Who has a crush on Brock in Pokémon?

As a longtime Pokémon fan and anime expert, one of the most common questions I get asked is – who has a crush on Brock?!

The squinty-eyed Pokémon breeder may spend more time fawning over Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy than finding a steady girlfriend, but believe it or not, Brock has had his fair share of admirers over the years.

Let‘s take a nostalgic trip down memory lane and explore Brock‘s complicated romantic history across all the Pokémon seasons…

Temacu – The Marriage-Obsessed Girl (Indigo League)

Brock‘s first-ever on-screen crush came in the form of Temacu, a side character appearing in the 75th episode of the Indigo League titled "The Heartbreak of Brock".

As a girl borderline obsessed with getting married before turning 16, she instantly fell head over heels for Brock after he saved her from a bad fall off a bridge. Unfortunately for Brock, the feeling wasn‘t quite mutual.

While he enjoyed the initial doting affection and treatment from Temacu (including a free helicopter ride!), her intensity and marriage-craziness proved too much for the lonely Breeder.

After repeatedly trying to explain he wasn‘t ready for such a serious commitment, Brock eventually fakes his own death to escape Temacu‘s wedding-crazed clutches.

The Verdict:

Temacu makes it crystal clear she has deep romantic feelings for Brock from their first meeting. Too bad she cared more about getting a husband than who that husband actually was!

While this early crush proved short-lived, it kicked off Brock‘s future reputation as a girl-magnet across the Pokémon world.

Olivia – A Fellow Rock-Type Trainer (Sun & Moon)

After striking out with hundreds of women over 20+ years, the Pokémon Sun & Moon series finally gave Brock some luck in love with Olivia.

As a fellow Rock-type gym leader and Trainer, Olivia meets Brock while Ash is challenging the island trials of Alola. The two quickly hit it off, with Brock proclaiming it‘s "destiny" they crossed paths (his go-to line with the ladies).

Olivia even asks Brock out on an official date – a first for the longtime bachelor! They share a romantic picnic together and seem poised to start a genuine relationship.

Unfortunately, their future as a couple remains unclear before Brock heads back to Kanto. But for once, it looked like Brock found a crush with real long-term potential.

The Verdict:

Both Brock and Olivia openly display mutual affection for each other during their Alola encounter. Could this Gym Leader finally be the one to tame Brock‘s wandering eye?

Lucy – The Battle Pike Queen (Battle Frontier)

Aside from Olivia, the only other woman I consider a legitimate mutual crush for Brock is Lucy – the Queen of the Battle Pike.

Lucy first meets Ash and friends when they visit her facility in the Battle Frontier season. While not instantly lovestruck, she shows quiet but definite interest towards Brock after seeing him valiantly protect his Bonsly.

She agrees to a date with the smitten Brock, where they have a nice (albeit brief) dinner together. They part ways on friendly terms, but with both their faces visibly flushed, hinting at a mutual spark.

While they never officially become romantic, Lucy admits she‘s a "fan" of Brock and would be open to meeting again one day.

The Verdict:

No question Lucy enjoyed her one-on-one time with Brock over dinner. Although they live far apart, the Battle Pike Queen remains Brock‘s most likely candidate for a long-distance relationship.

Autumn – The Mysterious Beauty (Orange Islands)

I‘d be remiss not to mention Autumn – one of the first girls Brock legitimately crushed on in the anime.

Brock meets this enigmatic woman at Professor Ivy‘s lab in the Orange Islands season. Blinded by her beauty (and revealing outfit!), he instantly fawns over trying to impress her by showing off his cooking and Pokemon knowledge.

Unfortunately for Brock, his advances barely register on Autumn‘s radar. And once Ash and friends depart Ivy‘s lab, his prospects with her disappear altogether.

Still, this early encounter showed Brock was finally opening his eyes to romance – even if Autumn kept hers shut to the lovestruck Pokemon breeder!

The Verdict:

While there‘s little evidence Autumn shared Brock‘s infatuation, he certainly had his first major crush on the mysterious orange-haired beauty.

The Rest…

  • Professor Ivy – The one name Brock refuses to discuss after departing her lab! No one knows what truly happened between them.
  • Lola (Brock‘s Mother) – Temporary crush during body-swap hijinks but we shall never speak of this again!
  • Shiba – A partner for Brock introduced by Forrest who Brock seemed interested in, but the two never connected romantically onscreen.
  • Additional fleetings crushes on random girls throughout the seasons far too numerous to list!

The Bottom Line – Will Brock Ever Find Lasting Love?

Over 23 seasons, Brock has put himself out there more than anyone in the Pokémon universe. He‘s faced rejection hundreds of times over, but continues picking himself back up to shoot his shot again.

Will the lonely Pokémon breeder ever find that special someone to settle down with?

I‘d like to think so – but it may require leaving behind his wanderlust travels with Ash to focus on building a steady relationship.

With maturity and time, Brock remains an excellent catch for whoever captures his heart next. But for now, his one true love remains the road ahead and whatever new crush awaits in the next Pokémon region!

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