Edward Kenway Settles Down with Linette Hopkins to Close Out His Turbulent Romantic History

After many trials and tribulations, the notorious Welsh pirate Edward Kenway ended his adventurous days by marrying a woman named Linette Hopkins. Together they started a family and settled down in Swansea, leaving behind Edward‘s turbulent romantic past.

Edward‘s Romantic History Filled With Passion and Turmoil

Prior to finding stability with Linette, Edward led a passionate yet troubled romantic life. He first married Caroline Scott, the daughter of a wealthy English tea merchant. Likely drawn in by her status and comforts, Edward soon grew dissatisfied with the predictable life of a gentleman. When Caroline tragically passed away, Edward set back out to sea seeking purpose.

He later became intimately involved with Tessa Stephenson-Oakley, an ambitious woman well-connected in high London society. Tessa recognized Edward‘s potential and aided him in purchasing property and climbing the social ladder. After over a year together, she became pregnant with Edward‘s child and insisted they wed. Their son Haytham Kenway was born shortly after their marriage in 1725.

While Tessa offered Edward financial stability, he still longed for grander purpose. He left Tessa and Haytham for long stretches, returning home only when it suited him. Haytham grew up resentful, believing his father never cared for him. This abandonment contributed to Haytham later becoming a devoted Templar Grand Master, ruthlessly determined to impose order at any cost.

Linette Hopkins Provides Edward an Escape From His Past Failures

Little is known about Linette Hopkins‘ background prior to marrying Edward. Given records showing her settled with Edward in Swansea, Wales, she likely came from modest beginnings. The circumstances around her first encounter with Edward also remain a mystery.

What does seem clear is that Linette offered Edward a sense of escape and normalcy that differed starkly from his past flings with Caroline and Tessa. Perhaps after years wasted chasing glory only to end up bitter and alone, the quiet domestic life with Linette proved a welcome respite for the aged ex-pirate.

Rather than seeking to change or chastise him, Linette likely accepted Edward as he was – a flawed man longing for simplicity and meaning. No agendas, politics, philosophies, or social ladders – just mutual understanding, intimacy, and creating a loving home. These shared desires finally allowed Edward to stop running and give his heart fully to someone after over 20 tumultuous years alone on the sea and estranged from relationships.

Edward and Linette Birth a Son to Carry the Kenway Lineage

In their short time together, Edward and Linette had at least one child – speculated to be a son based upon what is known of the Kenway lineage. This boy would go on to carry Edward‘s line and have children of his own, eventually leading to his descendant Ratonhnhaké:ton (Connor) two generations later.

While not endowed with wealth or notoriety like his older half-siblings Jennifer Scott and Haytham Kenway, this unnamed son still inherited the exceptional mental and physical capabilities passed down from both sides of Edward‘s hybrid Isu-Human ancestry. He may have lived his entire life unaware that legendary English pirate Captain Edward Kenway was his father. Yet the remarkable genetic inheritances still flowed on in the Kenway bloodline.

Conclusion: A Fitting Close to Edward‘s Story

Considering the pain and failures that plagued much of Edward‘s adult life, retiring to a quiet, loving life with Linette Hopkins seems a fitting conclusion to his redemption tale. No longer the arrogant young firebrand fixated on glory and wealth, Edward‘s world instead narrowed to the joy of raising a family with his beloved wife.

This closing chapter for Edward echoes the circular nature of life‘s journey. As he reflectively watches his young son grow and learn, perhaps memories return to his own boyhood chasing seagulls on the beaches of Swansea so long ago. While the Assassin Brotherhood‘s fate no longer rests on Edward‘s shoulders, his legacy persists in both his descendant lineage and the wisdom of learning what truly matters is not found in warships or social ranks, but rather in the arms of those we love.

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