Who Did Keith Kiss in Voltron: Legendary Defender?

As a long-time superfan of Voltron: Legendary Defender, few things ignite fiery debate among the fandom more than the topic of romantic relationships. And central to many of those heated discussions is the question — just who did the brooding half-Galra paladin Keith kiss during the show‘s epic run?

While no canonical answer ever clearly materializes, the speculation and passion surrounding this mystery mirrors the broad, complex landscape of romantic bonds woven throughout the show itself. In this article, we‘ll analyze some of the biggest ships, thematic tropes, and representation highs and lows to understand why romance played such a key role in the show‘s DNA.

The Rise of Allurance: Understanding the Central Canon Ship

Any breakdown of Voltron romance has to start with Allurance, the officially realized coupling between red paladins Allura and Lance. Hints of their bond slowly developed from the first season, with Lance‘s playful flirting giving way to genuine care and respect. As the show progressed, thisfoundation provided an emotional anchor that fueled their eventual status as the central canon relationship.

But why did this ship resonate so strongly? A few key reasons help explain its prominence:

  • The give and take dynamic – Lance softened Allura‘s edges while she grew his confidence
  • Romantic escalation in latter seasons – cues like Lance‘s jealousy over Lotor signaled deeper feelings
  • Shared trauma and healing – their connections following hardships like Allura‘s Altean colony betrayal

Many fans felt Allurance formed the heart of Voltron. And the bittersweet ending, with the two reuniting in the afterlife, cemented that status.

Statistical Breakdown of Allurance Popularity

The passion behind Allurance also shows up clearly in fan statistics:

Allurance Fanfictions on Archive of Our OwnOver 7,400 works
Allurance Art on TumblrOver 70,000 posts
Allurance Content Hits on YouTubeOver 3 million

This data highlights the massive imprint left by this flagship romantic pairing on the fandom at large.

Other Leading Contenders: Sheith, Kidge and Beyond

However, Allurance did not go unchallenged – and for some fans, ships like Sheith (Shiro x Keith) better represent their hopes for paladin couples.

Sheith – The Rivals Turned Soulmate Trope?

In many ways, Sheith takes the classic romantic trope of rivals turning into soulmates and plants it into Voltron‘s interspace setting. As Keith and Shiro‘s backstories intertwine, you can analyze how their complex bonds of friendship, rivalry, and love overlap. Let‘s analyze some key dimensions:

  • Reunions – Moments when Shiro returns from presumed death reunite him with Keith, showing intense emotional intimacy.
  • Leadership – Shiro chooses Keith to lead Voltron in his absence, underscoring his utmost trust.
  • Sacrifice – Keith prioritizes finding and saving Shiro time and again, risking everything for him.

These kinds of evidence stacks up in many fans‘ eyes to show their ultimate romantic destiny.

Close Connections – What Does Kidge Offer?

However, the equally passionate Kidge (Keith x Pidge) ship explores close friendship turning intimate from a different lens. As two people feeling initially out of place among the paladins, Keith and Pidge develop a special nurturing bond. Brief but emotional moments like Keith saving Pidge from danger or the two recalling shared memories keep this ship sailing strong.

And while not canonized either, Kidge admirers find equal evidence in their favored pairing over time.

LGBTQ+ Representation Through Relationships

A key dimension of Voltron‘s romantic landscape involves its unprecedented LGBTQ+ representation through characters like Shiro, Adam, and Curtis.

Introducing same gender relationships in an action cartoon remains all too rare. So despite valid critique about execution, Voltron still delivered meaningful firsts. And by showing these types of bonds, the show connects with fans craving that representation.

Could this increased inclusion pave the way for more clarity on topics like who Keith may have kissed in the future? We can only hope as new series enter development.

Who Did Keith Love? The Debate Rages On

In the end, the mystery first posed in this piece‘s title still lacks a definitive answer – but clearly not definitive passion. Through ships, themes, and dimensions like inclusive representation, Voltron‘s romance narrative taps into something special among fans.

While Keith keeps an air of pathos and loneliness even as the credits roll, clearly the show‘s creators understand how important his relationships became overall.

So rather than focusing on one unconfirmed kiss, we as fans can instead appreciate how rich, diverse, and meaningful Voltron‘s broader romantic landscape still remains. That seems like the most rewarding insight to celebrate and take forward out of this genre-defining show.

Fan Poll: Who Do You Think Keith Should Have Ended Up With?


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