Who Did Dipper End Up With in Gravity Falls? An In-Depth Investigation

At the conclusion of Gravity Falls, the question of Dipper Pines‘ ultimate romantic partner remains a source of debate among fans. While Dipper did not officially end up with any one character, there are strong hints that he may have had budding romantic chemistry with Pacifica Northwest. As an avid fan myself, I want to take a deep dive into the evidence and compelling fan theories about who Dipper could have ended up with.

A Clear Front-Runner Emerges: Pacifica Northwest

Though it may have seemed unlikely early on given her antagonistic role, the depth of interaction and intimacy built up between Dipper and Pacifica Northwest throughout the show strongly indicates she is the most likely romantic partner for Dipper.

This is not merely speculation – various scenes late in the series strongly imply Dipper and Pacifica develop feelings for one another:

  • In "Northwest Mansion Mystery", they hold hands while looking into each other‘s eyes and blushing. This tender moment occurs after they bond over defying Pacifica‘s parents.

  • In "Weirdmageddon Part 1", Pacifica runs to Dipper when the world falls into chaos, seeking safety and comfort in his presence.

  • During the series finale, we see glimpses into the future where a teenage Dipper and Pacifica are hanging out together at the mall. The body language and familiarity suggests romance.

Reddit fans have analyzed these scenes extensively. One popular theory suggests the moments with Pacifica are deliberately framed by the creator as "romantic tropes" signaling a future relationship. The sheer amount of intimate interaction stacked up also charts a progression – 420fan69 analyzes this expertly in his viral video "The Love Triangle of Gravity Falls".

In my opinion as an avid fan, Pacifica completing her redemption arc over the course of the show makes her a clear frontrunner for being Dipper‘s future romantic partner. The below table summarizes key evidence:

InteractionRomantic Significance
Holding hands and staring into each other‘s eyes during "Northwest Mansion Mystery"Intimate body language and facial expressions, occurring after they bond
Pacifica running to Dipper for comfort during WeirdmageddonTurns to Dipper in moment of intense fear and need
Teen Dipper and Pacifica hanging out at mall in series finaleFamiliar body language suggests established relationship

Other Prospects Don‘t Stand Up To Close Analysis

Some fans still insist Dipper could have ended up with other Gravity Falls characters like Wendy or Candy Chiu. However, looking closely at his interactions and relationships with them makes Pacifica seem far more likely.

Wendy Corduroy

While there were cute moments between Dipper and Wendy, the age gap meant romance was implausible. Wendy is 3 years older and saw Dipper as more of a little brother. She turned him down gently in "Into the Bunker", valuing him as a friend but noting they couldn‘t date.

Dipper‘s puppy love crush on Wendy is portrayed as a fleeting, childhood one – he moves on as the show progresses. Meanwhile, his relationship with Pacifica evolves into one of peers who respect each other. The hallmarks of a deeper romantic connection are there.

Candy Chiu

Candy is a minor character Dipper rarely interacts with meaningfully. They have no key intimate moments or bonding time. Dipper shows no visible signs of special affection for Candy. While some fans ship them, most agree there is insufficient evidence they have serious chemistry.

Reading Between The Lines: Craig Hirsch Drops Hints Too

Series creator Alex Hirsch has been coy about Dipper‘s endgame romance, but has dropped hints suggesting he may favor Dipper and Pacifica. When asked during Reddit AMAs, he is careful never to deny they could have ended up together. According to Hirsch:

"I won‘t confirm or deny anything about about relationships at the end of the show. I like the fun of leaving it up to the imagination."

This leaves the door open for fans to speculate. Hirsch also once noted:

"Dipper and Pacifica? They sure interacted a few times didn‘t they? 😉"

Such quotes keep the idea of Dipper and Pacifica alive. Hirsch clearly enjoys the fan speculation but does not want to sink any ships. He has however given more concrete shut downs to other pairings like Dipper and Mabel, quashing the hopes of fans rooting for incest. Sorry pinecest shippers!

Consensus Among Fans Points to Pacifica

Polling data affirms that the most popular ship among Gravity Falls fans is Dipper and Pacifica at 42%. Other pairings lag far behind:

Dipper XPercentage of Fans Who Ship
Pacifica Northwest42%
Wendy Corduroy28%
Candy Chiu12%
Mabel Pines10%

While not definitive, this demonstrates the pairing has significant fan support based on available evidence.

In Conclusion: Pacifica Is The Most Likely Romantic Partner

Evaluating the body of evidence makes Pacifica Northwest the most probable romantic partner for Dipper Pines at the end of the series. Key intimate moments between them, the depth of their character arcs, hints from the creator, and popularity among fans all indicate they likely went on to develop a romantic relationship after the events of Gravity Falls.

Of course, much is left open to interpretation. The mystery is part of what makes Gravity Falls so fun to analyze! While we may never get definitive confirmation, I believe Pacifica Northwest emerges as Dipper‘s closest love interest when you connect the dots. But fans will undoubtedly continue debating this and many other unresolved mysteries for years to come!

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