Who does Jughead end up with in Riverdale?

According to recent reports, in Riverdale‘s sixth season, Jughead Jones ends up in a relationship with Tabitha Tate. The two move in together in the fictional town of Rivervale as the show takes a supernatural turn [1].

A Recap of Jughead‘s Past Relationships

Jughead has had a few romantic relationships over the seasons of Riverdale. Here‘s a quick recap:

  • Betty Cooper: Jughead and Betty, nicknamed "Bughead" by fans, were each other‘s first loves. Their relationship began when they investigated Jason Blossom‘s murder in season 1 and continued on-and-off over the seasons [2].

  • Jessica: In season 5, Jughead‘s live-in girlfriend was described as "train-wreck-y hipster" Jessica. She had lost interest in their relationship as Jughead was preoccupied writing his book [3].

  • Tabitha Tate: Tabitha first appeared in season 5 as the owner of Pop‘s Chock‘lit Shoppe. She and Jughead developed a sparring rapport as co-workers before friendship and eventually romance blossomed [4].

The Current Status of "Bughead"

So where does this leave the longtime fan-favorite relationship between Jughead Jones and Betty Cooper? In the sixth season, Bughead does not reconcile their romance.

  • In episode 5 of season 6, after escaping from dormancy in the Maple Trees, Betty and Jughead share a kiss. However, they do not officially get back together [5].
  • In the season finale, Betty proposes to Archie Andrews, her other longtime love interest, confirming "Barchie" as endgame [6].

Thus, Bughead remains a past relationship for both characters as they move forward with other romantic partners in the sixth season.

Jughead and Tabitha – Rivervale‘s New Power Couple

With Bughead no more, Jughead finds love with Tabitha Tate in Rivervale‘s alternate reality version of Riverdale [1]. Details on their relationship in season 6 include:

  • Veronica and Reggie are considered Rivervale‘s main "power couple," while Jughead and Tabitha cement their status as another one by moving in together [1].
  • Little is known yet about how their romance develops from the season 5 finale into this new cohabiting relationship. More details may be revealed in future episodes.
  • Actors Cole Sprouse and Erinn Westbrook have hinted at this romance in interviews, indicating it may continue for now [7].

The following data table summarizes Jughead Jones‘ key love interests and relationship statuses in Riverdale up to season 6:

CharacterRelationship Status
Betty CooperPast relationship
Tabitha TateCurrent girlfriend

The Future of "Jabitha"

At this stage, Jughead entering a relationship with Tabitha Tate appears to signal the show moving away from exploring Bughead romantic reconciliation in season 6 and beyond.

  • However, as longtime fans know, Riverdale relationships can take unexpected turns. So the future of Jabitha remains to be seen.
  • Opinions among fans are also mixed, with some "Bugheaders" hoping the couple will find their way back together eventually [8].

As a passionate Riverdale fan myself, I love analyzing these relationships and speculating what the creative team might have in store next! However, as a content creator I know it‘s also important not to state predictions as fact.

Ultimately, we will have to stay tuned each week to see exactly how Jabitha and other relationships develop or change over future episodes leading into season 7 and beyond!

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