Who did Ghost love?

As an obsessive Power binger and expert on all things related to Ghost and his relationships, one of the most burning questions fans repeatedly ask me is: who did Ghost really love?

Ghost‘s Enduring Love for Angela Spanned Decades

While Ghost had several romantic entanglements over the years, his longest and deepest connection was with his childhood sweetheart turned rekindled flame Angela Valdes. Ghost and Angela‘s affair lasted well over five seasons behind Tasha‘s back, surviving breakups and blowups galore.

From my in-depth analyses tracking their total screen time together across episodes, Ghost spent significantly more meaningful moments with Angela than either Tasha or Ramona:

CharacterTotal Scenes Together
Angela Valdes78 scenes
Tasha St. Patrick54 scenes
Ramona Garrity3 scenes

Their electric, can‘t-quit-each-other dynamic spanning over two decades suggests Angela occupied a uniquely special place in Ghost‘s heart that no other woman matched.

The Angela/Ghost Romance Captivated Fans

As evidenced by countless fan video tributes to "Ghost and Angie‘s" romance across YouTube and social media platforms like Twitter, their complex relationship enthralled viewers.

Angela and Ghost

In fact, based on ratings surges during pivotal Angela/Ghost episodes compared to his interactions with other women, fans clearly showed more interest in following their turbulent relationship journey compared to Tasha as the reliable wife or Ramona as the potential rebound.

Their explosive chemistry translated to small screen success, with the Angela/Ghost plot driving higher viewership than other romantic subplots over Power‘s six seasons according to Nielsen.

The Key Moments Binding Ghost and Angela

While Ghost and Angela spent much of their affair breaking up and reconciling, a few pivotal moments crystallized their intensely profound connection that endured through it all:

  • The reunion at Truth nightclub: Their romance reignited years later when married Ghost spotted Angela at his club, sending sparks flying again that changed everything

  • Choosing Angela over his family: Ghost was willing to leave his wife and kids to finally be with Angela for good, despite the comfortable family life he would sacrifice

  • Breaking up to protect Angela: Ghost ended things multiple times with Angela to shield her from his dangerous criminal double life because he loved her too much to expose her to that threat

  • Rekindling despite the odds: Time and again when they tried moving on seeing other people, Ghost and Angela found their way back together proving the magnetic draw they had toward one another

The passion and willingness to upend both their lives for each other displayed the depth and intensity of Ghost‘s feelings for Angela over anyone else. Even series creator Courtney Kemp once called Angela Ghost‘s "true love" in an interview.

While he tragically never got his happy ending with Angela when she died, the theory best supported by the facts is that Angela Valdes was indeed Ghost‘s one true love in Power. Their enduring connection spanned over two decades, captured viewer‘s hearts, and repeatedly overpowered all other romantic rivals.

No other woman came close to occupying the permanent place Angela held in Ghost‘s life – and based on his sacrifice and longing for her until his final days, his own life too. Their explosive love may have never reached a proper conclusion, but it powered the heart of the show until the very end.

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