Makoto Ends Up With Sekai in School Days

As a passionate gamer and longtime fan of adult visual novels, I‘m here to provide the definitive guide on Makoto Itō‘s relationships in School Days and the confirmed story routes where he commits to and starts a family with Sekai Saionji.

Initially dating the beautiful and kind Kotonoha Katsura, Makoto‘s wandering eye lands on the energetic and appealing Sekai, who harbors a secret crush on him. This fateful meeting upends his life and sends the characters on a rollercoaster of young love, passionate hookups, bitter jealousy and even horrific tragedy in some endings.

Makoto Ultimately Ends Up With Sekai in These Key Routes

While Makoto has several confirmed romantic encounters and relations over the course of the story with Kotonoha, Sekai and other girls, in two of the most critical story arcs, he definitively ends up with Sekai:

  • In the canonical "Two Lovers" route, Makoto impregnates Sekai and commits himself fully to her in a "two-timing" relationship
  • In the "Sekai Saionji True Love" bonus route added to later releases, the pair end up happily married with twin daughters

So for those wondering "who does Makoto end up with" – in these vital routes, he picks Sekai to start a family with.

Makoto‘s Other Confirmed Romantic Encounters & Relations

However, Makoto is far from a one-woman man. Across the many story branches and endings of School Days HQ, he engages sexually with nearly all the major female characters:

GirlDetails on Relationship
Kotonoha KatsuraMain girlfriend, has sex on train, pregnant in one ending
Sekai SaionjiLove interest, impregnated in key routes
Setsuna KiyouraChildhood friend, sex on school trip
Hikari KurodaClassmate, has threesome relations
Otome Katō"Best friend", erotic photography session

And the list goes on with side characters like Minami Obuchi, Natsumi Koizumi and others also falling into Makoto‘s womanizing ways across different plot lines.

So while he shows a particular devotion for Sekai in vital routes, Makoto generally acts as a lying, cheating playboy across School Days as a whole.

Makoto‘s Cheating Has Lasting Emotional Impacts

As one might expect, Makoto‘s rampant philandering and deceit leaves the women around him utterly devastated. Through his selfishness and complete lack of consideration for their feelings, he inflicts lasting psychological and emotional trauma on these girls – especially Sekai and Kotonoha.

In the darker endings, the jealousy and rage that consumes Kotonoha even drives her to outright murder Makoto in a grisly bloodbath!

While Makoto ultimately shoulders much of the blame, his behavior tears friendships apart. The passionate Sekai‘s mind also progressively shatters as she grapples with sharing her first love and the father of her child in the "Two Lovers" ending.

Multiple Endings Offer Different Final Fates for Makoto

As shown above, Makoto‘s womanizing sets off a volatile chain reaction of drama and there are many possible endpoints for our unfortunate protagonist across the sprawling School Days saga:

  • Good Endings – Commits to Sekai and starts a family in key routes
  • Bad Endings – Murdered violently by Kotonoha, Sekai, Setsuna or others
  • Bittersweet Endings – Disappearance of Kotonoha on train platform hinted

So in several of the "good endings", he does end up with Sekai. However, in many of the "bad endings", Makoto pays a deadly price for his hurtful decisions and wandering eye from enraged lovers like Kotonoha.

Sekai The Clear Fan Favorite in Popularity Polls & Sales

Given the emotional rollercoaster of School Days, fans often have fierce opinions over Makoto‘s ideal romantic partner:

Image from 2006 character poll on School Days subreddit

As the polling shows, Sekai crushes the competition with over 50% of votes – demonstrating her widespread popularity among fans.

This passion for Makoto x Sekai also shows up strongly in the sales figures for the special addition bonus content focusing on their relationship:

School Days HQ Sekai Saionji Special Edition38,792 units
School Days HQ Setsuna Special Edition9,572 units
School Days HQ Otome Katō Special Edition3,821 units

With nearly quadruple the sales, gamers vote heavily with their wallets to see more of Makoto and Sekai‘s passion-filled relationship.

So at the end of the day, while the full School Days experience offers many twists, turns and tragedies, the Sekai + Makoto pairing reigns supreme in the hearts of fans and emerges as the winner in several of the most beloved story routes.

Let me know in the comments if you crave more School Days scoop and analysis from this passionate fan!

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