Who Does Reyna Hate the Most in Valorant?

Hands down, the Agent that icy Reyna despises with every fiber of her being is none other than the tech-loving tinkerer Killjoy. Their relationship is bitter, intense, and hints at a deeper personal history behind the hatred.

As an avid Valorant gamer and content creator, I‘m diving deep on the lore to uncover why Reyna hates Killjoy so much. This secret rivalry is fascinating and gives insight into what motivates these characters. Let‘s analyze the theories and evidence around this vitriolic Valorant vendetta!

The Not-So-Hidden Loathing

The animosity between these Agents practically leaps out from the voice lines. When Reyna dominates Killjoy, she tauntingly asks "Where‘s your toys now, niƱa?" Her disdain drips from every syllable.

And Killjoy isn‘t subtle about her feelings either. Her preshoot line makes it abundantly clear: "Reyna…I hate that chick."

So the hatred is mutual, but why? What happened between these two to spark such bad blood? As an obsessive lore fan, I‘ve dug into all the clues to try piecing this mystery together.

Tracing the Roots of Reyna‘s Grudge

The most telling hint comes from Reyna‘s sister, as she hisses, "That‘s for Lucia…" after taking down Killjoy.

Who‘s Lucia?

Likely Reyna‘s younger sister, hinted to have been harmed by one of Killjoy‘s inventions in the past. This traumatic event seems to fuel Reyna‘s intense protective rage towards the technologist.

But would Killjoy really intentionally harm a child? That seems out of character for the normally ethical inventor. Perhaps one of her older dangerous designs somehow hurt Lucia before improvements.

However it occurred, Reyna clearly holds Killjoy responsible for the incident that damaged her sister. Her retribution comes in the form of each violence-charged takedown in Valorant matches.

Clash of Values

Beyond this personal vendetta, Reyna and Killjoy‘s core values set them in opposition.

As a Radiant, Reyna has a general disdain for humanity and belief that she represents the next step in evolution. Killjoy, meanwhile, cherishes her technical inventions and clearly affiliates more with her human origins.

These diametrically opposed perspectives around technology and humanity‘s future destiny them to clash.

Reyna also displays haughty overconfidence as she ruthlessly dispatches enemies, while Killjoy relies more on her equipment than raw power.

Given these dynamics, the tension between these agents was nearly inevitable. The harm to Reyna‘s sister only took a bad situation and turned the dial to 11.

Uncertain Future

Reyna and Killjoy‘s rivalry shows no signs of cooling off anytime soon. If anything, Reyna‘s resentment seems to intensify with each battle and bitter voice line.

But could there be a plot twist that redeems Killjoy in Reyna‘s eyes? Might the vengeful vampire ever forgive her most hated nemesis? I can only hope future lore developments reveal more on this combustible conflict at the core of Valorant!

For now, all we know is Reyna + Killjoy = Disaster. When these two lock eyes across the field, get ready for fireworks!

Let me know what you think of this explosive Valorant rivalry in the comments. And don‘t forget to like and subscribe for more of my lore explorations!

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