Who does Bluestar love?

As an obsessive Warriors superfan, I‘m here to shed light on one of the most legendary forbidden romances in the whole series – the tragic love story between ThunderClan leader Bluestar and RiverClan warrior Oakheart. Their affair broke the warrior code, ended in heartbreak after the loss of their kits, and yet still persevered beyond death in StarClan.

Bluestar and Oakheart‘s forbidden warrior romance

Bluestar first met Oakheart at a Gathering when they were both young warriors representing ThunderClan and RiverClan. According to the prequel Super Edition Bluestar‘s Prophecy, the two felt an instant, electric connection. But as cats from conflicting Clans, pursuing a romance was strictly forbidden by the age-old warrior code that governs the Clans.

This didn‘t stop the star-crossed pair from falling deeply in love. They began secretly meeting at night in Fourtrees, perilously crossing Clan boundaries for a few stolen moments together. It was the cat version of Romeo and Juliet – caught up in the throes of passion despite the forces trying to keep them apart!

But one night, after sneaking out of camp, tragedy struck for Bluefur when her sister Snowfur was killed by a monster on the Thunderpath. Wracked with guilt over abandoning her sister to meet Oakheart, Bluefur swore she would dedicate herself fully to ThunderClan by becoming deputy and forgetting her affair with Oakheart.

Clearly that promise didn‘t last long, because a few moons later, Bluefur discovered she was pregnant with Oakheart‘s kits!

The heartbreaking sacrifice of their kits

As much as she loved Oakheart, Bluefur knew she couldn‘t keep the kits and train as the ThunderClan deputy too. So in one of the saddest scenes in Warriors history, Bluefur took her tiny newborn kits to RiverClan and had Oakheart promise to care for them.

Oakheart took in their two daughters, naming them Mistyfoot and Mosskit. Tragically though, tiny Mosskit perished on the journey across the river, never making it to RiverClan‘s camp.

The grieving Oakheart raised Mistyfoot alongside his brother Stonefur in RiverClan, while Bluefur kept her affair and lost kits a secret as she led ThunderClan as Bluestar.

Reunited in StarClan many moons later

After losing her last life saving her Clan from a vicious dog attack, Bluestar passed away, finally joining Oakheart again in the hunter‘s paradise known as StarClan. No longer kept apart by Clan boundaries or the warrior code, the two lovers were able to reunite at last.

According to the templates given on the Official Warriors Website, the average lifespan for a Clan leader is about 12 years. Bluestar exceeded this since she led ThunderClan for many moons. By the time she found Oakheart again in the afterlife, it had been over a decade since those secret nights meeting under the moonlight.

But their bond persevered – proof that some loves can endure beyond normal lifespans or even death itself.

How does Bluestar and Oakheart‘s affair compare to other leader controversies?

LeaderForbidden MateConsequences
BluestarOakheart (RiverClan)Had to give up kits, hide secret
CrookedstarMapleshade (Exiled)None
PinestarLeopardfoot (ThunderClan) then Sweetbriar (Kittypet)Had to leave Clan

Bluestar wasn‘t the only leader to break rules. Crookedstar trained with the vengeful Mapleshade when he was young, breaking a major rule about interacting with exiled cats. Pinestar infamously abandoned his Clan to become a kittypet with his Twoleg mate Sweetbriar.

But what makes Bluestar‘s story so heartbreaking is that she suffered so much loss trying to salvage the affair after her sister died. Being forced to surrender her kits and then have one die on the journey is truly one of the biggest tragedies ever depicted in the series in my opinion as a hardcore fan.

Final Analysis as a gaming content creator

Looking at the full arc of Bluestar and Oakheart‘s affair, it has all the dramatic notes of an epic forbidden romance. The electric first meeting, complicated by divided loyalties to their Clans. Sneaking out at night and battling the barriers keeping them apart. Then ultimate heartbreak when they have to give up their kits.

It‘s on par with the doomed love stories of Orihime and Hikoboshi in Japanese myth, or Lancelot and Guinevere of King Arthur legend. In fact, I think out of all the Warriors books, Bluestar‘s storyline carries one of the strongest themes of sacrifice and lost love redeeming itself. She lost almost everything, but proved the strength of her love for Oakheart by dying heroically to defend ThunderClan. And that earned her a blissful eternal reunion with her mate in the end.

As a fanatic gamer who analyzes story arcs in games, I believe this plotline will always endure as one of the most emotionally impactful ever included in the Warriors world. It has everything – forbidden passion, tremendous loss, and the power of love overcoming death itself. I wouldn‘t be surprised if many more controversial leader romances take inspiration from this original tragic tale of Bluestar and Oakheart.

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