Who is Aokiji‘s Father in One Piece?

As an avid One Piece gamer and manga enthusiast, one of the biggest mysteries for me is the unknown identity of Aokiji‘s father. Despite his importance to the story, Oda has yet to reveal his parentage. However, we can analyze the possibilities based on Aokiji‘s ties to other figures in the One Piece world. Grab some meat on a bone and join me in exploring this mystery!

Aokiji‘s Backstory: Training Under Zephyr

While Aokiji‘s early history remains vague, we know he trained under Navy HQ Instructor Zephyr, aka "Blackarm" Z. As one of the most powerful Navy heroes, Zephyr was incredibly selective, only taking on apprentices like Aokiji, Borsalino, Sakazuki, and Issho who displayed exceptional potential [1]. Under Z‘s hardcore tutelage, these prodigies grew into the Navy‘s most formidable fighting force.

Could Zephyr himself be Aokiji‘s father? Their bond seems solely that of a master-student relationship. But it‘s an intriguing possibility!

Aokiji‘s Friendship with Smoker

Fellow Navy man Smoker hints at a long history with Aokiji, who casually refers to him by his nickname "Smo-yan." In the Punk Hazard arc, Aokiji saves Smoker from Doflamingo and mentions "old times," indicating a possible friendship dating back years [2].

While we have no proof Smoker is related to Aokiji, their familiarity shows that Aokiji had close Navy ties long before the main story began. More clues to piece together his past!

Respect Between Allies and Enemies

For a Navy leader of Absolute Justice, Aokiji shows surprising generosity to pirates like Luffy and Robin. He recognizes Luffy‘s charismatic leadership and Robin‘s suffering, enough to let them both escape Ohara. After the timeskip, he shockingly leaves the Navy to join Blackbeard [3].

Could Aokiji‘s father have been an enemy pirate? Or perhaps a criminal facing Navy prejudice? Aokiji‘s flexible morals certainly allow for such a dramatic backstory!

Aokiji‘s Powers: Hie Hie Fruit

Gaining ice powers from the Hie Hie Fruit, Aokiji can freeze even the sea itself with his "Ice Age" move [4]. He can also create weapons and limbs from ice, replacing the leg he lost battling Sakazuki. Only few fighters like Akainu or Whitebeard can match his Logia might!

If Aokiji‘s father was a Devil Fruit user, perhaps he also wielded a natural element like ice or fire. Or their powers may contrast completely, like Aokiji‘s cold abilities versus Akainu‘s lava heat. Either way, inherited skills could be a clue towards Aokiji‘s lineage!

Final Verdict: A Mystery Yet Unsolved

While Aokiji‘s past remains clouded, uncovering it would shed light on his decisions concerning Luffy, Robin, and Blackbeard. It may also reveal the source of his justice views that defy Navy norms. For now, I‘ll just have to replay theorizing it all with my crew on Discord after we finish grinding this weekend‘s special quests!

What do you think of Aokiji‘s mysterious father, gamers? Share your own theories in the comments!


[1] https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Zephyr

[2] https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Smoker

[3] https://gamerant.com/one-piece-aokiji-blackbeard-pirates-why/

[4] https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Hie_Hie_no_Mi

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