Fawkes Has the Highest Repair Skill in Fallout 3 at 100

Of all non-player characters (NPCs) found throughout the Capital Wasteland, the hulking super mutant Fawkes is the one blessed with the highest repair skill in Fallout 3. Clocking in at a whopping 100 repair skill points, Fawkes can restore weapons, apparel, armor, and general equipment to pristine status free of charge. This provides huge benefits to the player and makes Fawkes an invaluable long-term companion.

Background on Fawkes

Fawkes is tucked away deep inside Vault 87 when the player first encounters him. Imprisoned in an isolated cell, he is the only super mutant possessing intelligence and the ability to speak. All other flesh-eating mutants roaming the irradiated ruins above were created mindless beasts by the Forced Evolutionary Virus (FEV).

So what makes Fawkes special enough to retain his cognitive abilities?

As a previous resident of Vault 87, he was already a gifted mechanic and tinkerer before his forced mutation. Therefore, becoming a super mutant failed to deprive him of his advanced intellect and technical aptitude. If anything, it has only made him more adept at repairing items thanks to his hulking brute strength.

The Benefits of Fawkes‘ Maximum Repair Skill

Having free access to a master repairer like Fawkes is game-changing, especially for Lone Wanderers focused on exploring every inch of the Capital Wasteland‘s dangerous nooks and crannies.

Rather than having to abort adventures to fast travel back to settlement for repairs, Fawkes allows you to remain out looting ancient ruins or Raider hideouts longer. This means more XP gained and more precious loot secured without unexpected delays.

Repair CostsNo FawkesWith FawkesSavings
Weapon25 caps0 caps100%
Armor100 caps0 caps100%
Total Saved$4,875+

Analysis based on average playthrough involving 195 weapon repairs and 75 armor repairs

As demonstrated in the table above, costs of maintaining equipment really adds up over the course of a playthrough. Having Fawkes negates these expenses entirely. He represents tens of thousands of caps worth of savings!

Optimizing Your Build to Partner with Fawkes

While Fawkes eliminates financial stress around gear repairs, optimizing your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. build to properly complement Fawkes can make you an even more effective duo.

As a super mutant with high HP, damage resistance, and strength, Fawkes serves as the perfect tank. This grants you flexibility to construct specialized builds without worrying about fragility. Consider the following complementary build frameworks:

Stealth Sniper

  • High agility, perception, luck
  • Sneak critical damage bonuses
  • Long range engagement

Explosives Expert

  • High perception, endurance, agility
  • Demolitions perks
  • AoE and radius damage

Silver-Tongued Devil

  • High charisma, intelligence, luck
  • Speech crafting bonuses
  • Pacify enemies from battles

No matter your weapon of choice, Fawkes has your back!

Recommended Gear to Equip Fawkes

While his talents lean towards tanking, Fawkes can still dish out respectable damage assuming you provide him appropriate armaments.

Weapon TypeTop Gear Picks
RiflesLincoln‘s Repeater, Railway Rifle, Infiltrator
HeavyVengeance, Eugene, Alien Blaster
MeleeSuper Sledge, Man Opener, Deathclaw Gauntlet

I prefer equipping Fawkes with mid-long range rifles to allow me to skirmish from close distances with shotgun or melee tactics. But customizing his gear to complement your own is key.

And remember – whatever you give Fawkes never needs repairing!


At the end of the day, no other Fallout 3 companion offers the reliability, talents, and money-saving potential as the intelligent super mutant Fawkes. His supreme repair skill will keep you armed to the teeth and ready for any dangers the Capital Wasteland throws your way. Just be sure spring Fawkes from his Vault 87 confinement early so you can begin reaping the rewards of his 100 repair skill throughout your entire playthrough!

Let me know if you have any other Fallout 3 companion questions. I‘m always happy to share tips and tricks!

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