The Most Well-Read Person in History: Inside the Mind of an Extraordinary Bibliophile

His name may not be household, but Hernando Colón built a legendary reputation in the 1500s as one of history‘s most fanatical lovers of books. With a personal library surpassing 15,000 volumes, Colón possessed a drive to read that was unmatched in his era.

While many today can hardly fathom reading over 100 books in their lifetime, Colón routinely inhaled texts at ravenous pace. So what was the source of his extreme hunger for the written word? And what wisdom did he extract from his literary journeys?

Let‘s explore the extraordinary bibliomania of Hernando Colón – the little known hero of book worms through the ages.

Hernando Colón‘s All-Consuming Bibliomania

As the illegitimate son of famed explorer Christopher Columbus, Hernando accompanied his father on early voyages to the Americas as a young man in the early 1500s. But while his father sought gold and glory, Hernando felt a calling of a different kind – the magical siren song of books.

During his travels across Europe over 30+ years, Hernando relentlessly collected books to build a personal literary empire. He constructed vast libraries as he visited cities like Seville, Rome and Paris – going to exceptional lengths to rescue texts and copy manuscripts he desired. His zeal for amassing knowledge knew no bounds.

In the end, his library swelled to over 15,000 volumes spanning a jaw-dropping array of topics – from classical literature to astronomy, history to religion. Based on book lengths at the time, that’s an estimated 3.6 million pages that Hernando potentially made his way through.

And there are indications he didn‘t just hoard this collection like a literary dragon. No, Hernando dove in deep, studying various disciplines and faithfully organizing each new addition. It’s why he pioneered new systems for cataloging and protecting his precious books, producing one of the earliest known library catalogs.

Clearly, ordinary reading habits could not satisfy the likes of Hernando Colón. While most aristocrats viewed reading as a chore, he practically breathed it as sustenance.

Hernando Colon Painting

A painting depicting Hernando Colon (right) presenting a book to Pope Clement VII

How Hernando‘s Library Stacks Up in History

To fully appreciate the feats of Hernando‘s bibliomania, it helps to compare his collection against other famous book hounds in history:

NameEraNumber of Volumes
Hernando Colón1500s15,000+
Thomas Jefferson1700s~6,500
Henry Clay Folger1800s~80,000
Jay WalkerModern~50,000

As we can see, Hernando‘s personal library exceeded even the largest private collections of more contemporary times by wide margins. Of course, these are mere numbers – but the extreme effort he exhausted acquiring and managing thousands of texts demonstrates an almost fanatical dedication.

Imagine keeping up with so many new books hitting shelves today! Even voracious modern readers would strain to average over 400 volumes per year as Hernando did.

And his association with each book likely far exceeded that of a casual reader. No, he was more akin to a literary explorer – or perhaps information wizard – meticulously poring over pages in search of hidden spells with which to unlock the world‘s mysteries.

I like to think every creased spine and scribbled margin in his collection represented tantalizing breadcrumb trails into new realms of magical knowledge. What wonders must Hernando have glimpsed across thousands of literary adventures!

The Wisdom Within Extreme Bibliomania

Some may contend that no single person could thoroughly consume so many texts in a lifetime. But perhaps practical retention and application was never Hernando‘s endgame. Rather, the very act of reckless literary pursuit expanded his horizons and unlocked dormant facets of his character.

Who among us does not feel most alive when passionately chasing a new interest? Our enthusiasm sharpens our wits and imitation, allowing us to achieve heightened states. So in gorging his curiosity through so many written works, Hernando likely tapped into the highest version of himself again and again.

We all have personal legends waiting to be uncovered from the pages of new books. Like intrepid gamers discovering secret levels, bibliophiles experience reality on richer planes. More adventures await those who increase their living lexicon.

Even if we retain only impressions from the texts we consume, we still return from imaginary travels changed. The seeds of new ideas root within us, influencing thoughts and decisions that ripple outward.

And perhaps most profoundly, extreme readers like Hernando model the ability to live within manifold worlds simultaneously. As gaming has evolved into immersive multimedia worlds, so too can the written word engage imagination across boundless inner landscapes.

Bibliophiles enjoy ultimate freedom – no passwords or pricey upgrades required!

4 Tips to Unlock Your Inner Bibliophile

Reading broadly may seem too ambitious for busy lives. But by adjusting a few habits, we can carve out space for literary quests:

1. Always Carry a Book

Have an engrossing novel or game guide on hand for those in-between moments. Just 15 minutes here or there exposes you to new prose.

2. Join Audiobook Services

Listening while commuting, exercising, even gaming amplifies your intake. Audiobooks make texts more accessible.

3. Block Off Reading Time

Protect time in your calendar for reading every day or week. Consistency builds powerful momentum.

4. Mix Digital and Physical Books

Leverage technology for spontaneity while still collecting special print editions. Balance convenience and nostalgia!

Even starting small, a little bit of effort goes a long way. Like leveling up abilities in a familiar RPG, daily reading investment yields big growth over time. Soon you’ll unlock achievements to rival the great Hernando!

Who knows – perhaps one day scholars will study your library‘s remains too, hoping to extract the hard-earned knowledge you archived over an intrepid reading career.

I like to think Hernando would pass the torch gladly, eager for new generations of explorers to survey the landscape of human ideas and carry those treasures even farther.

So tap into your inner bibliophile today – a world of wonders awaits! Just turn the page and let curiosity cast the first spell…

Person reading while surrounded by books

Fuel romantic dreams of hidden knowledge through renewed passion for books!

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