Who does Baraka love?

As one of Mortal Kombat‘s original fighters dating back to 1992, the vicious Tarkatan warrior Baraka has carved out an iconic role across games and expanded universe content over the years. Known for his lethal blades sprouting from his arms, savage fighting style, and loyalty to Outworld leaders like Shao Kahn and Mileena, Baraka sticks to his warrior roots.

So when it comes to exploring Baraka‘s personal interests like romantic relationships, official information is sparse at best. But by looking deeper at some clues from both in-game content and developer statements, perhaps we can piece together an insightful perspective.

Baraka‘s Partnership with Mileena Hints at Potential Bond

Throughout many depictions of his Mortal Kombat journey, Baraka is shown fighting loyally alongside Mileena to conquer rival realms in Shao Kahn’s name. In the Mortal Kombat X comic series, Baraka swears allegiance to Mileena when she makes her power play claiming Outworld’s rule following Shao Kahn‘s death.

While clearly portrayed as a strategic partnership to install Mileena as Empress by brute force, fans have pondered whether Baraka’s loyalty goes beyond just serving his own Tarkatan people’s interests. Could romantic affection be fueling his dedication further? Their lethal tag-team chemistry certainly jumps off the pages.

Insight from Mortal Kombat Co-Creator Ed Boon

When co-creator Ed Boon was asked directly about Baraka and Mileena’s relationship status in a Twitter Q&A exchange back in 2020, his response left the door wide open for speculation:

Fan Question: Are Baraka and Mileena lovers or just allies?

Ed Boon: They DEFINITELY have a very "special‘ relationship built on mutual benefit.

While hardly outright confirmation one way or another about romance, Boon hinting at a “mutual benefit” beyond just being allies adds some strong circumstantial evidence a intimate bond may exist off the battlefield as well between these two brutal warriors.

Analyzing Factors For & Against Baraka/Mileena Relationship Theory

When considering whether Baraka harboring loving feelings for Mileena holds weight, there are several key points fans often debate:

The Case For

  • As earlier mentioned, the two are frequently depicted in story modes and character endings fighting side-by-side to take over realms.
  • Common enemies and sinister ambitions could strengthen their intimacy.
  • As outcasts from normal Edenian and Tarkatan society in many ways, Baraka and Mileena may find kinship together.
  • Mileena‘s Tarkatan-mixed visage means Baraka can likely relate to her and harbor affection without judgment.

The Case Against

  • Little evidence exists of outward displays of romance or affection between the two.
  • Much of their loyalty seems tied to serving their own people‘s interests.
  • Baraka has no qualms turning on Mileena when Kotal Kahn offers better terms for the Tarkatan race.
  • Baraka is absent helping Mileena during story elements featuring her romantic interest in Tanya.

So in the end, while Baraka and Mileena surely share a special bond as partners embarking on bloody quests for power, whether that expanded into physical intimacy remains unclear. But for fans who wish to imagine Baraka harboring secret softer feelings for Mileena underneath his vicious exterior, there are enough clues to make for an intriguing theory!

How Mortal Kombat Depicts Character Sexuality as Fluid

Stepping back from the question of Baraka‘s romance prospects specifically, the broader Mortal Kombat universe has made efforts to depict character sexuality as fluid across the board.

  • Mileena herself has been confirmed as bisexual, pursuing romantic arcs with both men and women like Tanya.
  • Kung Jin was revealed in MKX’s story mode as the series’ first openly gay character.
  • Netherealm Studios has supported fan interpretations of characters identifying across LGBTQ groups.

So whether Baraka ever finds love with another Tarkatan, an Edenian, or otherwise, there is space carved out in Mortal Kombat’s flavorful lore for exploring these types of backstories further through games, comics, films or otherwise.

That wraps up my deep dive exploring the question of romance for one of MK’s most savage combatants, Baraka! What did you think of the analysis of his potential “special relationship” with Mileena? And what other aspects of Baraka’s legacy intrigue you as we await his return in Mortal Kombat 12? Let me know in the comments!

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