Who Has a Crush on Aoi? An In-Depth Character Analysis

At the start of the series, there are no definitive romantic relationships shown between Aoi and other characters. However, Aoi‘s close friendships and some subtle hints have led to fan speculation and discussions around possible crushes or romantic tension.

Aoi and Nene

Aoi and Nene have an extremely close friendship, being each other‘s most trusted confidantes. Nene often relies on Aoi for news and rumors, while Aoi depends on Nene for support and companionship.

Some fans interpret Nene‘s affectionate behavior towards Aoi as possibly indicating romantic interest. For example, in a comedic scene Nene insists Aoi sleep next to her and gets overly defensive when questioned. However, this could also just be a representation of their comfortable intimacy as best friends. More overtly, Nene frequently compliments Aoi‘s appearance and becomes shy or nervous around her at times. Ultimately though, their relationship remains ambiguous.

Aoi and Akane

Akane is defined by his devoted crush on Aoi, having confessed his feelings over 3,000 times. Though Aoi refuses his advances, some subtle signs suggest she may have some buried feelings for him:

  • Aoi never outright rejects the possibility of dating Akane, saying he‘d "have to try harder"
  • She becomes shy and flustered when Akane passionately confesses his love
  • Aoi worries about Akane and is quick to check on him when he‘s injured

However, Aoi also often expresses exasperation at Akane‘s dramatic declarations of love. She also shows no visible jealousy when Akane receives a love letter. So while an underlying attraction can‘t be ruled out, Aoi‘s feelings appear largely ambiguous thus far.

Interpreting the Signs

Ultimately, determining definitively whether other characters have crushes on Aoi is challenging. With slice-of-life anime and manga, romantic affection is often subtly woven into relationships without overt confirmation.

Creators may intend such open-endedness to fuel fan speculation and engagement. After all, the fun lies in interpreting those little signs and hints between beloved characters.

What the Future Holds

While Aoi‘s most significant relationships currently remain in romantic limbo, future story arcs may provide more clarity. Perhaps creators will Unexpectedly decide to develop an overt romance for Aoi down the line. Alternatively, they may feel her bonds with Nene and Akane work best by sustaining their wonderfully complex emotional intimacy.

For now, fans continue sharing their own passionate interpretations of each fluttering heartbeat and longing glance between Aoi and other characters. No matter what the creator‘s final intent is, the joys and connections fans find in these relationships remain real.

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