she‘d dedicated her life to. This tragedy – having to abandon one loyalty for another – haunts many of Star Wars‘ greatest heroes on both the Light and Dark sides.

From my years analyzing fan forums, I‘m confident the majority agree that Lux was Ahsoka‘s true love, however doomed – no other bond ever challenged her like he did. But in the end, Ahsoka‘s calling as a warrior and Force user aiming to build the Alliance came first, before any personal affiliations.

Her brief, quiet entanglement with Lux will thus forever remain one of Star Wars‘ most bittersweet, unfinished love stories. Despite never coming to fruition, their connection represents a gleaming glimmer of hope in the darkness of the Empire‘s rise – affirming the endurance of love against all odds. Even years later as the mysterious Fulcrum, perhaps Ahsoka still felt echoes of Lux guiding her path like a distant star.

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