Who is Agent 6 and 7 in Splatoon? An In-Depth Investigation

As an avid Splatoon player and content creator, I‘ve done some deep diving into analyzing the mysterious identities of Agent 6 and 7. While their official identities remain unknown, various intriguing theories continue swirling amongst fans. Let‘s explore what we know so far and some compelling possibilities on who these secret agents might turn out to be!

What We Know About Splatoon‘s Agent Program

First, a quick refresher on the agent numbers that have been revealed so far:

Agent NumberIdentity
Agent 1Callie
Agent 2Marie
Agent 3The playable Inkling character from the original Splatoon
Agent 4The playable Inkling character from Splatoon 2
Agent 8The Octoling character playable in the Octo Expansion DLC

So while we‘ve met Agents 1 through 4 and 8, the identities of Agent 5, 6, and 7 continue to elude us. But studying patterns and clues from existing agents can help guide our speculation on these unknown operators!

Prominent Theories on Agent 6 and 7

Dedicated Splatoon fans and theorists have proposed various ideas on who Agents 6 and 7 could secretly be:

Pearl and Marina Theory

As the witty hosts of Inkopolis news and the central stars of Splatfest events, many speculate Pearl and Marina might actually be part of the agent program themselves. Their constant insider knowledge of Splatfest themes has fueled suspicions that these pop icons may play a deeper role behind-the-scenes. Many theorize Pearl as Agent 7 and Marina as Agent 6.

Pearl and Marina Fan Art

Fan art depicting Pearl & Marina in agent gear by Splat.Eth

New Playable Character Theory

Another popular theory suggests Agent 6 and 7 may end up being entirely new playable story mode characters in a future single-player campaign or DLC expansion. Just as Agent 3, 4, and 8 starred as the playable central characters in their respective game modes, some fans think 6 and 7 are being reserved as future playable octoling and/or inkling personalities.

Secret Boss Theory

Rather than being playable characters, some fans speculate Agent 6 and 7 might show up as challenging secret boss battles – perhaps protecting vital resources or intel. This could act as thrilling endgame content for seasoned players.

Analysing the Evidence

While theories abound, I‘ve taken a deeper analytical look at patterns, breadcrumbs, and clues that might hint at the true identities of these mysterious Splatoon operatives.

Analyzing Existing Agent Numbers

Studying the existing agent numbers shows a clear pattern that they‘re assigned based on the order they joined the New Squidbeak Splatoon:

  • Agent 1 – Callie
  • Agent 2 – Marie
  • Agent 3 – The player character in the first Splatoon game
  • Agent 4 – The player character in Splatoon 2
  • Agent 8 – The Octo Expansion player character

So if Agents 6 and 7 joined the organization before Agent 8, they are likely established characters pre-dating Splatoon 2.

Personality Archetypes

Also notable is that each agent tends to have a very distinct visual design and personality:

  • Agents 1 & 2 (Callie & Marie) – Pop icons known for musical performances
  • Agent 3 – Usually depicted as a trendy youth wearing fresh streetwear-inspired gear
  • Agent 4 – Sporty athletic design wearing training gear
  • Agent 8 – Edgy punk visuals often shown playing the guitar

This suggests Agent 6 and 7 will continue having very distinct archetypal personalities through their visual/music design.

My Best Speculative Guess for Agent 7 & 6

Analyzing all the evidence has led me to my own original speculative prediction on who these elusive operators might actually be!

Agent 7 – Ania, Newscaster

I speculate Agent 7 may be a brand new character – perhaps a third newscaster co-host that joins Pearl & Marina on Inkopolis news. My own original fan art depicts how I envision her below:

Agent 7 Fan Art

I see Agent 7 filling an archetypal role as a trendy, fashionable city reporter who would fit seamlessly into a three-host Inkopolis News panel. Her insider scoops hint she may be secretly working undercover while appearing as an ordinary newscaster on the surface!

Agent 6 – Emperor, Octarian Defector

For Agent 6, I foresee the possibility of a high-ranking Octarian commander who has abandoned the Octarian army and now works as a double agent secretly aligned with the New Squidbeak Splatoon. Fan art of my vision for this character:

Agent 6 Fan Art

I envision Agent 6 maintaining visual ties to Octarian culture through samurai-influenced gear. As a high ranking insider, he would be uniquely positioned to feed vital intel on Octarian plans and movements to the New Squidbeak Splatoon.

So while purely speculation, I believe these two original character concepts – Ania the trendsetting newscaster and Emperor the Octarian commander turned double agent – seem like compelling candidates for the elusive Agent 6 and 7 roles!

Only time will tell if future Splatoon installments officially confirm or refute these predictions. But the thrill of speculating and looking for clues on who these mystery operatives might be continues driving intrigue and theorycrafting amongst Inkopolis‘ most devoted agents! I know I‘ll be keeping my eyes peeled for any new evidence or breadcrumbs concerning Agents 6 and 7 when Splatoon 4 rolls around!

Let me know which theories you find most compelling in the comments! And stay tuned here for more in-depth Splatoon lore investigations. Until next time, this has been Agent V (Vanessa) signing off!

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