Who is Ayato shipped with?

As an avid Genshin Impact player and shipping enthusiast, I get asked this question a lot – who is Kamisato Ayato commonly shipped with? Based on popularity across fanfiction sites, forums and social media platforms, the leading Ayato ships are:

  1. ThomaTo (Ayato x Thoma)
  2. YaeYato (Ayato x Yae Miko)
  3. AyaTo (Ayato x Ayaka)

Let‘s analyze why these particular romantic pairings dominate when it comes to our favorite head of the Kamisato clan.

ThomaTo: Opposites Attract

The rich nobleman x humble commoner dynamic makes ThomaTo a tantalizing ship for many players. While excitable, down-to-earth Thoma often plays the wide-eyed innocent, fanworks portray Ayato as more aloof and cunning with a hidden playful side reserved only for his lover.

ShipPlatform# of Works

As the above table indicates, ThomaTo ranks first amongst all Ayato pairings on AO3, with stories riffing on their complementary natures. Some highlight Thoma‘s ability to help the overworked Ayato relax, while others dive into more sensual territory as the men explore their physical chemistry.

YaeYato: Mystic Romance

What happens when two cunning and mystical personalities start scheming together? A lot of appealing narrative potential, apparently!

YaeYato comes in second place when tallying up fanworks involving our onikabuto loving duelist. Yae Miko‘s centuries old history couples deliciously with young lord Ayato to create time-bending scenarios brimming with angst, tension and secret rendezvous under moonlight.

Not to mention, implying something steamy might be brewing between two foxy confidantes ticks all the boxes for an tantalizing ship.

AyaTo: The Incest Thing

Now I know incest pairings make many folks uncomfortable, but the undeniable chemistry between the Kamisato siblings keeps AyaTo afloat amongst Ayato shippers. Whether you see them as long parted childhood friends finding romance, or clinging to one another in a world of political deceit, their bond continues capturing imagination.

And if you simply like their yin/yang dynamic of graceful, composed Ayaka with the more blunt and assertive Ayato, the appeal remains strong, familial relation regardless.

Of course, I advocate responsible interpretation of fictional relationships – but the heart wants what it wants sometimes, doesn‘t it? At least the content stays respectful.

Comparing Ayato‘s Ships to Other Characters

To put Ayato‘s ships in context, let‘s compare them briefly to two prominent Genshin pairings:

Yoimiya x Ayaka (Ayamiya) – sweet summer child x elegant princess – ranked #2 behind EiMiko (Raiden Shogun/Yae Miko) in Inazuma character ships

Chongyun x Xingqiu (Chongqiu) – exorcist x bookworm – #1 Liyue male/male ship

As we can see, Ayato holds his own amongst Genshin‘s shipping titans! The array of appealing romantic foil dynamics keeps fan content flowing steadily. And our list barely even scratches the surface of non-conventional Ayato pairings that enthral specific fans, like Ayato x Scaramouche….but we‘ll save that analysis for another time!

The World of Genshin Shipping Fandom

On the whole, shipping fandom caters to a wide spectrum of preferences across gender identities, sexual orientations and degrees of fantasy scenarios (some more intense than others!).

By its nature, creative fandom expands past canon into "what if?" territory. As long as we do so responsibly and avoid harmful assumptions, we can collectively enjoy a colorful realm rich in every variety of romantic exploration.

In summary – ship and let ship! And if you have requests for other Genshin relationship analyses like this one, find me on TravelerFan987 forums!

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