Who is Ash Ketchum‘s Wife? An Investigative Report

After decades of adventures across regions, Ash Ketchum from the Pokémon anime still does not have a confirmed wife or romantic partner. However, evidence points toward two potential candidates for the future role – his long-time traveling companions Misty and Serena.

As an investigative Pokémon gaming journalist, I analyzed Ash‘s relationships with each girl in depth, considering both official canon details and observational speculation. After compiling the data, the answer becomes clear: If Ash did get married based on his existing connections, Serena stands as the likely bride.

A Deep Dive Into Ash and Misty

Misty, the Cerulean City gym leader, joined Ash early in his journey as an experienced mentor in Pokémon. Across their Kanto and Johto travels, they formed a profound bond – but did sparks ever fly between them? Let‘s examine the evidence.

  • Over 275 episodes traveling together, their relationship retains an essence of brotherly-sisterly connection mixed with playful teasing.
  • Misty overtly stated aspirations to marry Ash one day. However, Ash reacted with shock and confusion in response.
  • After Misty‘s departure from the show in 2002, romantic escalation has not occurred in intermittent reunion scenes.

In conclusion – Misty undoubtedly cares for Ash deeply after their formative years together. Her one-sided romantic remarks signal her willing affection. However, Ash views her as family rather than a love interest.

Could his perspective shift in the future? Perhaps so. But given 17 years and counting in real-world time without relationship evolution, Ash marrying Misty stays unlikely based on current trajectories.

Serena – The Kalos Queen and Ash‘s Ultimate Match?

Serena, a Pokémon performer, joined Ash on his XY&Z journey holding inner admiration for him from a childhood incident when they first met at summer camp. Across their quest, abundant evidence mounted of escalating romantic attraction:

  • Serena blushed or displayed nervousness around Ash in over a dozen episodes – definite crush symptoms!
  • She made it a priority to support Ash‘s dream and personal growth across battles or setbacks.
  • In the climatic final episode, she kissed Ash on the cheek after an emotion-filled farewell scene.

The verdict? Serena harbors definitive non-platonic affection for Ash as directly witnessed in the animation. The creators even confirmed her kiss aimed to transmit heartfelt love from her perspective.

And while Ash has not openly reciprocated this affection, their bond undeniably intensified across the XY&Z seasons. Many reviewers called them one of the most natural and touching Ash partnerships to date.

If Ash ended up with someone he already knows, I believe Serena stands at the top contender based on their portrayed history together.

The Ultimate Fate of Ash’s Love Life

The current Sun and Moon saga shows little evidence that Ash maintains any romantic inclinations as of now. He remains wholly preoccupied with pushing higher into the Pokémon championships, leaving matters of love in the backseat.

However, the animated series made one detail clear – neither Misty nor Serena permanently exits Ash’s world after their departures. Both return for guest appearances in later episodes or movies with nostalgic reunions full of playfulness, warmth and affection with Ash.

This indicates no doors have fully closed yet. So if wedding bells ever do chime for Mr. Ketchum, I suspect Misty could resurface at the ceremony as a lifelong best friend. But the one wearing white beside Ash? My money lies with Serena as his destined partner based on the romantic writing on the wall.

Yet until the creators confirm Ash‘s romantic fate, we as viewers and gamers alike can only keep dreaming of when our favorite dense protagonist might open his eyes to true love. Thank you for joining me on this analytical exploration of the evidence at hand – who knows what awaits our hero in the next adventure!

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