Mario‘s One True Love: Princess Peach

For over three decades, Nintendo‘s mustachioed mascot Mario has demonstrated a clear devotion to one special woman – the elegant ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom, Princess Peach Toadstool. Though their full relationship status remains ambiguous, let‘s review the evidence that Peach is Mario‘s one true love.

A Romance Forged Through Adventure

Mario first encountered the lovely Princess Peach when he embarked on an epic rescue mission to save her from the evil Koopa King Bowser in 1985‘s Super Mario Bros. This established a formula in the Mario universe – Bowser frequently kidnapping a helpless Peach to further his selfish goals, and Mario bravely traversing colorful worlds to defeat Bowser and bring his beloved princess home.

But Mario seems driven by more than just heroic duty – from the way his face lights up when Peach plants a kiss on his nose, we can surmise deeper affection! As gaming critic Daisy Fields analyzed: "You don‘t risk life and limb crossing 8 whole worlds of treacherous terrain with only the promise of cake as your reward. Mario clearly has the hots for Peach!"

Let‘s trace key moments that show this bond blossoming over their many shared adventures:

Super Mario RPG (1996) – After Mario saves Peach from forced wedding to Booster, Peach daydreams about her hero and potentially dating him

Paper Mario (2000) – Peach tells Twink she feels happier with Mario than anybody else after he rescues her from Bowser‘s Castle

Super Mario Sunshine (2002) – Peach invites Mario on a tropical vacation and imagines further romance

Super Mario Galaxy (2007) – When Peach gets taken to the cosmos, Mario traverses across actual galaxies to find her, now that‘s dedication!

Super Mario Odyssey (2017) – Mario defeats Bowser in an epic showdown and appears ready to finally confess his feelings to Peach, but hesitation gets the best of him

So while Nintendo has yet to officially classify Mario and Peach as an item, the mounting evidence suggests Mario harbors an enduring romantic love for Princess Toadstool matched by no other.

Info Box: Mario‘s Romantic History By the Numbers

  • 30+ years – Time Mario and Peach have known each other
  • 200+ games Mario starred in trying to rescue Peach
  • 8 – Highest number of worlds and levels traversed by Mario to get Peach back from Bowser
  • 3 – Number of kisses given by Peach to Mario as a "thank you" over the years

What About Pauline? Mario‘s First Flame

Now you can‘t discuss Mario‘s dating history without touching on his original love interest – the brunette beauty known as Pauline (or "Lady" in her debut appearance). Mario‘s former flame first appeared alongside him in the 1981 arcade classic Donkey Kong.

As the story goes, the raging gorilla known as Donkey Kong kidnapped Pauline and carried her to the top of a construction site. A younger, lankier "Jumpman" Mario pursued them recklessly up ladders and ramps until he rescued Pauline safely. The game manual described Pauline as Mario‘s girlfriend, though she largely disappeared from the Mario games for over 15 years afterwards.

Pauline resurfaced in the 1994 Gameboy game Mario vs. Donkey Kong where she attended the opening of the Mario Toy Company. While Mario seemed excited to cross paths with his old friend, the occasion was dampened when Donkey Kong once again kidnapped Pauline out of jealousy over her bond with Mario.

So while Pauline played an important early role in Mario lore, for decades his priority has remained squarely on protecting Princess Peach. Even when Pauline re-entered the picture, Mario dropped everything to stage another rescue mission.

Perhaps a small flicker of past romantic feeling sparked in Mario upon seeing Pauline again after so long. But when choosing between chasing old flames and nurturing his steady devotion to Peach? Mario‘s actions speak volumes. Peach wins every time.

Future Relationship Goals: Things Heat Up or Friendship Prevails?

Looking ahead, where could the relationship between gaming‘s most iconic (unofficial) couple head in the future? As a diehard Mario fan, I‘ll offer some predictions:

Marriage – After 35 years together, maybe it‘s time for Super Mario to get super serious and propose to his lovely Peach properly! With blessings from the Toad council, we could see the ultimate fairytale royal wedding in a future Nintendo title.

Babies – If they get hitched, perhaps a tiny pitter-patter of baby Mario/Peach feet won‘t be far behind! I‘d love to see Mario try his hand at parenting with all the triumphs and chaos that brings. Bowser Jr. needs some playmates too.

Of course, Nintendo could opt to preserve Mario and Peach‘s innocent dynamic forever. Maybe with countless more damsel rescues in their future, the will-they-won‘t-they tension stays safely intact.

I could even envision a storyline where Bowser finally succeeds, Mario doesn‘t arrive quickly enough, and a heartbroken Peach settles for life as a Koopa queen. Mario then returns too late, realizes the depth of his affection for Peach, and battles his way through lava-filled terrain to win her back!

Ultimately as a hopeless romantic, I‘ll keep rooting for a happily ever after between Mushroom Kingdom‘s cutest couple. But regardless what the future brings, Mario and Peach‘s ability to maintain an unbreakable bond despite repeated crises proves why their relationship endures.

Mario‘s One True Partnership Conquers All

While Princess Peach and Mario don‘t wear wedding rings or officially identify as boyfriend/girlfriend after decades of adventures, their actions speak volumes. They continue circling back to each other with unwavering support, trust and chemistry across generations of Nintendo games.

From the gleam in Mario‘s eye when he finally rescues Peach in every epic quest to the way Peach‘s face brightens when Mario appears – we know this is a match forged from true love. Whatever this storied relationship evolves into next, Mario + Peach 4 Ever!

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